International Writers Magazine:
Radio Review:
Radio 4 -British Teenage Suicides Broadcast
October 2008
Presented by Penny Marshall
Jess Armstrong
the voices of the Bridgend teens, Penny Marshall strives to uncover
the reasons behind the Welsh suicide epidemic; why have so many
youths in this area taken their lives? If good radio shows force
you to think about the things that we collectively hide from, this
one scores high marks.
This documentary
heavily places weight on the ever-lasting internet debate, initiating
from the start the idea that social networking sites can be a potential
hazard to young minds. One Samaritan interviewed refers to the case
being a contagion; that the idea of suicide is at its height within
friendship groups, including those of internet communication. Whilst
a local Salvation Army member confirms that none of the deaths were
directly linked, the programme highlights the issue that the death of
one person can make another vulnerable, regardless of their correspondence.
Penny crafts interest in her interviews. Whilst in the Samaritan Headquarters
she stumbles across a possible conclusion that the previously mentioned
contagion effect is a matter of identity. Perhaps the examples
set by someone of a similar age and background, with the similar suicidal
thoughts, sends the negative message to others that there truly is no
other option.
Although the programme does not overly emphasise shocking statistics
surrounding teenage suicide, its intent to inform and raise awareness
is closely followed. In speaking to local youths affected, as well as
ex-sufferers of mental health setbacks, Penny manages to confront one
common factor; the grim lack of support. This was certainly a widespread
viewpoint of those interviewed, however I was glad to hear of other
dynamics being taken into consideration. Pinning all the unjust on the
condition of the Welsh mental health services seemed a little too effortless,
shying away from further exploration into the reasons behind the state
of young minds in the first place. A good half way into the programme,
the idea that suicide can be area dependent is introduced. We hear of
how suicide can be commonly clustered in poorer regions with elevated
use of drugs and alcohol, even delving into the idea that many victims
under intoxicated influences did not want to kill themselves in the
first place.
I did find that the general consensus within the programme placed blame
on factors that would cause someone to kill themselves. We live in an
age where we hear of so many young people crying out for help or attention
but not wanting to do themselves any actual harm, and I was surprised
this wasnt mentioned. This gave Penny a rather biased point of
view, which may have been her intent, but I felt she could have considered
both sides of this argument.
Overall, the topic was dealt with sensitively; particularly when addressing
the problems the media created for affected families when choosing to
republish photos and stories of past victims. It was enlightening to
learn that the local MP Madeline Moon conjured a list of those families
that did not want media attention when other deaths occurred, which
is perhaps a disturbing yet accurate predictability of the future. The
show does in fact open with the statistic that over twenty young people
have ended their lives in Bridgend alone in the course of a year; a
frightening fact yet one that compels us to learn more and probe the
impending question of why this is happening.
Despite the radio network being a successful and popular broadcast platform,
British Teenage Suicides is put forward as a passive programme that
eliminates the process of expanding unwanted media coverage of the small
Welsh county. It emphasises its objective as being concerned, focusing
primarily on prevention in the future, not speculation in the present.
© Jess Armstrong
Nov 1st 2008
<jessarmstrong35 at hotmail.com>
Jess is studying Creative Writing at the University of Portsmouth
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