
First Law of Conspiracy - Part Two- Harsh Truths
L Minteer
What drugs?"
"The memory implant drugs. You mean weve never discussed this?
a stroke of genius to engineer that big political scandal
in America!"
"I wish we could take the credit for it. But the guy was really
that unstable and paranoid. His own polls showed that he was about
to win by the biggest landslide in history, but he thought that
somehow his opponent had manipulated the poll, and really had some
dirt on him that would be flung at the last minute. So he ordered
that burglary to find the dirt
and of course, we dont
know for sure that they didnt really find it and save the
election for him. Its hard to know whether we are just deteriorating
as a species into untrusting, paranoid people, or whether the illusion
layer is perhaps drawing closer to the surface. But for now everything
is proceeding according to plan." |
"So it was part
of the plan to have him appoint a Vice President who would then take over
as President and then turn right around and issue a pardon?"
"No. Again, that was his own doing. Which makes us suspect that he
really did have something which he was afraid of being uncovered."
"Nothing connected with our control, I hope."
"Again, we cant be totally sure. We tried to stay with him
every minute when he was in China. But the man was, and is, very clever.
And he apparently studied Mandarin on the sly and was able to have some
quick, private conversations with a few officials when nobody was looking.
He may have even passed some notes in a few bathrooms, for Gods
"Any guesses as to the gist of any of those notes or conversations?"
"Apparently theres an ancient, buried pyramid somewhere in
the interior of China, under which is supposedly buried an accurate depiction
of the structure of the Solar System. Were not sure if the President
was maybe warning them about what they might find, and that theyd
better use the peoples superstitions to keep them away. Officials
could then explore it in secretand perhaps even alter it to fit
with our model of the Solar System."
"So he really was on our side, even if he was a bit out of control?"
"Were sure hoping so. Because there is another possibilitythat
he dropped some hints as to what might be found under that pyramid, and
told them to document it very carefully, and keep the information closely
guarded, to be eventually used to truly benefit all mankind. Were
concerned, too, that he may have given them some hints as to how they
could eventually bankrupt us."
"But then why is he still alive?"
"Because were hoping that hell slip up and try to make
some contacts with somebody before he dies. The American people hope,
of course, that hell be forthcoming with some details about the
big burglary. And were glad that thats as far as their interest
goes. The whole mess has also presented us with a whole new source of
fake conflict for the next generation, between the media and the government."
"Clever. But I thought that the government already controlled the
media, with licensing requirements for radio and TV, and the threats of
labor disputes or IRS investigations for newspapers and magazines?"
"Ah, but you forget who really controls everything. We let it look
like the government is in control. But now everyone will always believe
that the power of the press toppled a President, when really it was nothing
but his own paranoia which did. But most of the politicians will believe
it, too, and so will work in very subtle ways to control the power of
the press. And they will just naturally turn more and more control over
to us."
"But I thought we had total control of the newspapers long ago. Look
at the huge fortune amassed by Hearst and others."
"Truebut we almost lost that. The socialist and labor movements
really set us back a few decades. They were on the verge of exposing part
of the truth about what goes on behind the scenes, which is just the same
old story. Power can only continue to be concentrated when there are hundreds
of millions of slaves subsisting on near-starvation rations. The American
people refused to continue in that role, and have thus unwittingly added
to our power. Stalin did us such a great service by working his own people
to deathof course, they werent really his own people, mostly,
he being a Georgian. But still, he made conditions there so terrible that
it made it easy for us to convince the rest of the world that it was the
fault of the socialist and communist ideologies. The seemingly logical
conclusion which the Americans and Europeans reached was that capitalism
and democracy are what has given them their wonderful standards of living."
"And arent they?"
"Of course not. Its still the same old thing: slavery. But
now the slaves are somewhere else. Theyre our impoverished millions
of the moment, saved from starvation by good-paying jobs provided by our
wonderful capitalist system. Of course, a good-paying job is a totally
relative concept. From making nothing to making a dollar a day is a big
step up. Then great American and European businessmen can buy these slave-made
products cheap and turn around and sell them for big profits at home.
Stock prices rise, and everyone is happy."
"Sounds too good to be true. But how long can it last? And how does
the continued exploration of space fit into the picture?"
"You mean, of course, the supposed continuing exploration of space.
Its all to do with the continued accumulation of hydrogen and oxygen.
Some hints have been dropped as to where its all going. But future
disasters are planned in blast-offs. This will give the government a plausible
reason to scale back. And it will continue the illusion of corporate-government
"Hold it a minute. That mention of future catastrophes gets me to
thinking about past catastrophes. Were they all orchestrated, and were
the people who died seen as possible threats to exposure?"
"As always, much is still speculative. But it does seem that there
were a few who began to figure things out, a few for whom the effects
of the drugs were unpredictable."
"Drugs? What drugs?"
"The memory implant drugs. You mean weve never discussed this?
From the start it was debated whether to let the astronauts in on the
scheme. There were a few from the start who were deemed trustworthy and
loyal enough to be told the truth. And it was actually a couple of them
who had the better ideaor so it seemed at the timeof using
various drugs to make the later astronauts merely think they had been
places and done things. It all begins in the simulated weightlessness
on the airplanes. Its a well-known fact that people pass out from
the stress of the G-forces. Well, when they come to they are naturally
quite disoriented. And so its no problem at all to get them to believe
that what they are experiencing is the real thing. However, since they
are in such great physical shape, they are quick to pick up on the smallest
clues that something is not quite right. And its been their ongoing
comments and suggestions which have enabled us to fine-tune the whole
"Yeah, we think so, too. And its working quite well."
"So what about the current and future Presidents? How will they be
kept in line?"
"From now on their every waking minute will be full of official duties,
all their speeches will be written for them, and all their briefings will
be carefully screened."
"You mean
"Exactly. They will probably actually know less about what is going
on in the world than the man on the street. Yet they will still believe
the fiction that they are the most powerful men in the world. And they
will also believe that when push comes to shove that they will be allowed
to enter the underground bunkersreally, whole underground cities."
"So thats where all the oxygen and hydrogen is going. But where
on earth are these places located?"
"Thats still an unknown for
most of us. Because remember, it doesnt matter which individuals
survive, just that its our kind of people."
"But Ive heard rumors that according to the Ice Ball theory
of the earth, that no underground area is necessarily safe. Unless we
know where the ice is underground, we wont know what will be left
floating during the next Dark Period."
"True. Which is why I think the location is probably Antarctica.
Theres two miles of ice there. Plus the bunkers themselves are probably
being made essentially sea-worthy."
"Sounds good. But Ive heard rumors, too, that perhaps in each
Dark Period many chemical bonds are loosenedand perhaps gravity
itselfso that maybe none of these preparations will do any good."
"Yeah, Ive heard those rumors, too. Well just have to
hope that our scientists know what theyre talking about. Yet I wonderwithout
the most basic piece of the puzzle, is there any way they can possibly
understand any of the rest of it?"
"So where do things stand currently?"
"Well, the Americans have had their most moral President so far,
a truly good man. But an ineffective President, theyll always believe.
Yet they dont pause for even one second to consider what that says
about their whole system. And of course, how can they pause. Weve
got them all so worried about their future financial security and moving
all around the country changing jobs that they have no time to consider
much of anything."
"And nobody is questioning why, with the advances in computing power,
plans are not being made to go back to the moon."
"No. OSHA and the related safety agencies have done their jobs well.
And the legal system is all set to pounce on anyone who dares to do anything
which is the slightest bit unsafe. Meanwhile the hydrogen and oxygen continues
to be stored for the future."
"Yes, but what kind of a future will it possibly be? When the most
advanced nation in earths history elects a total phonyan actor,
for Gods sake, and not once, but twicewhat sort of hope can
we have for mankinds future?"
"Which is all the more reason for us to continue with our plans."
"And those plans seem to include the bankrupting of the Soviet Union
and the continued suffering of millions of their people yet again."
"Yes, its been amazing that theyve been so agreeable
to that part of the plan. Some of us have begun to wonder if perhaps they
know something we dont."
"You mean about the permafrost?"
"Yeah. Its looking like maybe all our plans may have gone astray."
"Why do you say that?"
"The Russian move into Afghanistan was supposed to be about continuing
to track down anybody who might have known anything about what their space
program was all about. In fact, thats what the Americans whole
spy thing was about, tootracking down anybody who knew anything."
"But for years weve controlled the mediathey could never
have gotten the information out to the public."
"True enough. But it was mostly just a matter of tying up loose ends."
"So whats the problem with Afghanistan?"
"Were not sure. But there was a flourishing culture there when
Alexander the Great passed through. And the Chinese wrote about their
great cities, too. In fact, there may be some connection between that
Chinese pyramid we talked about before and the Afghan culture. They may
know much more than theyre letting on."
"So the Russians are just finishing the job the British started."
"That would seem to be their intent. But whereas the British take
their arrogance with them everywhere they go, and then wonder why people
always rebel, the Russians seem to be able to weed out the garbage and
adopt only those bits of information which will help them. The Russians
are still trying to make sense of the Tunguska Event."
"As is the rest of the world."
"Yes, but I think the Russians sense that the real truth will be
of greater benefit in the long run."
"So you dont think they really believe the meteor theory?"
"Probably not. There are many who claim that the Tunguska Event was
the earth sending out a vast amount of electrons from its coreso
great an amount that it essentially formed the Van Allen Belts, which
werent discovered until much later, after the proper instruments
were made which could measure the energy in those radiation belts. Instruments
which, however, depended on that very radiation for their proper functioning."
"And what does that have to do with the Russians and Afghanistan?"
"Well, there is speculation that what brought on the development
of both the Russian and American space programs was nothing more than
a visible light in those Van Allen Beltsa light which convinced
both that the other had put a missile in orbit. The Russians were intrigued,
thinking the Americans were pursuing Truth, while the paranoid Americans
assumed that the Russians were getting set to launch nuclear missiles
and take over the world. Vive la difference! For its been those
two opposing attitudes which has enabled us to benefit from just about
every financial transaction made in the world. Loss, gain, buy, sell,
inflation, contraction, its all the same to us."
"And much of that profit is put into the separation and stockpiling
of hydrogen and oxygen."
"Right. Just think of the simplicity of it. Electricity is used to
separate water into hydrogen and oxygen. Those will provide the necessary
heat and light during the next Dark Period. Its believed that they
can also be recombined into water if necessary, and that such a process
will give off electricity, although it has yet to be done in the laboratory.
Its so obviously the process in nature that its incredible
that people still believe the whole water cycle theory. Yes, the sun evaporates
great quantities of water from the surface of the oceans. But once up
in the atmosphere high enough the gaseous water molecules separate into
oxygen and hydrogen. Then, cooling and falling back towards the surface,
under the right conditions they recombine into ice crystals. That process
gives off electricity which is visible as lightning in the clouds. The
flashes which come to the ground are excess hydrogen being burnt off.
That flash burning produces the ozone, which floats back up to form that
layer which protects us, supposedly, from solar radiation."
"And of course that solar radiation may be coming from far away,
or may be a reflection from deep within the earth."
"Rightbut the results are the same."
"And what about the recently detected holes in the ozone layer over
"Yes, Ive asked that question many times myself, and have never
gotten a definite answer. Its either that the Americans have gotten
greedy at the South Pole and have felt the need to stockpile extra oxygen,
or else its just a natural process. Nobody knows. Since ozone itself
wasnt discovered until 1840, we dont know if it wasnt
there before, or if people just werent looking. And really, such
is the case with so many of our discoveries and so-called inventions.
But the timing of the discoveries or so-called synthesis of many of the
radioactive elements has most of us thinking that most of what is going
on are natural processes beyond our control. So the greedy Americans seem
to be off the hook for that one."
"Ill be interested to see what new elements are discovered
in the next decade."
"As will be all of us. The question that remains is: are we approaching
a limit, or will there be yet another row in the periodic table of elements?"
"So where did this guy come from?"
"Thats a good question. Actually, hes just a guy who
sort of slipped through the cracks and past the radar, so to speak. He
knew quite a bit of the whole Prince Charming storynobody really
knows whether he was involved in any of the planning, or whether he just
sort of overheard some of the planning and then was allowed to be included.
But he has been loyal and kept his mouth shut. Yet it seems hes
conceived of himself as some big-time spy just because he was appointed
to head one of the big spy agencies. He hasnt figured out yetas
most of them haventthat very rarely do any of their appointments
have anything to do with any of the few, small talents they may have."
"OK. That explains where he came from. But what function does he
serve now?"
"Oh, none in particular. He actually started making noises about
telling some of what he knows to what he figured would be the right people.
Well, it would have been so easy to get rid of himbut we figured
hey, why not string him along. And by seeing who he brought in as his
administration, well have a good idea of who to look out for and
exclude when its time to start going into the underground cities."
"But couldnt that have been determined some other way?"
"Probably. But this seemed more fun. He made some mild threats, and
when we appeared to give in to them, he insisted that we make sure one
of his kids got the same treatment in a few years. So we said sure, why
not? So he takes over and starts off with a real popular military campaign,
then we manipulate the economy, the people blame him, and hes outa
one-termer. And his kid will get the same treatmentbut even worse,
since things will be getting very close to the next Dark Period."
"But if youre so sure of that, how come none of the scientists
ever figured it out?"
"Because of the educational system we have in place. Everything is
so specialized and complex. If a kid shows any aptitude in school for
math or science we stroke him and steer him into a high-paying career.
With the debts he accumulates getting through college, he must work long
and hard to get it paid off. But then we promote him and move him around
the country, which just gets him further in debt. And all the while, what
is his work all about? Maybe the spin of one electron in one shell of
one atom. Or perhaps how to optimize one part of a reaction in the manufacture
of one insignificant bit of plastic for use in a variety of applications.
In short, theyre all so busy studying one leaf of one tree that
its basically impossible that they will ever see the forest, and
even if they did they wouldnt have a clue what they were looking
"Great. So what is really happening? What really is the forest?"
"Well, its all about the winding down of either the core of
the earth or of the sun itself, whichever of the two possibilities turns
out to be trueSelf-Contained Ice Ball or Curved-Line Gravity Well."
"So it has proven impossible to tell which it is? Surely there must
be some differences which would manifest themselves."
"Thats what was originally thought. But all thats ever
happened is that many dozens of more complicated scenarios have been formulated
which fit the facts pretty well. But thats always been the problem
down through historymore and more complications. We figure that
one of the two simplest possibilities is probably correct: or, even more
likely, a synthesis of the two, which makes no sense with our current
knowledge, but which hopefully will after the next Dark Period passes."
"But who will be the slaves then? How will anything get done? If
only our type of people make it through, we would all starve in a month."
"Clones, of course."
"Get realthat hasnt even worked with sheep."
"That, of course, is what we expect people to believe."
"Oh. Well, OK, so what is happening with the formation of new elements,
and how does it all fit with the idea of the earth or sun winding down."
"Any idea when Uranium was first discovered?"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Just humor me a little. The answer will no doubt surprise you, and
would be the main key to unlock the puzzle, if people would just open
their eyes."
"OK. Well, probably in the 30s, not long before the bomb was
developed. No, wait, Ive got it. Right around the turn of the centuryMadame
"And thats what most people would think. But Uranium was discovered
in 1789. And who has always been credited with the discovery of electricity?"
"Easy. Benjamin Franklin."
"Very good. But there had always been thunder and lightning, so weve
always thought. But why were the witches tried at Salem. Partly for causing
such frightful thunderstorms. Perhaps it was a new phenomenon. But weve
already seen that lightning strikes are burning hydrogen. Apparently what
began happening a couple hundred years ago was that as the core began
to wind down, the smallest and largest bits of matter began to be spit
outeither genuinely from the sun down the gravity well to our planet,
or else up through the ocean and then settling back to earth. First all
the leftover electrons. Magnetismthe lodestonehad been known
since ancient times. But electromagnetism was not discovered until 1819.
And copper had been known also since ancient times, but apparently never
contained an extra abundance of electrons. In fact it may only be the
metals which truly contain electrons. At any rate, it was soon figured
out that spinning magnets could induce the electrons to flow though metals.
This is a natural process that could easily be available in sufficient
quantity for all people on earth. But weve made it into a huge money-making
operation, and rather than let everyone have it cheaply, weve contrived
to cause so-called shortages, blackouts and brownouts. Plus weve
used huge amounts of it to make all these other chemicals which we make
lots of profits from. And weve used lots of electricity to produce
hydrogen and oxygen from water."
"So will the supply of electrons ever run out?"
"Nobody knows for sure if they ever disappear or if they just move
around. But it seems likely that since they were formed from nuclear fusion,
that when fission occurs, the electrons get used up. Think of it this
way. When hydrogen becomes deuterium and then ever heavier hydrogen in
the core, the electrons that were part of the original hydrogen are freed.
When the super-heavy hydrogen was spit out from the core, it first appeared
as Radium, in 1898. What we perceive as radiation is nothing more than
elements without electrons splitting apart and absorbing electrons, in
a sense."
"So all our nuclear power plants that produce electricity are really
hastening the disappearance of the electrons themselves, thus hastening
the arrival of the next Dark Period?"
"Maybe, although its doubtful that anything Man has ever done
has affected the basic processes of the earth to any noticeable degreethats
sheer arrogance on Mans part. No, the elements would have recombined
at the same rate regardless. Because, actually, the concentration of Uranium
and Plutonium into quantities large enough to produce the heat required
in a nuclear power plant have reduced the surface area of those elements,
and so reduced the rate at which they can re-absorb electrons. At least,
that is, until the waste by-products are formed. Those may then absorb
more for awhile, thus restoring the original equilibrium. All man is left
with is poisons far more toxic than the coal and oil smoke which nuclear
power was intended to alleviate."
"So what was next after Radium?"
"Actinium in 1899, next Protactinium in 1917. Thorium had been known
since 1828, but was not radioactive, apparently, until later. There is
still some debate on those points. Some hold that even Uranium was not
always radioactive, and not until sufficiently concentrated did it gain
its radioactivity. And that idea has been supported by the fact that many
people did live close to rather large concentrations of Uranium, but with
no ill effects until much more recently. Then still others argue that
it wasnt until the atoms were supposedly split in the laboratory
that poisonous radiation was producedthe alpha, beta, and gamma
particles which destroy or mutate human cells. But what is most likely
is that these smaller particles only came into existence with the continued
deterioration of the core. They seemed to be produced by splitting atomsbut
really it was only the increased strength of various metals which allowed
a strong enough implosion to be produced to squeeze the atoms close enough
to produce the effects seen. Remember that as recently as 1912 the quality
of steel was so poor that The Titanic cracked in the cold waters of the
North Atlantic. Its a vicious circle, which Man is really only observing,
and not in any significant way affecting. But again, his arrogance makes
him claim to have synthesized various radioactive elements. They simply
were not known previously because they didnt exist on or near the
earths surface previously."
"Wow. Its all so simple, and makes so much sense. But the scientists
have complicated it beyond belief."
"And all to our benefit, of course. The next, but probably most significant
discovery, was of Francium in 1939. This is the radioactive alkali metal.
All the previous alkali metals are very unstable, and even explosive or
otherwise deadly in combination with oxygen or other common elements.
But when the end of the row in the periodic table is reached, another
deadly element is found which combines with the first to produce some
harmless, or in many cases extremely useful or even essential compoundsparticularly
ordinary salt, Sodium Chloride. Since then most of the rest of the elements
in the radioactive row have appeared, right on through the so-called synthesis
of the element with atomic number 110 just this year. The rest will probably
follow rather quickly, and as soon as number 117 starts appearing, it
will start to combine with the Francium to form some sort of stable compound,
which will likely form a layer all around the earth as did the previous
"And what will happen then?"
"Of course nobody knows for sure, but one theory is that the electrons
will be pulled up into that layer. In fact, according to that theory,
at the end of each previous Age, before the formation of the new stable
layer and the making of the next row of elements, there was an Electric
Age. Whether or not any society ever managed to make use of the electric
power that was there is a matter of debate. It seems unlikely, however.
Man was so ignorant and superstitious that he made a story of Prometheus
obtaining fire from the gods. And other cultures have tales of what seem
to be electric effects, but the metallurgy wasnt up to making wire
to carry the electrons. But others think that perhaps there is a very
simple, yet very effective way of utilizing the electronsone which
we are overlooking."
"What about photovoltaic cells? Arent they powering the Space
"To some extent, but not a very great one. They just arent
very efficient or cost-effective. Its actually cheaper to carry
LP gas into space, which is about all that liquid hydrogen is. Basically
they just put a little solid rocket fuel in a separate compartment, and
then use it as fuel, and the oxygen for breathing, of course."
"And still nobody wonders why, with the advances in computer speeds,
that people arent already living on the moon."
"Yeah, that is kind of crazy. Its so obvious that if we could
go, we would have self-sufficient domed cities there already. Of course,
we just blame it on politics and safety, and everybody believes it."
"So will the new Space Station be used as an attempt to really go?"
"Eventually that is the hope. But first weve got to be able
to tell where the moon really is. So far no gravity-measuring device has
been made. It was hoped that the Hubble telescope might give some clues
as to the moons and stars actual directions, but so far nothing.
Its giving lots of pretty pictures, however."
"Yeah, but lets just hope that people dont start clamoring
for posters of the Lunar Landing Sites. They might be hard to fabricate."
"No, such fabrication would actually be fairly easy. Youve
seen some of the movies being made entirely by computer. Soon high-paid
actors will be a thing of the past. And there is talk of making a whole
series of trips to the moon on computer, and maybe even Mars. Then some
domed cities could be shown being set up. But there is, of course, the
worry of involving too many people. So what is more likely is an early
re-entry and burn-up of the Space Station, and then a cancellation of
any more such attempts for the indefinite future."
"Really. What do the Russians have to say to that? They seem keen
on space tourism, and think itll be a great way to make money."
"Which is just one more reason that the U.S. wants to scrap the whole
thing. They dont want the Russians out-doing them in the money-making
"I suppose youre going to claim that none of us was involved
in the little set-back for the Port Authority?"
"Of course we werent directly involved. But of course we also
knew it would happen eventually. After their last attempt, it was only
a matter of time. But we really thought theyd get some explosives
in underground again. We had reinforced the basements so that anything
short of a nuke would have been contained."
"But such an explosion still would have gotten rid of all the documents
having to do with Prince Charmings assassination. Brilliant. They
were obliterated in the fires, werent they?"
"Oh yeah. Them and thousands of other documents and computer files
relating to the Port Authoritys involvement and profiteering from
the World Trade Organization. Whoever did it really did us a favor."
"And theres no way it could have been done by remote control,
as has been speculated? Or that the tail of the plane that crashed a few
days later was sliced off by some sort of sound-wave device?"
"As always, theres no way to be absolutely sure. But the former
President did such a good job of making enemies-for-life of tens, even
hundreds, of millions of Muslims around the world, that were pretty
sure of keeping the military machinery humming for the next fifty years.
It was so brilliantof course, nobody gives him credit for that brilliance,
but it wasnt really his, anyway. All the talk now is of failed foreign
policy and on and on. Its amazing how totally blind theyve
all become. But well probably do it again and again in Muslim areas,
if theyll go for it. Thats the only drawback, that maybe they
wont believe us ever again. But we can still put the stories out
in the media about how weve liberated yet another Muslim enclave
from oppression by their neighbors, and have helped them to declare their
independence. Then we just turn our backs again while theyre slaughtered.
Only some are thinking that it would be better to arm both sides so that
we make even more money in the process."
"Sounds like a good plan. So, as far as the Space Race goes, thats
a closed book, right? Theres now no way that anybody can find out
anything to do with itno documents, that isand so whats
left in the textbooks will always be considered the truth."
"Well, youre right about nobody finding anything out
"Wait, youre not going to tell me they made the same stupid
mistake they made with the smallpox virus?"
"Mistake! That was no mistake. We knew that the day might come when
such a weapon would come in handy. And we could easily blame it on theft
by terrorists. No, keeping the smallpox was no mistake. And neither is
"Oh no? Come on, peoples faith in the system has been pretty
badly shaken, especially with all the accounting scandals. And there has
even been speculation in the press that most of the economic growth of
the past 20 years has been a sham."
"Well of course it has been. Notice that theyre just saying
for the past 20 years. Thus people will accept that before that it was
all real. Whereas according to the founder of economic theory, Adam Smith
himself, the only real wealth is the products of the earth. By the mid-1800s
we were really as wealthy as we could ever get. And it seemed that the
rest of the world would catch up quick. So we had to act fast to prevent
that. Because remember, its the disparity that we now profit from.
True economic equality would have happened probably by the end of the
19th centurybut luckily we were able to concentrate enough power
in a few hands so that we could then devise means to keep that from ever
"Yeah, but it hasnt all worked according to plan, has it? Still,
what possible good could come from saving any documentation concerning
Prince Charming?"
"We need it so if anyone gets too big for their britches that we
can give him a reminder of what we are capable of. Or at least make them
think that we are still capable of that. What is more likely is that while
they do some checking to see if we really could have accomplished such
a thing, we undermine their power base and make sure they are thoroughly
"Again, it sounds good. But what about hackers? What makes you think
the files are secure?"
"Oh, theyre secure. All right. Our experts have had other experts
working for years, and theyve not been able to get close."
"Thats because they all think alike. Come on! If were
capable of down-loading the entire contents of peoples computers
in the time it takes them to send a few e-mails, and leave no trace, what
might a good hacker be capable of?"
"True. But were not sending any e-mails from these data bases.
There are layer after layer of protection, and so many ways for us to
detect anybody even trying, that its really as close to impossible
as anything ever has been."
"Right. But our detection devices only detect things we can imagine.
And really, the technology itself is often a hindrance. Look how hard
it is to track down anybody in Afghanistan. They can detect us coming
miles away because of all of our fancy equipment. But all we can detect
is heat, and they can easily confuse heat-sensitive equipment. Perhaps
they have similar ways to get into our data bases."
"Maybe. But nobody would believe them anyway. Wed claim its
all just propaganda."
"Yeah, and they claim that about us. I guess what Ive wondered
for years now is: why the deception in the first place? Why not instead
try to discover the true shape of the Solar System and universe?"
"Oh, were still trying to figure it all out. But in the meantime,
were just continuing a long tradition. It was understood thousands
of years ago that in order to rule effectively, a rulers subjects
had to be willing to believe whatever they were told. This wasnt
hard for quite awhile, because life was a daily struggle just to survive.
Of course, if you really dig into the past, it seems that that very struggle
may have been engineered to some degree by some of the rulers in some
parts of the earth. With the demise of the Roman Empire and the ascendancy
of the official Christian religion, religion became all-powerful. And
having a Book to consult as an ultimate authority became recognized as
all-important for the ruling class to have. The Jewish and Christian leaders
were quite willing to complicate and obfuscate and keep their subjects
from learning to readthe Christians much more so, of course. Then
along came Muhammid, with his simple book that all could easily memorize,
and even learn to read without too much difficulty. It was a very near
thing, but they were beat back from Europe, and some of their leaders
corrupted, so that they, too, understood the importance of interpreting
the Book for their subjects. Jefferson and Adams came close to getting
rid of us, toobut luckily they were slave owners, and so were not
able to start with anything like true equality. And now, even though the
Constitution is a remarkably simple document, most people believe that
it needs constant interpreting."
"Thats all very interesting, Im sure. But whats
it got to do with the true shape of the Solar System?"
"Well, Galileo, as is well known, without intending to, seriously
undermined the Churchs authority on scientific matters. And really
thats where we got our start. By combining science and business,
that is, by making science into a business and business into a science,
we were able in effect to create our own Book to appeal to as an authority.
But most of it is changing all the time. It was felt early on that there
needed to be some stability somewhere. And so the basic structure of the
Solar System and Universe was accepted as Gospel. It is the ultimate authority
to be consulted, or at least people think it is. If they only knew how
much time and effort is spent every year to try to account for the little
bits of tweaking that must take place in order for the theories to all
fit together. It is understood that a more simple underlying theory could
save a lot of headaches, but it would also put a lot of people out of
"So its held onto for the same reason that the Tax Code is
never simplified. Jobs and thus more tax revenue."
"Thats pretty much it. The simple model of the Solar System
is also adhered to because basically people are too stupid to understand
what the real structure might be."
"Do you really believe that, or is it just another party line to
"What do you think? Would you like to spend any time out there with
Bubba and Billy Bob and listen to them discuss race cars or hunting? Or
with the intellectual types who are busy discussing the cause of the day
or the latest book or movie?"
"But weve made them that way!"
"Exactly. And we want them to stay that way."
"But what happens during the next Dark Periodoh, thats
right: they all die, and after its all over, we come out and start
producing clones to be our slaves. So how soon does it appear to be?"
"Well, element number 111 was discovered in 1995, number 112 in 1996,
number 114 in 1999, and number 166 in 2000. And there have been reports
of a fairly large ring around the sun since April. Whether the sun be
really the core of the earth seen as a hologram, or a real foreign body
at some undetermined distance down a curved gravity well, in either case
it is truly the source of all our elements. They all apparently rain down
in microscopic quantities, and some eventually become concentrated. Some,
however, such as gold, generally remain quite dispersedbut weve
been able to mine microscopic gold for quite some time now. Its
amazing that nobody has figured out how to concentrate it naturally. Anyway,
some think that ring could be the beginnings of the formation of the sphere
of Francium/whatever. And some of those think that as soon as its
complete, all electrons on earth will be drawn up to it in just a matter
of hours."
© Robert L Minteer August 2002
One - Part
Two - Part
If You want to want to contact the author - email him here: nrminteer1@juno.com
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