
First Law of Conspiracy - Part Three - The End is nigh
L Minteer
its thought that there was electricity at various times in antiquity.
But thats ridiculous!"
But well still be able to make electricity from our stored
oxygen and hydrogen in the underground cities, wont we?"
"Theoretically, yes, although there is talk of adding some
sort of shielding around as many as possible, just in case."
"But how could the electrons just go? I thought the theory
was that metals accepted them when they first came to earth. Metals
wouldnt be taken, too, would they?" |
"Well, I hadnt heard that before as part of the theory. But
maybe they will. Or maybe just Aluminum. Remember, copper, gold, iron,
lead, mercury, silver, tin, and zinc have been known since prehistoric
times, and nobody really knows who or where they were first discovered.
But aluminum, even though it is the lightest metal by molecular weight,
was not discovered on the earth until 1825, just six years after electromagnetism
was discovered. So there may be a connection. Of course, the accepted
theory has always been that the aluminum was there all along, in combination
with other elements, but that primitive man just wasnt able to separate
it out. Such may be the case, but Mans knowledge of metallurgical
processes and smelting goes way back. The Chinese made steel 2000 years
ago, for Gods sake! Of course, if aluminum is the main component
of the reflective layer which gives us the images of sun, moon, and maybe
the planets and some stars, and with aluminum being so light, it would
make sense that it all floated up there long ago. Then, as the earth increased
in size and got closer to the aluminum layer, for whatever reason it started
to settle to earth. Makes a guy wonder where that old nursery rhyme character
came fromremember, the one that went around yelling: the sky is
falling! the sky is falling!"
"Yeah, it does make you wonder
But how would aluminum have given
off all those electrons?"
"The theory is that it wasnt the aluminum which gave off the
electrons, but instead as the electrons came streaming to the surface
through, or having bounced off of, the aluminum layer, they dislodged
the aluminum molecules, which then came raining to earth, to combine with
various other elements. Yet others think that such could have happened
in the past, before each Dark Period. The electrons could have knocked
loose part of the silver and gold layers at different times in the past.
The Greeks did have oral traditions of a Bronze Age, a Silver Age, and
a Gold Age. Historians have always assumed that the Gold Age had come
first, and that their civilization had gone downhill from that time, but
since copper is the lighter of the three metals, it would seem logical
that it had come first."
"So its thought that there was electricity at various times
in antiquity. But thats ridiculous!"
"Is it? Why? Just because weve found no old motors or wires?
Remember, every conquering people melted down most all of the metals of
the civilization they conquered. Theres no reason to believe that
they didnt have some sorts of generators and motors. But it seems
that they only used electricity for light and heat. Nobody ever seems
to have thought of making any huge electric-powered machinery, mainly,
the theory goes, because they werent intent on attaining power over
huge numbers of their fellows. That seems to have been a rather modern
development. Of course there were always kings, but the number of subjects
one man could possibly rule was limited. Another possible reason for there
being no large electric devices in antiquity was that the electrons themselves
would have been heavier."
"Heavier electrons? What are you talking about?"
"Remember the salt layer that various people have theorized? And
theres plenty of evidence for itall the vast underground salt
mines in Europe apparently were blasted free of the layer at some point
in the past and then rode the waters up as they rose through the centuries.
And vast quantities of oil and natural gas have always been found either
under salt domes or sitting on impermeable layers of salt. Maybe there
have been several salt layers formed at different times in the past. The
first was formed, so it is thought, about 2000 miles from the center of
the earth. Gravity would be four times as strong at that distance from
the center, which would explain very simply why the dinosaurs were built
the way they were. Also the apes and what are supposed to be Mans
ancestors. They had bigger bones and were shorter and squatter to counter
the force of gravity. The next major layerthe Potassium Bromide
layeris thought to have formed at about 2500 miles from the earths
center. Gravity at that distance would be just over two and a half times
what we experience today. Actually potassium bromide is used extensively
in photographic processes, so quite a lot of it may have formed the firmament
layer, and the initial flash of the earths core igniting may have
etched the images of the stars on that layer. Then, too, potassium bromide
is also used as a sedative, and so many of the plants which grew out of
this layer may have been used by early man in various ceremonies and rituals,
as well as to just relax after an exhausting day. But the solid layer
may have again been one of salt."
"So its theorized that all the elements from Potassium through
Bromine were formed during that era. Why were so many of them not discovered
until the 18th century or even later?"
"There are several possible explanations that Ive heard. First
is that the elements were here all along, but not until the Electric Age
were they able to be separated. Another twist claims that most of the
elements in each rowand especially the transition metalsare
merely mutations of the basic metals. Notice that between Potassium and
Bromine are found Iron, Copper, and Zinc. Supposedly when the electrons
started bombarding those three metals in their shell around the earth,
the other metals were formed. And that reminds me. I dont think
I ever answered your question about heavier electrons. Just as hydrogenand
thus water, toois known to have been heavier at greater gravities,
so it is assumed that the other elements and their components likely were,
too. The heavier electrons would have quickly damaged whatever devices
might have been made, especially as metallurgy was not able to produce
very strong metal combinations."
"So the Rubidium Iodide layer formed at 3000 miles from the center,
and all the elements in between?"
"Right. Or at least Silver and Tin were formed. The others either
were formed but not separated until the Electric Age, or they were not
formed until the Electric Age. But if each pre-dark period had its own
electric age, then its likely that they all formed. But many may
have remained in a gaseous state at a certain distance from the center,
and then precipitated as the earth rose up to meet it. Gravity at 3000
miles from the center would be about one and three-quarters as strong
as it is now. Likely many of the dinosaurs were nearing their limits of
existence. Many no doubt evolved to be able to cope with the weaker gravity,
but some probably died out. They all died out by the time the next row
of elements was formedthe Iridium layer shows that. Notice what
is very near to Iridium in the periodic table, however: Mercury. Iridium
may just be mutated Mercury. So a nice little Mercury rain likely killed
all the dinosaurs. However, at 3500 miles from the center, gravity would
be just over one and one-quarter what it is today. Maybe somehow Africa
was spared the Mercury raindont know if an Iridium layer has
been found there or notbecause it is there in Africa that most big-boned,
thick-bodied animals are found, although there are a few in Asia, obviously."
"And so now this final layer is about to form at 4000 miles from
the center. What makes the theorists think itll be the final layer?
Why are we so intent on moving underground at the appropriate time?"
"The radioactive decay, and all the damage that is done by cosmic
radiation and even simple ultraviolet light. It is believed that anything
beyond the radioactive row would be even more damaging."
"But if its thought that the electrons might disappear, might
they not take the radioactive garbage with them?"
"Some have thought so. But that never happened in the past. All the
elements remained on the earth."
"Unless, of course, they truly werent on the earth until their
"Yes, that is a possibility. But still, life on the surface in the
dark would be no picnic, so were going to ride it out underground.
Then well come outor at least send some robots outand
see what conditions are like."
"Good. But what of the Space Race story. Will it be told in any form
"Oh sure, itll be told as a good example of how gullible and
downright stupid most people were. It, perhaps more than any other story,
will show why clones are the only way to go. They wont need any
stories to keep them in line. And that, of course, is why the whole Space
Race Story has been so good. With everyone believing it, despite some
clear, simple hints and reasons that it must be a fabrication, it shows
that people are no longer interested in thinking for themselves. Religion
had people believing opposites at the same time. From the time children
are very young, they are curious and want to learn about the world. And
they are harmless and blameless, just as the best minds through the ages
have claimed. But in order for religions to rule, guilt was needed. And
its been a very effective tool. But remember, by the 60s guilt
was starting to fade away, and could possibly have been lost. Many still
have it, of course, much to our benefit. And those who dont now
mostly have science as their religion. They see all the great advances
in computer technology, and believe it is the scientists who are causing
it, whereas, as we know, it is just as always throughout history: we just
use whats available, and come up with theories that explain phenomena
fairly well."
"So will we try to actually get to the moon later on?"
"Most likely. Since clones will be cheap and have no rights, well
be able to just shoot them out at random. Thus we may discover just how
light curves through space."
"But what if we shoot and shoot spaceship after spaceship, and still
find nothing? What if it turns out that the earth really is a total self-contained
universe after all? Will it not be sadeven a bit patheticthat
we wasted so much effort to first hide the possible truth, and then wasted
so many clones and so much material in trying to find what many believed
was never there in the first place?"
"Dont worry. There will be plenty of new theories put forth
to explain whatever is going on."
"I dont doubt that. But for what purpose? If were all
equal in the New Age, what will need to be hidden?"
"All equal? Get real! There will still have to be those who make
and train the clones. And theyll have to be kept in line somehow."
"But arent you worried that if you treat them poorly, theyll
eventually enlist the aid of the clones to bring about a revolution? Then
itll be the same old story all over again
"Could be. So what are you suggesting? That we admit what weve
done and step aside?"
"No, at least not now. But maybe afterwards, if there are any of
them left alive."
"So whats the prognosis?"
"Well, theres definitely light out there. The instruments say
its a bit different that the light we were used to, but thats
to be expected."
"And what of gravity?"
"What do you mean? Dont tell me youve started believing
some of those crackpot theories, especially the parts about harmonics
and echoes of the previous dark periods?"
"Well, it was an observed fact that during the previous five hundred
years great men lived around the turns of the centuries. And even further
back it was noticed that momentous events in history seemed to cluster
around the center and near the thirds of the centuriessay in the
30s or 60sand even definitely in the 33 or 66
"Yeah, but you cant seriously believe that all those hippy
musicians in the 60s were picking up echoes from the firmament and
were sounding true warnings?"
"Not necessarily. But Im just wondering what the gravitational
reading is. I mean, we know for a fact that the sun refused to shine for
just over three years. Im just wondering if the mountains crumbled
to the sea, and took us with them."
"Took us
you mean, down to a previous level? Then how could
there possibly be a breathable atmosphere out there?"
"Youre starting to sound like me, asking all the questions.
But as for the atmosphere. Have we not had an artificial atmosphere in
here these past three years? Whats so hard about that? So again,
Ill askwhat about gravity?"
"Come one, you know that no gravity measuring device has ever been
developed, other than a simple spring scale. If the weight of a known
mass doubles, that means that the force of gravity has doubled."
"OK. But what if as we descended, our very cells were altered, and
that of the scales, too? What if we weigh the same, but are really quite
"Thats the very reason that no reliable gravity-measuring device
will ever be made. And its why nobody in the past thirty or so years
ever noticed the increase in the earths size. Maybe people could
have if they had kept some old yardsticks and used them to measure a degree
of latitude. But with the official length of a meter being the length
of that piece of metal in Paris, as gravity changed, so, too, would the
metal. Wood and bone, while alive, will vary their growth rates according
to the force of gravity. But once theyre dead, gravity seems not
to affect them. But metal, being in a sense part of the living earth,
varies with that living earth. So as to the gravity out there, well
just have to rely on our senses to tell us if its any different."
"OK, so out we go. Wow! It really is a different sort of light than
we were used to. And the sun seems so small and far away. And whoa! Look
at the size of that Moon! I bet an eclipse will last a full hour. No wonder
the most ancient records had primitive people really getting frightened
during one. By our time, they were interesting, of course, but the sky
only got a little dimmer."
"Yes, its definitely different than we left it. But do you
notice? No Mountains! Maybe you were right! Or maybe just the local range
was affected, and there will be some just over the horizon. And speaking
of horizons, is it my imagination, or is there a really perceptible curve
to that horizon. What would that mean?"
"It would mean, of course, that were onor insidea
much smaller earth."
"No! Thats not possible! We were so sure that inside the mountains
was the place to be. I mean, they were the most solid structures on the
earth, right?"
"There you go, asking questions again. But you yourself told me that
according to the Growing Earth theory, that the mountains were really
nothing but dried out muddy ice cubes, formed under intense pressure,
if course, so that their molecular structure appeared very stable. But
it was also theorized that the underlying ice layer that everything was
floating on had buckled during the last freeze, pushing the mountains
up. Thus the remaining ice would be quite a bit thinner under most mountain
"So what are you saying? That where the mountains were, theres
now ocean? But if it was dark for three years, shouldnt everything
have frozen again?
"On top, yes. But remember, the oceans themselves were essentially
in huge bowls of ice, and were floating on the underlying wateror
so the theory was."
"Yeah, yeahI know the damn theory! But our scientists proved
over and over that there was a fifteen or so mile think mantle which floated
on a semi-molten layer under that. And I know what youre going to
askwhy should we have believed our scientists? Maybe, as its
turning out, we shouldnt have. Well, lets get back inside
and activate some clones."
"Right. And in the meantime we can send out some robots and station
them at various positions around the surface and see whats out there."
"The robot found a what?"
"Yeah, you heard rightit found a small building with computers
"And this is what weve downloaded from those computers?"
"OK, lets check it out."
"Can you believe it?"
"Well, yes and no. It does make sense in light of all those crazy
theories. But noits impossible to believe. We were never here
beforeI certainly wasnt. How could I have been?"
"But thats definitely you talking on that disc."
"Sure, it looks and sounds like mebut its impossible!"
"OK, well maybe whatever out it there made it look like you just
to get your attention."
"Could bebut how? It had never seen me, had it?"
"True, I dont see how it could have."
"And to say that we will soon be joined by millions of others, and
that we had best tell them the whole truth. Now that is totally impossible!
Our satellites did have the capability of tracking any large shipments
of any element on the whole surface of the earthand that includes
down to the bottom of the oceans, too. Theres no way any other group
could have stored enough oxygen, hydrogen, and food to survive over three
years underground. Impossible!"
"Nor was it possible for any nuclear or other weapons to just disappear
undetected, was it?"
"Of course not. But it sure was fun to watch all the morons argue
about who the Russians were selling their weapons to, and who was making
them. Most of them were kept in such a panic, which worked to our benefit,
of course."
"And youthat is, the you on the computerkept insisting
that we enter the time period into it."
"Yeah, that still makes no sense. What could it possibly matter how
long it had been since we discovered Uranium, and if we had ever exploded
any nuclear devices. Or again, the times from discovery to explosion,
and from explosion to the beginning of the Dark. Ithe me on the
computersounded just as kooky as the Growing Earth theory boys,
didnt I?"
"You did. But since were here, apparently on an earth just
half the size of where we started, maybe we should take you seriously?"
"OK, fine. Enter the times."
"It said what?"
"It said we were the best yet. It said when the rest of them get
here with the rest of the materials, we will be just about ready to conquer
the entire earth."
"OK. And what else did it say? We were what?"
"The best of 847."
"And thats supposed to mean that Man has gone through this
cycle 846 times before us? 846 Einsteins, 846 Hiroshimas, 846 Three Mile
Islands and Chernyobles? Thats absurd!"
"Well, of course it didnt say that all the details were the
same, but essentially yes."
"And it said that those millions coming soon would bring the rest
of the materials? Again, what the hell could it be talking about?"
"Nobodys been able to put forth any theory that makes sense.
Here its been months already, and theres nobody else. And,
like youve said over and over, we know that nobody had the materials
to make another underground city."
"Whoa! Look at that! Where did they come from? And look, there, too!
And theyre popping up on every screen! It looks like theyre
appearing out of thin air! Trucks, buses, cars, wagons, and thousands
of people on foot. And looknow theyre stopping to check out
our robot cameras. And it looks like the robots are telling them something."
"Maybe theyre giving them directions."
"Here they come. They look pretty worn outthey mustve
walked twenty miles or so. Their first question will probably be why we
didnt come out to meet them. What will we say?"
"Dont worry about that. Lets just find out who they are
and how they got here."
"Hello! Welcome to
"Its you!"
"Of course its me
I mean, what do you mean, its
you? Weve never met before, Im sure of it."
"It was your face, and your voice, on all the video screens in the
golden city in the sky."
"Golden city in the sky? Oh, I seethe heat and the long walk
has affected you. Lets get you some food and water."
"Sounds good. But the walk has really done nothing but invigorate
me. And we all remember your face and voice quite well. And weve
all come to hate you quite strongly. Your lies will now cause your demise."
"I must still insist that I havent got a clue what you are
talking about."
"Well, a few months after the Dark beganyou know about the
Dark, dont you?"
"SureI mean, weve heard of it."
"Right. The fact that youre here ahead of us makes it likely
that you caused the Dark somehow. Anyway, after just a few months, when
peoples patience was starting to wear thin, and it looked like there
would be all-out wars, the sky suddenly opened up in places and golden
roads were seen to descend out of the sky. Well, naturally everyone who
still had fuel in their vehicles started driving up those roads. They
were very steep, yet the traction was good. And when we began to worry
about running out of fuel, robot-operated gas pumps appeared by the side
of the road, with food dispensing machines which gave out whatever was
asked for. All very convenient."
"And you think we somehow had something to do with all that? Weve
been underground for over three years. Imagine our surprise when we stepped
out expecting to be on the old familiar earth and instead found ourselves
a couple thousand miles below the surface. And youre saying you
went upwhat, a couple hundred miles, on golden roads? Yes, the heat
has definitely gotten to you."
"Would you quit saying that? Were here, arent we? Explain
that! And, as I mentioned, the rest of us out there are not happy with
you. So youd better have a pretty good explanation, or Id
say youve about reached your end."
"Well, if youd been listening, youd realize that I just
said we had no clue how we got here either. And before you go threatening
us with our end, let me tell you that we have some pretty potent weapons
with us
"Would both of you just shut up! We need to hear the whole story
of the golden city in the sky."
"Thank you. We all got up therethat took a couple monthsand
we began comparing notes, and it seems that the roads only dropped down
in the rich countries, in those places where there were vehicles and fuel
available. Naturally there was a huge last-minute rush by some of the
poorer people to get to some of those roads, but for the must part they
really werent too excited. In fact, we received quite a few cell-phone
calls saying Good Riddance. Of course, we thought they were being really
stupid, and some of us even waited behind and tried to convince them to
come with us, but that only made them more determined to stay behind.
Anyway, as I said, after a couple months, we were all up there, and the
roads all pulled up behind us. And we found ourselves in a place which
was absolutely beautiful. It was not just golden, but real gold. And there
were vending-looking machines everywhere which would give us whatever
we wanted whenever we asked. It was wonderfulfor a few weeks. But
we soon realized that there was no privacy to be had, and no materials
to build any houses for privacy. Sure, we had our cars and campers and
trucks, and they provided some measure of privacy. And there were no animals
other than the few pets we had brought along. But worst of all, there
was no way to dispose of any of our waste. No way to dig latrines, and
no materials to build any sort of containment buildings. But there were
video screens everywhere, and we could watch all the movies we wanted,
for free!"
"Sounds pretty awful."
"It was. But worse yet was when we started looking down to the surface.
Some of us had brought along some sophisticated see-through goggles, good
not just for night vision, but to actually see through many surfaces.
We could see that down below there were new sorts of trees and plants
growing haphazardly everywhere, and that all people had to do to have
something to eat was to pull a piece of fruit off a tree, or a handful
of berries off a bush. There was open water just about everywheredid
you know that the mountains had vanished?and it seemed to circulate
fairly quickly, so that waste disposal was no problem. We could see into
the water a ways, and it looked like some new sort of pig-looking fish
was consuming most of the waste. It was all very bizarre looking, but
it sure looked better than what we had. So of course some of us started
complaining loudly and demanding to be let go back down. And thats
when you appearedon the video screens, that is. You said for all
who wanted to go back down to gather together in one certain area. Only
a few thousand did, at least in our part of the golden cityperhaps
there were many such groups. But they were a minority. Most of us still
felt that we had the superior lifestyle."
"So, how did they get back down? Did the roads open up? Did anyone
down below try to come up?"
"No, there were no roads. A big hole opened under the specified area,
and they all just fell down to the earth below. Of course they all burned
up in the atmosphere after reaching extreme speeds after just a few miles.
In our minds we said Good Riddance to them, and decided to make the best
of it. And it wasnt so badjust extremely boring. But you made
it pretty exciting in a very short time."
"Me? How did I do that?"
"By taking over the video screens and giving us all a brief history
lessonone which made us all rather ill, I must say. You said we
were the Chosen Onesyes, you actually used that old, worn-out religious
terminologychosen to bring the materials necessary to once and for
all rid the world of all scum, and make it safe for an advanced society.
Apparently all our vehicles, and the fuel, too, was full of nuclear materials,
which could be concentrated sufficiently to make enough weapons to totally
destroy all the scum we saw down on the earth. Well, they didnt
look like scum to us, and we said as much. And those video screens up
there would actually listen and respondit really was rather incredible.
Yet they were also incredibly stupid, having been made by you and people
like you."
"Hey! Thats a bit below the belt, isnt it?"
"Not really; not when you consider that all you were attempting to
do was rule the entire earth. Everything you had called evil when others
supposedly did it, you were now proposing to do. Which led us to conclude
that probably we had been lied to for many generations, and that nobody
ever had really intended to take over the earth as you and your kind had
claimed. You had manipulated situations and leaders and backed them into
corners so that they would strike first, and you would then look like
the good guys in stopping Evil in its tracks. All the while, of course,
you were profiting from every gun and bullet sold, and from every bomb
produced and dropped. And it was all so that you could develop the ultimate
nuclear weapon, and then spring it on an unsuspecting people."
"Thats ridiculous! All we wanted to do was survive the Dark,
when everyone would kill each other off, and then come out and build a
just society
Well, its true that we were going to use clones.
But that way all the morons would be equalthey would no longer be
fighting each other. They would be united in their desire to serve us."
"Right. But first youll have to kill off those remaining on
the earth. Which is what youve tried to do the last 846 times, all
"What do you know about that? All our video screen here told us was
that we were the best of 847it didnt say how or what we were
supposed to do about it. It did, however, tell us to wait for you and
the materials you were bringing. So whats the deal?"
"It seems that every thousand years this same thing has repeated
itself. North America being the naturally richest and most isolated place
on earth, you always end up underground there. Remember, old burial sites
were found by the early settlers, with metal tools in them. Funny how
that was suppressed and never mentioned. Anyway, the pattern seems to
be that you tell sufficient lies to convince sufficient numbers of people
to want more than they have on this earth, and get them to value certain
things above all else, so that given the opportunity, they will carry
those valuables with them even a couple hundred miles up into the sky.
Back down here, you assemble the best weapons possible from the materials
theyve brought, and then you go back to the surface. And guess where
you wind up?"
"No ideawhere?"
"Well, you know that all the mountains sunk back down into the sea.
Theres one exceptionthe Himalayas. They are still there. Instead,
the Indian subcontinent sunk into the sea, that is, much of it did. Some
remained as islands floating between the Himalaya and a fair-sized land
mass a few hundred miles off the coast. If youve ever seen old maps
claiming to be from the fifteenth century, youll see that island
out there in the Indian Ocean, with a water passage between it and the
Himalaya. This was the true Northwest Passage from China to Africa. There
was never any real need to find anotherbut it was a good story put
forth this time by the Europeans, to spur on the development of North
America. Where do you think that the so-called Barbarian Hordes came from
this time around?"
"Youre saying that it was us, after riding up and crashing
back into the Himalaya? Thats ridiculous!"
"It seems so, doesnt it? But its worked every time. And
this time you managed to get printing going on a huge scale within five
hundred years. That was of utmost importance. Previously, most books got
burned as fuel when the Dark began. This time there was very little of
that, especially as the little secret about Uranium has been figured out."
"Secret? What secret?"
"The fact that, as with anythingeven the most deadly poisonsproblems
only occur when materials or power becomes concentrated. Thats why
cities have been destroyed by the common people many times in the past.
And its why even your puppet governments have had to give at least
the appearance of breaking up very powerful corporations and restoring
control to the people. But in the case of the ultimate destructive force,
youve insisted on concentrating it, and have made sure that enough
people have sickened and died so that most people are very afraid of it.
But what has been the only peaceful use of nuclear power? Its merely
concentrated to produce heat to spin the turbines to induce the electrons
to flowelectrons, which, of course, have mostly disappeared from
the surface now. But yes, Uranium does give off heat. What do you think
makes the Hot Springs of the world? And why were those hot baths deemed
to be healthy by previous generations? Obviously because they truly were.
And a small amount of Uranium kept in each home will provide sufficient
heat to keep water hot for bathingand connected to some metal filaments
can easily be used for light and for cooking."
"That sounds greatbut theres just not enough Uranium
to go around."
"And thats only because of your greedy mining methods. Many
miners and thinkers throughout history have recognized that metals grow
in place much as vegetable matter. A sustained harvest of gold would have
provide plenty of gold to make most metal implementsimplements which
would not tarnish or oxidize. But instead your greedy leaders wanted it
all for themselves. And then they realized that with the shortages it
could be considered even more valuable, although doing nothing useful.
Then Adam Smith applied that theory to economics in general, and you were
on your way, werent you? Or so you had hoped. But I think that your
game is now about to end."
"What do you mean, end? What can you possibly do to stop us?"
"Simple. Just kill you, so that you cant go back to the surface
with your bombs."
"And what about you?"
"Well refine the pure Uranium out of our vehicles, and take
it to the surface insteada nice little present for Mankind."
"Youll die of radiation poisoning first"
"You werent listening just now, were you? In small amounts,
especially shielded by salt, Uranium is harmless. Well get it back
to the surface, where it can grow and be harvested only as needed. And
never again will anything be concentrated in the hands of just a few people,
for such concentration of power always corrupt those who hold it."
"And what makes you think youll be able to figure out how to
get back to the surface? What if you all die here?"
"So be it. There was still plenty of Uranium left on the surface.
Besides, it appeared that people were getting along just fine without
it. And maybe it all turned back to gold with the disappearance of the
excess electrons. Theres just so much that we dont know. But
as long as there are no more lying, greedy, power-mad fools keeping the
truth from them, they will be able to discover the truth about everything
eventually. In fact, in just a few hundred years, the surface may naturally
reach up to that golden layer, and then people may be able to go off and
explore the Solar System. Because right before the bright flash which
brought us here, we saw what appeared to be many other spheres just out
of reach of our cranes and fire truck ladders. The Sun, Moon, and planets
are right there, and may be stepping stones to the starsbut only
at the proper time and with the proper attitude will we ever get there.
By getting rid of you, mankind will at last have a chance to truly advance."
Robert L Minteer August 2002
One - Part
Two - Part
If You want to want to contact the author - email him here: nrminteer1@juno.com
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