Original Fiction
& Lifestyle
Politics & Living
Reviews & stories

International Writers Magazine: BORDERLINES
Borderlines 2009 is a non-profit publication produced
by the University of Portsmouth Creative Arts Department.
We are looking for creative pieces of writing written by any member of
the University student or staff population or contributors to the hackwriters.com
website, as well as students on Masters Writing programs worldwide and
freelancers looking to build a print portfoilio.
We are specifically looking for Unusal or Unique Travel stories, Comment
and Review Features (try not to be too topical as we won't be available
until the summer of '09.) Fiction both Adult and Young Adult, Short Stories
centering around life experiences and lifestyle issues. The book is printed
in black and white and there will be no colour images.
We don't really take images but could possible consider original photos
if black and white and at a minimum of 300dpi and 7 x 5 in size and can
be attached to the email. (State exactly what you have sent)
Here are a few guidelines we would like to point out
in regards to submissions:
1. All work, when emailed to borderlines09@googlemail.com, must have your
full name and the genre and title of the piece in the subject line. (Must
also include your email address on the actual work) Please use Word software.
2. There are word limits to each different genre; Extracts 4000 words,
Short stories 2000, Travel Writing 1500, and Poetry no longer than one
A4 page. These are approximate word limits and some work may be accepted
above these limits.
3. Since Borderlines is non-profit, there will be no fee for any work
submitted and we will also hold first publishing rights but writers retain
copywright to sell to a third party as long as they credit Borderlines
09 as first publication.
4: The book will be available to buy via Lulu.com, Amazon and Blackwells
and other on-line book sources. It wil follow the pattern of the Vol 2
edition and be available as paperback and as a downloadable version.
5: All work is peer
reviewed by a reading panel from the Masters program at Portsmouth and
editorial staff. Work accepted will be notified by March of 2009
- We reserve the right to edit (check spelling etc) and reject material
that is deemed unsuitable or offensive.
email: borderlines09@googlemail.com
The Current Issue
of Borderlines is available now:
Vol 2 A Literary Spark -
ISBN: 978-1-4092-0494-7
University of Portsmouth publication from the School of Creative
Arts, Film and Media- Buy
now - available from Lulu Press & Blackwells, Amazon
Borderlines Vol 2 - A literary Anthology of new fiction, travel
writing and poetry from the Creative Writing Programme and invited
writers at the University of Portsmouth, UK under the editorship
of Freya Scott, Ryan Sirmons, Aby Davis and Sam North
'An exciting insight into the amazing talent and diversity of
new writers out there today' Stuart
Olesker - Playwright
Book Design: Carine Thomas |
Hackwriters 1999-2008
all rights reserved - all comments are the writers' own responsibility
- no liability accepted by hackwriters.com or affiliates.