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'Grandma Swivelhead, fortune tellers and bodies in the Thames, a boy's induction to a ghostworld'
Mean Tide by Sam North
'An engaging, unusual and completely engrossing read' - Beverly Birch-
author of 'Rift'


All opinions expressed herein are wholly reflective of the writers and contributors to hackwriters. All work is copyright of the writers &

Hackwriters is a non-profit , non-paying journal based at an academic institution but welcomes contributions from writers. We reserve the right to publish and edit material in accordance with our editorial policy - see submissions


Another Place To Die

by Sam North

Vancouver Pandemic

>'Beautiful, plausible, and sickeningly addictive, this will terrify you and thrill you.'
Roxy Williams -

The International Writer's Magazine - DECEMBER 2008 - Welcome
Travel stories & guides
Politics & Issues
Ways of living
Mele Kalikimaka
Roger Poppen
Honolulu airport on Christmas Eve, a little before midnight
A weekend in Dubai
Aurelie Montfrond
In ten years time, Dubai will become a global tourism destination

Hidden People
Jeannine Pitas
A few years back my parents began hosting foreign exchange students

Slowly Being Born
E. Marin Smith
I’m pretty sure the day I arrived in Buenos Aires was the hottest day of the year on the Rio de le Plata, which made the whole day seem like a fever dream
The Africa Inside
E Marin Smith
I was back in Africa last night—an accidental and instantaneous African transport that shocked my sleeping mind.
Akumal Beach Resort
Dean Borok in Mexico
I never imagined a place could come so far so fast. Quintana Roo state is now the richest state in Mexico due to the tourist boom.

The Quirks of Cajas
Tyrel Nelson in Ecuador

Without warning, the skies turned overcast and a light rain began to fall

Welcome to Kalymnos
Julia Reynolds
Kalymnos, a Greek island situated close to Turkey’s west coast about 300km southeast of Athens

Java Journey
John M Edwards
Café Hopping in Indonesia
I went out to get a cup of java in Java and ended up on an infernal coffee odyssey through the Indonesian archipelago

Tetsuhiko Endo
Edinburgh is all types of grey.    Monochromatic splendour: Granite grey, flagstone grey, rainy day grey, cold winter grey, fog grey, dawn grey, ghost grey...
Planning the Trip
Sam Black's journey to Alaska
I believe in having goals. I’ve been that way since my early twenties I guess.

Lion Hunting in the Serengeti
Loree Westron
"I give you good price," the man says, smartly-dressed with Reboks and Ray-Bans. He follows my eyes to the photograph of a lion in the safari shop window.

Cuban Folklore
Habeeb Salloum
It was late in the evening when we left our hotel on Varadero Beach - Cuba's paragon of resorts for a half-hour trip to the city of Matanzas
The Bogus Battle for Christmas
James Campion
This just in: Christmas has nothing to do with religion. Around here, and by around here I mean America, it is the granddaddy of consumer holidays
Money, Fraud and Moral Fibre
Dean Borok
As the old saw goes, 'Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.'
We're All Fine
+ Reader mail
James Campion in Mexico
The Future is a myth

The Changing of the Guard
Mike Hardie
‘I will be guided by President Jefferson's sense of purpose, to stand for principle, to be reasonable in manner, and above all, to do great good for the cause of freedom and harmony...'
The phenomenology of Change
Ronald Elly Wanda
Americans have an extraordinary sense of appreciation for ‘newness’
In God We Trust
James Skinner
‘When I am ranting and raving over the state of the universe, usually directing my verbal abuse during conversations with my wife, she never says a word
Insane Polyglots
Their brains are just different
Antonio Graceffo
Learning a new language rewires your brain. Could learning a new language make you crazy?

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From the School of Creative Arts
University of Portsmouth
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You Have Won One Million Dollars
Norman A. Rubin
One serious drawback of the Internet and of e-mail is that it makes it quite easy for nefarious villains to steal your money and your identity.
In Kon Tum's Ethnic Villages & Orphanages
David Calleja
The ethnic minority people, the Bahnar, Jolong, Rongao and Sirang, are kind and hard working. All we wish for is to be as equal in wealth
Fiachna O Braonain Interview
Aurelie Montfrond
Discussion with Fiachna Ó Braonáin
From Hothouse Flowers to Prenup
Anomaly Jones picks her poison
It must have been him. He’s the reason I sit here now, dazed and a bit confused. I’m known to confuse even myself sometimes.

Monkey Master in the Cage
Antonio Graceffo
Master Hisam’s hands are huge and swollen, as hard as rocks. In demonstrations, he uses them to smash granite slabs to dust

It's Over, Get Used To It.
Dan Bond
‘Friends’ does not provide the best backdrop to one of those defining moments in teenage life.

On the Scales
Charlotte Francis
It’s over ladies, chuck the chocolates away, and get used to salad
Spontaneous Prose
Tony R. Rodriguez
Maybe I shouldn’t be driving 85 on a 65 MPH freeway when the road’s saturated with the rain from last night

Finding Fidel
David Russell
For a glimpse of Castro
To Heaven and Back: Ladakh
Anirudh Chaoji
Alchi is a Monastery, close to the town of Leh, high in the cold desert of Ladakh, in the eastern part of the trisected state of Jammu & Kashmir

Nature and Nostalgia in Nagarhole
Aruna Purohit
It was the beginning of monsoon season in the southern region of India. Frequent rain and flooding are the essence of that season

Christmas in Paris
John Edwards
With everything closed in the city and a light snowfall, it’s no wonder I ended up drunk in the slightly dodgy section of Barbés Rochechouart
Patrick Ness Profile
Aby Davis
The world that Ness has created is incredibly imaginative and full of subtext to disturb and provoke challenging young minds
Original Shorts
REVIEWS Film & Books
Stereotypical People
Julia Gordon
Jennifer was excited walking down the street in her tight red jeans. In the new jeans, the birds seemed to be singing just for her. It was a bright and fresh spring day, and Jennifer was bright and fresh
If You Want Peace, Prepare for War Willie Better
The Hero is one of the people in the filling station’s convenience store. He wears snug black jeans that disappear into tall black riding boots like cavalrymen wore when tilting towards each other in green fields, heroes all.

Maria Marlais
And all women have killed themselves. They grew tired of the world, this world, our world. There are no women anymore.
Paul Valentine
Basildon was designed for traffic and adults: It was a soulless place for a child. You couldn’t walk anywhere in a straight line

$20 a Gallon
Adam Graupe

The Inspector growled, “I am from the state department. What is the meaning of charging $20 a gallon for gasoline?”
The Walk
Polly Card on Primrose Hill
She had been looking forward to their walk. It was the last time she would see him before he went away and she had a question to ask.
Granddad’s Chocolate
Edmund Sandoval
Granddad’s been hoarding the chocolate bars again because granddad’s crazy and he thinks his Vietnamese girlfriend is still alive.
Red Irony
William Bryant
He was getting old, and it had been too long since my last visit. I couldn’t help feeling sorry for him - living alone way out in the country like that
A Morning Wave
Adam Bonus
So there I was in the middle of the pavement, soaked in my own urine with a butter knife in my hand.

A Most Wanted Man by John Le Carré
Marcel D'Agneau review
Opening a new John Le Carré is like meeting an old friend - it’s good company and you can’t quite recall why you haven’t been seeing more of him lately

Crime and Punishment
by Fyodor Dostoevsky
A Dan Schneider reader
Raskolnikov is in the process of learning how to game the 19th Century Russian legal system to his advantage, and the love of Bible thumping woman, even an ex-prostitute, can do no harm
Chick Lit & Chick Flicks
Callum Graham
It’s sexist, elitist, self indulgent and often badly written. And you know what? It’s exactly the same as men’s

This Is England
Directed by Shane Meadows
Dan Bond review
"Sir, Put The Charge On Me". Start with a dash of Toots and the Maytals, add a little Roland Rat, a Rubik's Cube and Margaret Thatcher sitting in a digger

Pulp Fiction
A Post-Modern Magnum Opus
Mike Hardie
Pulp Fiction is one of an elite echelon of films viewed en masse until each line is memorized and re-enacted religiously.

Rediscovering The Khmers
by Antonio Graceffo
David Calleja review
For anybody going to Cambodia seeking real adventure with real people, you do not need a guidebook; you need this book.
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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