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The International Writers Magazine: Writing Opportunities

Skins 3 is coming soon, and the Skins creators are looking for some bright young things to help them with a very special project.

They’ll be creating an online mini episode of Skins that will feature some of the series 3 cast. There are four very important behind the scenes roles that still need to be filled.

They’re looking for a writer, director, costume designer, and production designer to join the team. No experience is necessary as the Skins creators will be mentoring the winners and providing support. Not only that; they get to join the set of series 3 for paid work experience!

The mini episode will be screened online in 2009.
Entrants need to be between 18 and 23 years old and the closing date for all four competitions is Tuesday December 9th at 6pm.

Think you've got what it takes? Find out below the relevant details for how to enter for the writer’s role. And you can get full information on the other roles over at


Are you an aspiring writer looking for your first break? Would you like to be able call yourself a Skins writer?
Here's your chance.
One talented person will get the opportunity to lead writing the Skins mini episode!
Don’t worry if you’re a little overwhelmed, the winner will be supported every step of the way. If you’ve got what it takes, we’ll make sure you’re given all of the support you need, like we do with all of our writers.

Aspiring Skins writers will need to showcase their writing skills by submitting a short comedy drama. To find out the full details and exactly what you need to do to enter head over to

You can also watch a video of handy tips from a Skins scriptwriter at

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