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International Writers Magazine:Movie
Directed by Jon Favreau
Screenplay: Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby
Distributed by Paramount Pictures
Starring Robert Downey jnr, Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges, Gwyneth
Jack Clarkson
I just got back from the premiere of Iron Man. I saw Robert Downey
Jr in person on the red carpet, and Gwyneth Paltrow has a really
nice pair of legs! Usually Leicester square is seething with fans
trying to get a glimpse of people that happen to be filmed on screen
for a living. There seems to be a distinct lack of hype for this
movie, which is a pity, because its probably the best thing
that Marvel has ever put onto celluloid in a long time!
As the familiar
Marvel logo materialises above the flipping comic book pages. (seriously,
who does that in real life? It would damage the spine!) The Heavy guitar
riffs of AC/DCs "Back In Black" blare out at you while
we see a convoy of Humvees in Afghanistan, Tony Stark (Robert
Downey Jr) sits in the back of one of them with a glass of whiskey in
his hand while he flirts with the female soldier driving the car, and
then everything starts to explode!
I wish I could end that sentence with "And It Gets Better From
There" I really do
But Iron Man suffers from one of the key
mistakes that most superhero movies make. The Original Story! At least
half an hour of the film is devoted to how Tony has his change of heart
which catalyses his career change from arms dealer to crime fighter.
Thankfully Downey Jr. carries the part so well that the resulting scenes
were merely above average, in contrast to the trouser-soilingly, face-meltingly
oh-my-god-did-you-see-what-just-happened! scenes where Tony is either
building or using the suit!
The only flaw these scenes had was how few and far between they were,
and that they had to eventually end, like how all beautiful living things
must eventually die.
Nobody but Robert Downey Jr. himself could ever have played Tony Stark
quite so well. And Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges and Terrence Howard
were all excellent in their supporting roles, although I now get the
feeling that Jeff Bridges supports to no-one! And if you suggest he
does then he will kill you in your sleep!
remaining scenes, while paling in comparison, are necessary though.
Because for the sequel they introduced not only War-Machine, they
also set up S.H.I.E.L.D. an organisation run by a man called Nick
Fury, who it is believed is going to be played by Saumuel L Jackson.
When the credits
rolled on this movie I closed my eyes and imagined what the sequel will
be like, with no tedious origin story but with Nick Fury, War Machine
and S.H.I.E.L.D. A single tear rolled down my cheek. For I knew that
the world would not be ready for something like that for many years!
Because it will probably cure cancer, aids, influenza and malaria overnight.
The world will unite, there will be dancing in the streets and all religions
will settle their differences when they realise that they have been
fighting over nothing for centuries, they will bow down low and worship
this movie as if it were a god! Unless they get Brett Ratner to direct
it or something
If youre a fan of the original comics you will have nothing to
complain about, and if you do then please help yourself to a toilet-duck
enema! If youre not really into the comics but have enjoyed other
comic book films then you will probably enjoy this. This is very much
a nerds film in subject matter, soundtrack and humour. So this
film may not be for some people, but if you have a friend or boyfriend
who is a nerd, then take him to see this film because it will make him
very, very happy!
© Jack Clarkson April 28th 2008
by Erica Blaney
Hackwriters 1999-2008
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