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International Writers Magazine:
Never Seen Star Wars - BBC Radio 4
Aired on 23/10/08
Produced by Bill Dare
Sam Richards
might not expect hearing about Esther Rantzens opinions on
ironing a shirt to be entertaining in the slightest. However, Marcus
Brigstockes comedy/chat show where celebrities try new activities
is funny, interesting, and motivates the listener to throw caution
to the wind and embrace a fresh experience.
Marcus Brigstocke
The premise of the
show is that each week a different guest is challenged to partake in
a variety of activities that they have never done before, such as purchasing
a pornographic magazine or doing some online social networking. After
this Brigstocke interviews them on their experience of the activities,
finding out how they would rate them and if they would be undertaking
them again.
One of the programmes strengths is that the challenges are not
crazy or exotic, they are fairly mundane things that the guests havent
ever done, whether it be through choice or chance. Rather than making
the show boring, this actually makes it more interesting because the
listener can relate to the experiences of the celebrities. We can understand
their frustration or enjoyment because we know how it feels to be poked
repeatedly on Facebook.
Without the right host a show like Ive Never Seen Star Wars
could fall flat on its face, but Marcus Brigstocke is definitely the
right man for the job. He has a good rapport with his guests and his
witty humour adds to the comedic nature of the show. He states that
he is "interested in why people have avoided certain quite ordinary
activities, because it can be so revealing. And then I get their take
on what the experience feels like for the first time."
Esther Rantzen was the guest on the episode that I listened to, something
that put me off slightly. Ive never really warmed to her, not
for any reason in particular, but was happily surprised to find her
to actually be quite funny. Her new experiences, including using Facebook
and listening to Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon, were
very amusing, especially her bizarre uncontrollable giggling whilst
having her feet massaged, the reason why she had never tried reflexology
Aside from the funny aspects of Ive Never Seen Star Wars,
it is actually quite an inspiring programme. Although a lot of the challenges
are things that most people have done before, like drinking a pint of
beer, some of them are things that the listener might be encouraged
to try. I was interested in reading Evelyn Waughs Scoop
after listening to the discussion on the book and Rantzens views
on it. The show is a good way to find new things to sample, with the
variety of challenges bound to appeal to a range of listeners, each
person being able to find something to try.
I have to admit, the reason I was initially drawn to the programme was
that I thought it might have something to do with my favourite series
of films (excluding the awful prequel trilogy of course). I wasnt
disappointed however, as Ive Never Seen Star Wars was very
humorous and fascinating. It will make you look at the mundane things
in life in a new light and encourage you to try things that youve
never done.
© Sam
Richards Nov 1st 2008
<shl60123 at port.ac.uk
Sam is studying Creative Writing at the University of Portsmouth
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