International Writers Magazine:
'You might feel a little pain,' said God
the Fringes
J Kaval
When did
the devil enter me? How did he get inside? Ive no idea. He
started meddling with my daily life.
I knew he was a pucha evangelist. He became a nuisance. I wanted
to get rid off him at any cost before he could convert me into his
religion. So I went to the Lord God.
At the entrance
God said to me,
I created you without your consent. But
I cannot recreate you without your consent. Youre in bad shape.
You sure need me to cast away the devil in you. I need your full co-operation
to do the job. Will you?
Certainly, Sir, Ill. You know,
two devils cannot live under the same roof. Let us throw him out.
Well, Im warning you. Theres
a deep gulf between us and the gap is wide. The distance would be of
light years. You cant cross over to me. You would be in the dark
and alone in the hollow. Im going to cloud you. You can`t see
me. But you can hear and feel me. I can listen to you and even to your
heartbeat. Are you afraid?
No, Sir.
God then cupped my nose with a mask connected
to the spirit of eternal life. He arranged glucose to flow into my veins.
He armored my chest with a heart-related vest. He straightened my head
and placed it on a plastic plank. Then he clouded my eyes. I descended
into the abyss of darkness.
He plastered my shaven head with divine soma.
He pricked on the sides of my head. Within seconds I felt cool and soft
all over. I said to God,
Sir, I feel very comfortable as if I
were in the air-conditioned room. Youre doing a great job and
Im sure you will succeed.
Thank you, son. Listen to me carefully.
Im going to cut the outer skin of your head on four sides with
a scalpel. Youll have little pain. Will you to take it?
By the time I heard the last word, I felt,
the blade has done its job moving swiftly and quickly.
Son, hear me. I want to see where the
devil is hiding? I have to make some holes in your skull. Are scared?
Oh my God, are you going to break the
very same skull you had made for me? Ok
Its thou
who maketh and unmaketh at thy will. Then why should I be afraid? Am
I not in thy hands? Dear Lord, go ahead.
Wonderful, son. On this table I have
seen many, but not one like you. Youre special. You must know
angel Noorjahan. She is beautiful, alert, expert and adept, a wonderful
lady. She plays and paints with surgical toys. She assists me. Angel
Guard too is an all rounder and well experienced. He is at my side.
Were going to corner the devil and kick him out.
While my ears were turned and tuned to God`s
words, my mind was worrying about having bullet holes in my head. What
would happen to my thinking and feeling? How could I keep the secrets
stored in the inner chambers away from Gods eyes? All of them
were classified.
Son, Im going to drill six holes
into your skull. Shall I?
Oh Jesus! Why should you have six holes?
Isnt one enough? I pleaded with Him.
The bloody demon inside you has now grown
enormously. It is larger and taller. It seems that it has ten heads
like Ravana. Perhaps it might be a Legion. We dont want to take
risk. We intend to make a combined and concerted attack from all sides.
Well have to pull and push them out through not one hole but all
the holes at a time. Do you understand?
I am a poor mortal. What could I do? I have
no choice but submit to the divine commands. I heard and felt the commotion
of drilling, pulling, pushing, plumbing, cleaning again and again. I
was sure God and his angels must be evicting the demons. They were performing
in super fast haste though I could not see Gods team nor devils
I was little worried that god might find a
lot of alcohol in my head and accuse me of alliance with another mundane
devil. It might create an embarrassing situation for both of us. So
I very mildly said: Sir, please check my pulse and blood. The
demons might switch them off before they leave me.
God then laughed and whispered to my ears,
I know you from the day you were
in the womb of your mother. So dont worry about that. Im
your pulse. Dont you know that Im in your blood? A drink
in a day is to live for another day.
I felt as if I were kicked on my ass. I was
really flattened by him. It was a pre-emptied strike. I heard the angels
Son, you are past sixty five. Your brain
has started to shrink. The veins are getting weak. Empty spaces would
appear in your skull. The number of shock absorbers in your skull would
be less. Even the mild shocks might disrupt your computer system. There
is chance even for a complete crashing. So be alert mentally and physically
and even sexually. Begin a second youth. By the by, what are you by
Im a wordsmith. I write stories
and novels.
Really? Thats great. Can I read
some of your stories? You must be getting very good money for your works.
No, Sir. Your every second is money but
not mine. We get little. Unless you are a celebrated author your income
from writing would be negligible. A weekly had serialized my novel for
twenty weeks. I received a big thank you. Some times a hard
written story may not fetch you even a cup of tea. I couldnt
say more.
For several minutes it was monastic silence.
Son, do not lose heart. One day you will
become a great author. Or your grandchildren would enjoy the fruits
of your labor.
Thank you, Sir. I am going to write a
story about our encounter.
That would be nice of you. Once it is
written, would you show it to me?
Sure, I will.
Thank you. I would love to read it. Angel
Noorjahan just left on an emergency call but Angel Mary has arrived
before time. Shell sponge your seat of wisdom with Sanjeevani
before I pull down the shutters. She is highly experienced and serious
minded. She is little angry with me for chatting with you.
I felt sad and politely asked,
Sister, are you angry with God?
Dont you know we talk because we are humans, not beasts or machines
or robots? What would happen if the gods are dumb and dummies?
Dear brother, Im not angry.
God was simply joking. We enjoyed your verbosity. Your mouths
beatings were very interesting. Tell us, how do you feel now?
Honestly I enjoyed the feather touch of Marys
fingers over my battered head. I confessed,
Sister, I do feel like a child
sleeping on the lap of its mother during the winter. I wish not to be
awakened for years to come.
That sounds like music to our ears. Doesnt
it God?
There was tinkling of jingle bells all over.
I could hear Gods soft laughter. I was overwhelmed.
Son, listen. Ive exorcised the
demon. He is gone to the drain in million pieces, never to return to
you. Ive made two outlets to drain the polluted wastes of the
demon. Ive closed all other exits. So no entry for him from any
quarter. Mary has purified your alcove. She has blanketed your skull
with heavenly balm. Now would you be able to take a few mild pricks?
Im going to stitch your outer skin. Ready?
Before I could say yes God has
finished his job. His hands were swifter than the light and faster than
the wind. He acts first and then talks sweetly. I am sure he has downed
the shutters and bolted. Now, not even angels could enter my head.
While Mary was bandaging my head I asked: Why
should gods get annoyed while the angels flirt with the mortals?
Because, men believe that they have made
gods after their image.
I heard again the jingle bells ringing and
singing aloud. The godly laughter echoed from a distant corner like
a soft music. I felt it coming closer and closer to me. In the end it
became a sweet command: Let there be light.
Suddenly the deep and wide hollow was filled
up, the distance disappeared, the cloud evaporated, the darkness ceased.
There was light enough to see everything with my naked eyes. I saw the
theatre, the machines, the surgical apparatus, the nurses and the young
energetic doctor near me smiling. All of them appeared relaxed and happy.
The doctor whispered to me:
Hi, Joe, how do you feel now? Arent
you comfortable? Ninety percent of your blood clot is taken out. Dont
worry about the remaining and dont bother about it. See that your
head dont get a hit for a week. You will be al-right within a
couple of weeks. Its all over and well. May be due to your prayers!
I noticed your lips moving now and then. Though physically thin, you
are mentally very strong. I do admire you. Really you are one from a
special species. You co-operated with us very well. Thank you.
Doctor Saab, how long did you take?
Almost three hours.
It was rally a long and pleasant encounter.
I enjoyed conversing with you.
Me talking to you? No. Why?
do you ask me? We keep our code of conduct.
Thank you, Mr..Guard, thank you, sister
Mary and very special thanks to you, Doctor Bushan. Convey my love and
regard to Angel Noorjahan.
I shook hands with everybody in the operation
theatre. All of them were wreathed in smiles. The attendant carefully
pushed me out into the world. While being carried towards the observation
ward, I really wondered: Did I ever talk to anyone? Didnt I answer
the doctor? How long? Ive no idea. I was in between to-be and
not-to-be, or on the fringes of knowing and not-knowing.
© J. Kaval June 2008
J.Kaval writes stories and novels both in English and his mother tongue
Malayalam. He edits and publishes
KATH KSHETRE a journal dedicated to short fiction. He can be reached
at kathalok@yahoo.co.uk or kathalok@vsnl.net
Visit: www.writergazette.com/KATHALOKshtml
Snail mail: J.Kaval, 90, Guniagrahara, Sivakote Post, Bangalore-89,
Karnataka, India
Fiction in Dreamscapes
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