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International Writer's Magazine June- 2008
- Welcome
Travel stories & guides
Politics & Issues
Ways of living
Cueva Pintada
Patrick Radford
Changing Lives: I joined the Leonardo da Vinci project to Gran
A Long Walk Down a
Short Pier
Steven Tothill in Phuket
Rawai Pier - Function over Form
Stutter, Shudder
and Jeepneys
Dr Steven Collins in Manila
Like most Europeans, we knew little of the Philippines but keen
to discover more
To Turkey from Oz
Sean Hastings
I realize that no fantasy I could have conjured, would prepare
me for the sights Im seeing
The Moabites
Michaela Abrera in Berlin
Complacency tends to sneak up on you. What was once a place of awe
and wonder becomes a banal aspect of your everyday life.
IN '08 - Part I
James Campion
Voices In The Wilderness
They told us they would turn the electorate upside-down in '72.
They didn't. They told us they'd flood the gates after Nixon
went nuts. They didn't.
Law and Oil Speculation
Michael Levy
High oil prices that are governed by the commodity markets
are in dire need of common sense law and order.
Bye, Miss American Pie
Plus Readers Letters
James Campion
is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the
past.' - Senator Obama
Dean Borok
An unfortunate omen for Barack Obama that he was awarded
the Democratic nomination the same week Big Brown crapped out
at Belmont
Mount LeConte
Jeff Doran -Smoky Mountains
The first two times we hiked to Alum Cave we were forced
to dodge frozen missiles.
Muay Thai Kawila
Training in Chiang Mai
Antonio Graceffo
Ten in a row on each side. Said the coach. If he
had been talking about punches I might have been OK. But he was
talking about kicks.
Other Baños
Tyrel Nelson
We finally pulled into a small, dusty lot in front of a giant, light-blue
church, which sat atop a small hill a few miles southwest of Cuenca.
and Safety in New York
Dean Borok
never safe in New York.
Crossroads in Serbia
Brian Rogers
downtown Belgrade all eyes are on an orator whos words I do
not understand ... but whos meaning I perceive innately.
of Turi
Tyrel Nelson
I was fresh off the plane and going to visit the Mirador Turi,
the lionized lookout that Id only read about in my guide
Life in Lueneburg,
Lois Tietzel
An American adapts to life in Europe
Windsor to visit the Queen
Marianne de Nazareth
"Come on over to London and see Windsor Castle
A Walk in El Cajas
Tyrel Nelson in Ecuador
With some free time at last, I felt relieved as the monstrous
bus roared westward through the green hills of Cuenca
the storm on Wisteria Lane
Gabriela Davies
I guess it can only mean a few things. The cast has fallen
out. The budget has dried up. The creator has a mental block.
Basically 'How to Kill a TV series.'
Down and Start Editing
Marwan Asmar
All I knew was the ability to speak and write English and
use the computer when I started
wants to Retire? Not me
James Skinner
Retirement is a dirty word. It means the end of a working

Tabytha in OZ:
Part Three
Tabytha Towe
Ive got the city blues with holes in my shoes and bursts
of bubbles and rays of sunshine. It keeps on spinning, the world
and my head
Patrick Swayze
James Skinner
When my daughter visited us a few months back, as my wife and
I were watching a video of Dirty Dancing her
first remark was, arent you a bit old for that kind
of movie?
Original Shorts
Film & Books
- Anonymous
Mark Robinson
Hello. My
names Gemira and Im a celebrity. A chorus of hellos
droned up from the circular continuum of equi-distant set plastic
chairs; the voices all rhinestones, hoop earrings, tight-fitting,
size-zero clothes, foundation, fake breasts and designer stubble.
Mark Cunliffe
Bryan Sutton walked down the steps
into the basement club and felt awkward. If truth be told Bryan
Sutton felt awkward pretty much everyday of his 24 years of life
James C Clar
Dayton Apana got up early and went
for his usual run from his condo on Ala Wai Boulevard down to where
Kapahulu intersected Paki Avenue.
World of Hunter Killer Robots
Daniel Tavernier
No one knew young Jorb3. He was
one of the sole sane human beings left on the planet. He didn't
want to adapt to the new order of systematic incorporation into
the new Humanlike Borgian race.
of Dragon Number 19
Michael Chacko Daniels
Grays blue eyes disconnect
from the mists flirting with Alcatraz, the former prison island
in San Francisco Bay, during Chinese New Year week
Ashes of Old Fires
Thomas Healy
Sabonis relit the stub of a cigar
he had started smoking this afternoon then followed his Irish setter
around the corner to Raphael Park
With-Stood Them All
Ibukunolu Babarinde
When clouds cover the face of the heavens,
it may just be for a little time; when it will yet be dark as
if the night will never be stolen by the crafty hands of the day
Leg to Die For
Sidi Cherkawi Benzahra
My grandfather took his leg to Lalla Fatima and she invoked
the spirit and did all she could do to heal his leg
the Fringes
J Kaval
When did the devil enter me? How did he get inside? Ive
no idea. He started meddling with my life
Pringle and the Stalker
Martin Green
first inkling I had of the problem was when my friend Al Abrams
Nestbury Tree
Ayodele Morocco-Clarke
all started to kick off when the Shepherd of the church which
was located at the far side of the compound behind the house,
pronounced that the Nestbury tree in the yard was a haven for
witches and had to come down
You Never Knew You Never Knew
Emmanuel Iduma
I am going to tell you the truth.
I have lied for so long and I am tired of living a double life.
You know how it was when we first starting seeing each other
Knife of Never Letting Go
by Patrick Ness
Sam North Review
Imagine you are watching a film about the first settlers
in America. Pious, hardworking farmers carving something out
of a raw landscape. Notice there are no women, the men's clothes
are rough and worn, understand something terrible has happened
that has killed all the women and left just men and one boy
and his dog.
Gilchrist's Collected Stories
Dan Schneider review
read Thom Jones' Sonny Liston Was A Friend Of Mine and
overdosing on its phallic ejaculations I turned to the Collected
Stories of Ellen Gilchrist for a change.
Fire Eternal by Chris dLacey
Frances Lewis review
Warning! Reading The Fire Eternal by Chris dLacey
without any prior knowledge of the world he has created within
these pages can leave you feeling slightly overwhelmed, faintly
incredulous and maybe even begrudgingly impressed.
Smoke by Mohsin Hamid
Jenny Adamthwaite
Smoke, however, proved to both
stylistically interesting and page turning, with vivid description
and an intriguing plot: a success in experimental writing
by Sam North
Linda Regan review
'A beautifully written, unusual and a good story, one I was
sad to finish'.
Kiss of Death
Broadcast: BBC 9pm Monday 26th May
Linda Regan review
This was a prime-time television, police-procedural, harrowing
tale, of a murder division seconded together to solve the mystery
of the gruelling body parts that have been washed up on a beach,
Bjork - Hammersmith Apollo,
London 2008 -Carly Mclain
Like a fiery technicolour trible rave -
Bjork is back......... Come with her and enjoy the explosion of
Last Free Cat by Jon Blake
Sam North review
future without cats - most are dead of the deadly HN51 virus.
Only the very rich can afford cats now and they are strictly controlled
- people live in fear of catching deadly flu from untagged cats
fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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