Reality Check with James Campion
James Campion
'Homeland Security is a sham. It is a cover, a band-aid for a gaping
Ridge is a jabbering ass and a con man, and because his
Homeland Security is a government appointed quagmire of bizarre innuendo
wild prognostications, we are stuck with him and his ilk for an Edgar
Allen Poe stretch of time: Evermore.
That is because Homeland Security is another government agency created
from the ashes of the other government agencies that failed to do what
they were paid to do in the first place. And it is yet another in a
long line of American institutions born of laziness and gullibility.
It is the second full day of the latest High Security Alert sent
down from this miraculously insane money pit headed up by Ridge and
posse. Its an Orange Alert dont you know? And what does
that mean
anyway, High Alert? Orange? Are there instructions that go with this,
are we to assume High Alert and Orange mean something to someone
You know what it really means?
Homeland Security is a sham. It is a cover, a band-aid for a gaping
wound, and not just the one in Lower Manhattan where the World Trade
Center used to be, but also the bigger ones at the once defunct and
now wholly resurrected Pentagon and the vacant hallways of the Central
Intelligence Agency. It is the answer to our governments monumental
failure to protect our borders, even after decades of international
abuses and ignoring the blatant signs of backlash that were oh so prevalent
to those mocked as doomsayers and goof balls only five short years ago.
Homeland Security is also a glaring example of the great American
tradition: The Excuse. This Excuse annexes a staggered glut of tax
monies to provide jobs for the unemployable sops that crawl around the
darker corners of Washington looking for a handout while the police
military lounge around waiting for the Next Big Thing.
Because other than that, what in the good name of the Pet Rock do
we need Homeland Security for?
To allow the government, ignoring the dangers of pussy footing
with Arab oil mob types for a half century, to save face after the next
national disaster? Or does it merely allow politicians to make noise
after every terrorist rumor so they can eventually congratulate themselves
when nothing happens or throw their collective hands up when the shit
goes down and tell everyone they told you so?
This is what these people do. They love to specialize and homogenize
problems away, a sort of Mr. Clean for social dilemmas.
You see Homeland Security is not unlike the curious invention of the
Hate Crime. I can no longer recall a day when beating someone tied to
a fence with tire irons for no social reason was not considered a crime
of hate. Yet we had to invent something for the abuses of gays and minorities
and women. The real laws governing our protection and justice against
murderous thugs were not enough. It needed to be qualified to Hate Crimes.
The specialization of America continues with Homeland Security.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation isnt an expensive enough attempt
at securing the homeland. We needed Homeland Security for this. This
is a practice akin to union workers expanding two jobs to four or five.
It used to take twenty men to build an American car. It now takes forty,
because there is one guy to rivet the lug nuts and another to shine
the windows and so on.
This translates well to the United States government. And it
doesnt matter who is in charge. There is so much fat and bloated
numbers of
people doing nothing in this government that it always makes room for
And that is the plan. Keep the insiders working on our dollar. Crank
up the alerts and change the colors and pray to whatever god suits you
that nothing else happens.
© James Campion May 22nd 2003
Previously on
Hackwriters by James
at James Campion
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