International Writers Magazine: Reality Check USA
and Choosers
James Campion
Hard Promises On The Road To Automotive Welfare
History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want
tradition. We want to live in the present and the only history that
is worth a tinker's dam is the history we make today. - Henry
Interview in Chicago Tribune May 25th 1916
Ford's bastard children are currently suspended in the slow ascent of
Oliver Twist's empty gruel plate. Attached as if by a pulsing umbilical
cord is the world economy, jobs for thousands of tax paying consumers,
several and varied satellite industries from media, transportation,
culinary, service, litigious, and big labor, not to mention the entirety
of the technological engineering fleet of American Century sad sacks
looking for a peculiar method to prop up our past and sell it as progress.
The American Auto Industry is weeks from going belly up in an already
eroding economic slog, and with the federal government in transition,
over half the states already bankrupt, and what is left of Wall Street
becoming a drooling Dali rendering, there is not much choice but to
turn to us, the American Tax Payer.
The People's Republic Of America to the rescue!
These are curious days and we are crazy with empathy now
that the Lefty is on his way to the White House to put right all the
crimes of Captain Shoo-In, who is now officially the only sitting president
of these United States to be completely ostracized from the reconstruction
of his own shit's nest.
Yes, Virginia, we're going to keep America strong in the
global economy, secure its national defense, and restore order to our
fiscal sovereignty, but not without conditions. Those who sit idly by
and rail against the demise of the free market system with the manufacturing
hub of this economy on its last legs whistle past several graveyards.
These are the same sub-mentals who would pitch the fit of all fits if
the president allowed our national defense to go under. However, only
suckers hand over blank checks to doomed business templates. If it means
raping and pillaging this broken monstrosity called the American Auto
Industry, then so be it.
Our first act as The Controlling Interest begins with
the sacking of the entire management teams at Ford, GM, and Chrysler
for fucking the workers and screwing consumers with their half-assed,
greedy, mendacious falderal masquerading for countless decades as good,
old-fashioned American ingenuity. These dunderheads must suffer banishment
from all modes of future free-enterprise leadership until which time
the debt has been paid in full with fair interest. Their time has quite
obviously passed.
The new blood will be made to endure a rigorous baseline
IQ exam, and not just business acumen, but also the basic function of
reason in which they must at least hit the sixty percentile or be forced
to walk from coast to coast beneath a dunce cap. These tests must be
passed on C-SPAN with Ivy League business professors looking over their
shoulders mocking them verily.
Secondly, and most pressingly, the United Auto Workers
must either accept new rules on these insane demands for the workforce
or there will be fatal cuts in personnel starting with reps, lawyers,
and lobbyists. In fact, in trade for our boundless generosity the UAW
must lend thirty percent of its employee base to do our bidding; rebuilding
our crumbling infrastructure, aiding in the withdrawing of troops in
Iraq, and general everyday chores like garbage removal, babysitting
and something in the line of sweeping.
When you consider that the whole of the American Auto
Makers must adhere to a minimum of franchises per state, almost twice
what they can afford, and that over 20% of the contracted workers are
absentees per fiscal year while being immune to discipline or expulsion
is beyond ridiculous. The gravy train stops under The People's Republic
Of America.
Look to the Auto Industry's Grand Daddy, Henry Ford for
wisdom in these dark hours of pending bankruptcy. His deranged fascist
rants, while sounding like the plaintiff wail of a doomed dinosaur sinking
beneath the tar pit of history, have a ring of veracity rarely heard
in this bleating whine of present day entrepreneurship. We don't want
tradition. We want to live in the present and the only history that
is worth a tinker's dam is the history we make today.
It is a new dawn; embrace the future with aplomb and a
frontier spirit. The Twentieth Century is dead. If you would like to
join it, well, that's entirely up to you. We, with the money, choose
to look ahead.
Believe me when I tell you this take-over stuff is gangbusters.
I'm digging this ownership of the banking set thus far.
I recently stormed into my Bank Of America branch and demanded all manner
of perk and a drastic halt to all the passé, pre-bail nickel
& diming. Using the tried and true James V. Campion method of sticking
it to the "lenders", I began throwing my primary stockholder
weight around. No more paying for personal or company checks, no more
fees at ATMs, no more jacking around with their five-layered incongruent
Internet banking crap. I told the goddamned bank manager to stand down;
the people are in charge now -- and hell if he didn't acquiesce.
It's good to be The Man.
Look, these deadbeats are going to get the money. No way
this economy can handle the dissolution of over a million jobs, both
direct and tertiary to the auto industry, and survive. This country
cannot function without some kind of domestic manufacturing. This is
the time to put the hammer down, the hammer of The People.
It is not a question of IF these self-mutilating fossils
of industry will get our money, but WHEN. And if it is WHEN then it's
under our conditions.
Take it or leave it.
James Campion November 26th 2008
Open Apology to America
James Campion
was wrong.
Despite my hard-line skepticism, serious doubts, and relentless cynicism
born from over two centuries of recidivistic dementia, you did not elect
a middle-aged Anglo-Saxon,
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