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International Writer's Magazine - November 2008
- Welcome
Fishing: Chasing Tail in the Tropics - John M. Edwards
I thought I saw a real live mermaid. The genuine article. This
was a fantastical phantasm that was hard to shake.
Personal View Of Whistler
Jane Cassie
a Vancouverite, Ive always had a soft spot for North Americas
favourite playground.
Rambling through Rotary
Tyrel Nelson
Sunday morning. Thats always my answer whenever Im
asked what tops my list about Cuenca
Yugoslavia Remembered
David Russell
1985 and Yugoslavia was still an undivided country
A Religious Experience
Tetsuhiko Endo
The woman would materialize out of the background for just
long enough to put out her hand, be ignored and recede back into
the stone so that if you werent looking carefully, you wouldnt
have notice her at all.
of a Friend
Tyrel Nelson
When I saw José Martínez for the first time,
he was coughing up a lung outside my neighbors front door
Tracey Doxey
Mansions nestles in prime location on Nathan Road and it is exactly
as the guide books and hostel pre arrival email warned
Exploring Poole
Natalya Popova inthe UK
One day this summer I astonished myself by signing up for a
Ghost Walk around Poole
The Path of Faith in
Norman A. Rubin
Turkey has a magnificent past, which is displayed throughout
the land
Insanity of Short Selling in a Recession
Michael Levy
you send your children to a nursery run by cannibals? Then why
allow short sellers to crucify stock prices when at their weakest?
An Open Apology to America
James Campion
was wrong. Despite my hard-line skepticism and relentless cynicism
you did not elect a middle-aged Anglo-Saxon
The New Yorker, Collusion
& All That
Chris Roberts
New Yorker building sits at 4 Times Square in New York City. If
a writer or artist were to come before this edifice, what would
he or she see?
from McCain country
Obama elected president; crowd indifferent- Derek Pfeffer
Sports Bar. 7:00 p.m. The Phoenix-Calgary game is playing on two
of the television sets
Sweet Aroma of Value Investing
Michael Levy
Well, there is no doubt that we are in a recession right now
and it may get worse in the coming months
Learning Languages
in your PJs
Antonio Graceffo
I set up a rigid schedule of watching TV. Over several weeks,
I saw my listening and speaking grow by leaps and bounds
Positive Outlook For Life: A Partner in Compassion - David Calleja
it is difficult to go anywhere in Sramouch He without finding
a person who does not have a family member or friend affected by
My Nightmare
James Skinner
Havent you been watching the news lately? Seen
whats happening to the stock markets the world over?
bling-bling is watching you!
Maria Marlais
There are, contrary to what many people might think, many different
kinds of people in Paris.
Shivani Shah
God's golden fingers break the diaphanous, misty morning veil
that drapes the landscape
a flash of electric blue of a little-blue
kingfisher, lilies break into bloom on cue from the sunlight
John M. Edwards
I was standing at the bar at the Jolly Trolley, staring at my
beer when I decided I was so drunk I would indeed have a hangover
in the morning
Aurelie Montfrond
Copenhagen has become a cosmopolitan city but still has a Scandinavian
charm and culture
About Me
Rosanne Stewart
It's tricky to say at the exact moment I thought I was going
to die; perhaps the moment I buried my head into my hands
Greg Mosse
Shopping is a hunters job but no one has told the
shop assistants who is the hunter and who the hunted.
Zobernig at Tate St Ives
Mary Colvin
ensure you do not sit on the golden chairs, the attendant
implores us in reverential tones, they are part of the installation.
weekend in Vienna
Aurelie Montfrond
I was completely lost, somewhere in Vienna desesperately stopping
the few people I came across in the streets, asking them for directions.
Jenna Simsen
The first time I got on an airplane I was 13 months old
Amsterdam Weekend
Aurelie Montfrond
On a Friday afternoon, I had just arrived in Amsterdam
Island Secret
James Morford
missing population in the island paradise
Greg Mosse
Dilys was a small woman with a helmet of black hair and pasty
skin. She worked shifts, enabling her to be at home when my mother
M J Norris
discovered my younger sibling had beaten me to the last pair of
clean socks. Now I would have to suffer the indignity of sweat-stiff
socks as well as the outsize uniform inherited from my elder sister.
Stuart Parker
It was bright enough to give you a headache on that Sunday morning.
We were off to spend the day with my least favourite aunt
Wedding Gift
Joseph Grant
The car had been a wedding present for him and his young bride
from his new in-laws. It made him uneasy to drive such an expensive
Cat Who Wanted To Be A Dog
David Russell's story for kids
was this cat who always wanted everything everybody else had, especially
the dog who lived in her house
Life's Little Annoyances
Martin Green
The car that zipped in front of you to take the last space in
the parking lot; the lady at the supermarket check-out who
had to write a check for her purchases
Greg Mosse
How much have you spent?
Not as much as youd think, said Jack. Most
of it is staples.
Many Happy Returns
Mary Colvin
Party dresses. I had party dresses when I was little. With sashes,
rainbow sashes. And party shoes. Shiny red t-bar shoes that winked
at me as I danced
Briar Woods
Lauren Mackintosh
The evening brought a cold that even this part of town couldn't
handle. A strange cold that turned cheeks pink and brought mittens
and scarves out of cupboards
Laura Anne Styles
the middle of the Vatican Museum standing before me is the biggest
globe I have ever seen and try as I might I couldnt stop myself
from laughing
at the Feet of Giants
Michael Hardie
Thank you kindly, good Sir,
I call after the man walking past me, with his suit neatly pressed
and eyes firmly blinkered.
- The Rush of '72
by Sam North - Chapter One (extract):
A Matter of Great Secrecy
long years after Philip Arnold and John Slack had departed Kentucky,
brimful of optimism, life found them stepping off the Oakland ferry
into a sea of genuine San Francisco mud.
J.A. Laraque
flashing red light torments me. Ive waiting been thirty seven
years for this. What do I do?
Julia Gordon
Evening came with the singing of insects, every little voice chirping
and wanting to be heard. Kelly was at home with a bottle of wine
Secret Door
Freya Scott
I used to drag all my little school friends upstairs before
tea and hide in the airing cupboard.
Boys and Fret Boards
Jessica Patient
soon as I saw the acoustic guitar I knew it was going to be your
birthday present
An unusal Sunday in Dagoba
How To Disappear Completely
Mark Robinson
"You have reached the How to Disappear Completely automated
helpline; you will shortly hear a list of options; please consider
these carefully before selecting the corresponding number on your
the Revolution
Clare Sager
I threw the car keys on the table. We need to get out
of here. Clear and simple no time for misunderstandings.
Laura Anne Styles
I was twenty-five my boyfriend Harry had his drink spiked...
Richard McGarry
Ranvier was intently contemplating Ana Lucia Beltráns
eyes as he stared out of the window of an airbus bound for Paris.
Those rapturous and dark eyes, like burnished amber, yet profoundly
sad as if they had been taken hold by some hidden, unspeakable
Careful what you wish for
Charlotte Francis
6, 12, 40, 36, 10 & 22. The numbers that ruined my life.
in the Negev
Michael Chacko Daniels
After repeatedly dreaming that centuries ago he was a famous
Bedouin healer in the Negev, Abdoul, son of Cochin Cohn, saw himself
living in the Negev and nowhere else, if he were to remain in
the land of Israel
Cure by Michael Coleman
out in paperback
Chris Burden review
BBC Radio 4
-British Teenage Suicides
Presented by Penny Marshall
Jess Armstrong
Enlisting the voices of the Bridgend teens, Penny Marshall
strives to uncover the reasons behind the Welsh suicide epidemic
Never Seen Star Wars -
BBC Radio 4
Sam Richards
You might not expect hearing about Esther Rantzens opinions
on ironing a shirt to be entertaining in the slightest.
Child by Rosalie Warren
Sam North review
Any young girl who has ever had a crush on another girl with
all the pain and uncertainty that it brings would be fascinated
to read Charitys Child.
At Waverly In Silver Lake by James McCourt
A Dan Schneider review
James McCourt is one of those writers who seems to have gotten
in print via connections
by Christian B_k,
Charlie Dickinson
One given for creative work by an artist is acceptance of
limits (a discipline the work itself often imposes).
Jackdaw Summer
by David Almond
Michael Webb
Jackdaw Summer is the story of wild boy Liam and his
friend Max who are lead by a jackdaw to the aid of a helpless
abandoned baby girl
Burn After Reading
Samuel Richards review
The Coen Brothers have done it again.
Directed by Jason Reitman,
Starring Ellen Page and Michael Cera
Sophie Berry review
Juno is no normal 16-year old. After discovering she is pregnant,
her life is turned upside down
Man (2008)
Driected by Jon Favreau
Dan Crossen review
Were not just watching this film to see Iron Man
do cool things, the characters really come into their own
and we really begin to care about them.
The Bank Job - Dir:
Rodger Donaldson
by Callum Graham
I expected an average heist thriller, with the usual violent
undertones that Jason Statham has brought to many of his recent
films. I was surprised, but not necessarily in a good way
How to lose friends
and Alienate People
Director- Robert B.Weide
Jess Armstrong Review
If the story sets out to scare potential journalists, it's
probably done a good job
Run Fatboy Run DVD
Directed by David Schwimmer
What happened to the subtleties usually associated with Peggs
Rediscovering African
Music in London
Ronald Elly Wanda
It is stimulating to once again see Africa Jambo Band
constructively drumming up mimetic harmonic melodies in north
One Hundred Years of
Solitude Gabriel García Márquez - Sam
From the first line to the last, Gabriel García Márquezs
magical realist tale takes the reader on an epic journey,
Walk the line
Directed by James Mangold
Callum Graham review
Its 1952, a young Johnny Cash returns home to Memphis after
finishing active service.
The Master of Fallen
By Henry Porter
Reviewed by Callum Graham
I was compelled by the quirkiness of the world that Henry
Porter has created and the phenomenon of the magic house was highly
Laura Marling
Aby Davis Review
The Wedgewood rooms, Portsmouth. Amidst the company of young
girls with un-straightened hair and charity shop scarves, and
some mums wearing embroidered jeans I anticipated excellent live
music from 18 year old new folk-ist, Laura Marling.
A Most Wanted Man
by John Le Carré
Marcel D'Agneau review
Opening a new John Le Carré is like meeting an old
Knife of Never Letting
Patrick Ness
- Winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2008 - and BookTrust
Out in Paperback

fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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