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International Writers Magazine: Love Moment
Julia Gordon
was excited walking down the street in her tight red jeans. In the
new jeans, the birds seemed to be singing just for her. It was a
bright and fresh spring day, and Jennifer was bright and fresh,
with her own song to sing. Oh, if her life were a musical! She would
toss her hands above her head and go down the street singing beautifully,
joyfully as a fine white dove.
Yes, that is how
she felt, a white dove with smooth, fine white skin, and long curly
blonde hair. She was a beauty, yes a fairytale beauty. She smiled, she
beamed, and the whole world smiled with her. Old men beamed at her from
the sidewalk, perhaps a bit lecherously. Wasnt she beautiful in
her fresh white blouse? Oh, to be young, the old thought, as they looked
at her. Oh, to be beautiful, the unattractive thought, as they looked
at her, as she smiled at them with benevolent superiority. There was
a spring in her step and it seemed to say, "Im going to meet
my boyfriend, my boyfriend, my boyfriend! Im going to meet my
boyfriend, la, la, la, la." She had a little tune to it in her
head. She bounced along jubilantly, a jubilant little ball of sunshine.
Alexander sat at the coffee shop brooding and drinking his coffee. He
was a dark young man of 24, handsome, dating the 20 year old Jennifer.
He was the admirable grad student, getting his graduate degree in philosophy.
He sat there, brooding over Heideggers treatises, his eyebrows
drawn in the deepest of concentration. Sitting there, he knew just how
intelligent he was. He knew he was more intelligent than probably anyone
else in the café. He was witty. His memory was excellent. Now
his fine mind flitted freely over the pages of the text, taking in each
fine subtly of terms like "being-of itself-edness."
A fine, delicate, subtle concept indeed. But Alexanders mighty,
attuned brain could take it in and absorb it as if it were nothing,
and he would be able to perfectly, adroitly discuss it in class on Tuesday.
Yes, and all the class would feel enlightened, and nod admirably at
the insights spawned from his delicate young brain.
Now Alexander sat reading in rapt attention, and his face seemed to
be saying, without saying, "Hmmmm, yes, thats very fascinating,
very fascinating indeed, why yes! Hmmmm." And so he went on reading,
with his face saying this. Because he was so intelligent, and his mind
was focused on such high and enlightening things, he did not even notice
that it was 3:45 and his girlfriend would be just out of class, coming
to see him. No, that was the farthest thing from his delicate, intelligent
brain. He sat in his chair, with his intellectual antennae up, so to
Then Jennifer flitted in. The young men turned surreptitiously in their
seats to notice her. She had the most beautiful smile, and her doe-like
brown eyes invited men to stare deeply into them. Now she ordered a
coffee, but Alexander had not even looked up, so concentrated was he
on Heideggers complex philosophies. Jennifer thought he looked
so adorable, with his brow furrowed like that, so intellectual in his
green sweater and brown corduroy pants. She could already see him, the
ruffled, absent minded professor, walking around the college, with young
philosophy students following at his heels with questions, like disciples.
She had her coffee and now she sat down cozily close to him and peered
over his shoulder.
"Watcha reading stud?" she said, playfully towselling his
Alexander looked up, eyes slightly furrowed with annoyance. He did not
like to be interrupted when he was concentrating deeply, especially
not by something as frivolous as his girlfriend.
"Heidegger," he said rather irritably, closing his book with
"Really? What does he talk about?" Jennifer asked brightly.
"Oh, its very complicated, I dont think youd
understand," said Alexander.
Alexander knew in his heart that Jennifer would not understand. It was
obvious to him that he was much more intelligent than she was. In fact,
he was growing rather bored with her. He was thinking of breaking it
off. How annoying to have his reading interrupted for silly chit-chat!
"Well, youre so smart," Jennifer cooed. "Thats
what I love about you baby."
"Yes," Alexander frowned, barely acknowledging this obvious
fact. "And you know, Ive been thinking, Jennifer. My studies
take up much of my time. You know this. A philosophy major must be serious,
high minded, dedicated, and I wonder if you understand these things."
Jennifer frowned, looking hurt. She was a political science major, she
was in a sorority. What could be more important than she was, she wondered?
After all, she was the prettiest girl in the café, she was sure
of it. What was more important than that?
"Im afraid this isnt working," Alexander said
coolly. "Im too busy- my mind needs to be on my studies,
just now, and Im afraid you just dont understand. You dont
understand my life philosophy. You dont understand me at all!"
There was a note of triumph in Alexanders voice. He enjoyed smashing
this stupid girls hopes and dreams, smashing them as though they
were delicate glass ornaments. Yes, he was a bull in a china shop, smashing
her dreams! And of course he could philosophically defend his position.
If asked he could write a lovely twenty page treatise on why things
with Jennifer must end, quoting great philosophical minds and eloquently
proving his point. This treatise flashed before his eyes and he thought
perhaps he would write it and send it to Jennifer, should she need further
"Youre dumping me for Heidegger!" she shrieked.
"I didnt think you would understand," Alexander said
coolly, with a tone of resigned sadness in his voice.
"You jerk! You big jerk!" Jennifer began to cry pathetically,
tears running out of her big, pretty brown eyes.
"Now my dear, dont make a scene!" Alexander said.
"Im leaving!" Jennifer snapped. With that she picked
up her bag and bustled out of the café, leaving a faint scent
of expensive perfume in her wake.
With a quiet, "Humph!" of satisfaction, Alexander opened his
book and continued to read where he had left off. He felt very pleased
with himself. His handsome, dark face glowed with satisfaction. He was
glad to have simplified his life, glad to have done away with yet another
unnecessary distraction. Really, one must focus on whats important!
Jennifer walked down the street, mascara smeared, heart broken. The
birds no longer sang for her. Now the ugly girls looked at her triumphantly.
This pretty girl had been crying! Hah! Serves her right, for being so
pretty, they thought. Jennifer wished the bright spring day would turn
to rain. Oh, her poor broken heart! But three days later she met a hot
guy named Drew at a kegger and fell madly in love with him, forgetting
all about Alexander.
© Julia
Gordon December 2008
sushibuca at gmail.com
Julia Gordon
came with the singing of insects, every little voice chirping and wanting
to be heard. Kelly was at home with a bottle of wine
life moments
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