Traveling India solo: Pros & cons
Chris Heise - 11.15.23
There's no place on Earth quite like India.
John M Edwards
Café Hopping in Indonesia
went out to get a cup of java in Java and ended up on an infernal
coffee odyssey through the Indonesian archipelago.

Sleeping Dogs Thai
Tabytha Towe
Every dog you see here are either lying on the ground dehydrated
and too hot to move, or either scavenging for food.
Some Place Paradise, Kiss it Goodbye
Eric D. Lehman won't tell
you where he has been
Understanding Mexico
Dermot Sullivan
Mexico is a country both sure and unsure of its identity. |

Can Israel ‘Reoccupy’ Gaza?
Dr Marwan Asmar 11.20.23
What is the endgame for devastated Gaza?
A Reproductive Rights Lifeline to Republicans
James Campion 11.11.23
Another election evening and another trouncing of Republicans under the weight of the disastrously unconstitutional Supreme Court Dobbs ruling.
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
— Albert Einstein
On Personal Identity and Other Minds - Kimberly
Upon contemplating the prospect of aging and dying, I become
distressed and realize I would prefer to continue living in a
youthful body.... |

Does The Australian Working Holiday Visa Offer Nothing But A False Pretence?
Henry Kauntze 11.17.23
A bed of roses for world travellers?
20 Years of Healing - My Journey in Music - Seán Barna
Songs for my Brother -

Mo – King of the Clemens Estate
2009 - 2023
James Campion 10.28.23
He was, in the end, a cat of simple pleasures.

Elaheh Farmand
In Madrid, the first day - A stranger walking in your skin, through
the calles, the streets of this beautiful, beating town, Madrid