International Writers Magazine:USA Politics
Dean Borok
an unfortunate omen for Barack Obama that he was awarded the Democratic
nomination the same week Big Brown crapped out at Belmont.
I say Obama was awarded the nomination because he didnt win
it. Hillary Clinton beat him hands down in every big primary except
Illinois. Obama was carried forward by a childrens crusade
in the caucus states, which have very little to do with big-time
politics. She was browbeaten into conceding even though she was
ahead in the popular vote.
could have gone forward to the convention and insisted that the full
convention vote on whether or not to seat the Florida and Michigan delegations,
and she would have won that vote too. She could have ripped the nomination
from Obama the same as you rip a newborn from a mothers breast,
but it would have been too distasteful (not for me). The whole party
ganged up on her, not to mention the media. The media, as we all know
is in the pay of the big Republican interests. The party is so sure
of beating McCain that they would prefer to have an easy mark to push
around in the White House, who owes them, instead of having the Clintons,
who would run them. If Obama gets elected, which is not a foregone conclusion
considering the polls showing white voters going over to McCain, he
is going to owe everything to the party apparatus.
If he gets elected.
Even with Bushs shit record and the economy in the garbage can,
not to mention Katrina, WTC, Iraq, an Obama victory is nowhere near
being a foregone conclusion. He doesnt stand a chance of winning
in the redneck states, which were easy bait for Hillary Clinton. People
may be sickened by the Republicans wicked thievery, incompetence
and hypocrisy, but the electorate has an overall favorable opinion of
McCain, and they know how to split their vote. McCain could conceivably
be swept into office on the coattails of a massive Democratic sweep
of Congress, the same way the garbage gets swept in to dock in the wake
of the Staten Island Ferry.
And thats
not even counting the millions of Democrats like myself who are repulsed
by the whole Obama cult. If this Obama does not win, there are going
to be evil repercussions inside the party, and a putsch to get rid of
the dorks who helped him knock off Hillary Clinton. Its going
to be The Night of the Long Knives.
This whole situation
brings to mind the Aesop fable of the dog with the bone, who, seeing
his reflection in the water lunges at the bone in the water and loses
the real one out of stupidity. Because the Democratic Party, partly
because of listening to wicked advice, decided to buy a pig in a poke
instead of going with a sure winner. We were this close to a social
revolution, and we ended up buying a bill of goods.
At the same time
that the Democratic Party was jettisoning a sure winner in favor of
what appears at best to be a dicey proposition, one of Obamas
main pillars of support, The New York Post, was hyping another
one of its star picks, Big Brown, to be the first triple crown winner
in 30 years. Every day The Post provided wall-to-wall coverage of the
horse, including his diet, training regimen, drug history and adoring,
suitable-for-framing portrait photos of his little horsey butt.
Naturally, Big Brown
finished dead last at Belmont, which must have made a lot of bookmakers
happy, and I have no doubt that these bookies made sure to spread some
of that largesse in the direction of The Posts team of hungry
sports journalists. Big Brown is not the only bag of bones
to receive The Posts official imprimatur. Last fall I wrote about
a marvelous piece of betting misinformation emanating from that rag
when it favored the lowly Jets over the top-rated Cowboys by a wide
spread. Naturally, the Jets tanked too, enriching gambling operators
throughout the tri-state empire.
Anybody who lets
The Post do their thinking for them is an imbecile, and that extends
to its political coverage. The Post backs losers as a matter of course.
But its not because theyre stoopid. Oh no, theyre
not stoopid at all! (were the ones stoopid, because were
the ones who are eating their garbage)The Post backs losers because
it pays well.
Back the Jets against
the Cowboys and you get paid by the bookies. Promote a glue factory
prospect like Big Brown and you get paid by the bookies. Its really
hard to figure out, isnt it?
Back Barack Obama
against Hillary Clinton and you get paid by AIG and the big banks and
insurance combines. And were talking REAL MONEY here. AIG can
cough up some serious dough. No wonder every day since February The
Post was screaming for her to get out of the race.
Now that The Post
has gotten Hillary Clinton out of the way, they are going to go after
their tomato can, Obama, the same way, just like I pictured it. The
end result is going to resemble an internet car crash photo, only smashed
up against the windshield is going to be American society.
© Dean Borok June 15th 2008
and Safety in New York
Dean Borok
never safe in New York. My neighbor on 83rd St. got hit in the
head by a flying chunk of a luxury condo which knocked her out cold.
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