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World Travel
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July02 Issue

Newton's First Law of Conspiracy
Robert L Minteer
"But we wouldn’t really harm innocent children, would we?"
"Of course we’d prefer not to.

The Space Race
"But we’d never get away with killing the President."
"Actually, that’s the easy part—the getting away with it. All we need is a guy with some Russian connection in his past. We promise to pay him big money, he does the job, we arrest him, but promise to let him escape. Then we tell some other guy that the first guy’s been seeing his woman, and he takes care of him. Then we get some government commission appointed to study the whole case, and of course pay them to conclude what we want them to. Yeah, that’s the easy part".

"Then what’s the hard part?"
"Making sure that the job gets done in the first place. But it’d be easy enough to pay off a few Rangers, so that if our guy misses someone on the motorcade can finish the job. Or, better yet, just have a Ranger do it in the first place, and just have our hired gun be there thinking he’s gonna do it, and arrest him there. Either way the job gets done."
"But why does it need to be done at all? Do you really think people would believe the President if he told them all those fantastic stories? All we’ve gotta do is dig up some more dirt on him and threaten to make it public, right?"
"We’ve tried that, and it doesn’t work with this guy. He just says to put it all out there, that the American people will like him all the more for being so human. And he really does seem intent on atoning for the crimes of his father—that is, crimes as he sees them. He just doesn’t see that such is the nature of the rule of law."
"So why hasn’t he blabbed to the papers so far?"
"We had to finally resort to the ultimate threat, since he wouldn’t listen to reason."
"But we wouldn’t really harm innocent children, would we?"
"Of course we’d prefer not to. And, of course, the President doesn’t know if we’re serious or not. But he assumes we’ll stop at nothing. And I think in the long run he would sacrifice his own children in the interests of Truth and Justice for the American people. But we’ve convinced him to at least hold off ‘til the State of the Union address. So that gives us time".
"But just what is it that he would tell the people anyway?"
"You sure you wanna know? If I tell you anything that can bring you to the same conclusions as the President, you’ll be put under constant surveillance. And if you make any wrong moves or approach any of the wrong people, your life and the lives of your loved ones will be in jeopardy, too."
"So it really is a question of National Security?"
"Hah! We’ve sure done a good job promoting that meaningless phrase, if even you believe it. The big boys pulling the strings know that the security or insecurity of one or even dozens of nations is meaningless in the long run. But as long as each country’s citizens can be kept believing it’s important, then the idea is worth continued promotion. But what’s at stake here is the actual power structure of the whole world. If any of these ideas begins to be widely discussed or considered, people will begin to realize that they’ve been lied to for many, many generations. And if that happened, the stability of the whole world would be threatened."
"You mean, of course, the stability of our version of our world."
"Well, of course—and what else matters? Surely not the dreams and aspirations of a bunch of slaves?"
"No, of course not. But back to my question—just what is it that the President is threatening to tell?"

"For starters he’ll simply say that he was ill-informed when he made the commitment for the U.S. to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. He’s not some mid-western bumpkin with years of military training. He knows people at Harvard and MIT, and some of them knew Einstein, and they’re telling him the simple facts."
"Such as?"
"For starters the simple fact that once a rocket gets totally above the atmosphere, it is completely beyond control by any possible propulsion system. It’ll just go on in a straight line forever, just as Newton’s First Law of Motion explains. Unless, of course, it is captured by the gravity of another body, like the Moon—then it’ll spiral down to a very nasty crash on the surface of that body."
"But it’ll slow down, right, like the capsules we and the Russians have put in orbit?"
"No, because there’s no air around the Moon to resist it. It’s thought that it may just be possible to impart a little spin to the capsule, and thus get it oriented with its thrusters facing down towards the Moon’s surface. But then the problem is trying to carry enough fuel to counter the high velocity it would have once it’s close enough to the surface that the blast from the thrusters could reach the surface."
"High velocity? But I thought the Moon was only about one one-hundredth the mass of the earth, with a surface gravity quite a bit less than Earth’s."
"Of course we can never be sure unless we send a probe there, but according to Newton, the surface gravity of small bodies is greater than of larger. He never really said why. But now that we know about black holes, where a tablespoonful of matter is supposed to weigh many thousands of tons—or is it millions?—it’s quite plain how such could be the case with the Earth and other planets. They all have cores of super-dense matter; essentially nothing but neutrons, all compressed as tightly as is physically possible. In the case of the earth, as much as 99 percent of the mass may thus be contained in a core just hundreds of miles in diameter. The rest—all the rocks and water that we think of as being so massive—is rather insignificant in proportion."
"But what about the molten iron core that we’ve all learned about in school?"
"Yes, a rather brilliant invention, wasn’t it? And do you know why it was invented? Merely to counteract the belief of many Pacific islanders that the earth is really a big ball of ice. The British explorers were amazed and confounded by that notion. They thought that those people couldn’t possibly have any conception of ice—but they forgot the snow and ice on the tops of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea."
"But so what? What would it matter if we did believe that the earth was a ball of ice?"
"What would it matter? Listen to yourself, man! If the British had admitted that these ignorant savages knew the slightest bit more than they did about the nature of the earth, and perhaps the Solar System as well, then it would be impossible to keep them in subjection. Again, the whole structure of world society would be changed forever."
"And what would be so bad about that?"
"Again, listen to what you’re saying! Do you want to be on an equal footing with naked savages? Do you want to admit that we’ve been exploiting them for over 400 years now? Do you think they would go easy on us if they found out the truth?"
"Yeah, I see your point. I guess it’s for the good of everybody to keep things the way they are. But eventually the truth will come out, won’t it?"
"Of course it will, just as it always has in the past during each Dark Age. But this time it won’t be hit and miss as to who survives. This time the right people will survive, and with our technology we’ll be set to get things going again much more quickly than at any previous time."
"What are you talking about?"

"Well, those Pacific Islanders not only spoke of the earth being a ball of ice. They also told of a time when they lived in total darkness for several years, and essentially rode floating blocks of ice up from a lower level of the earth’s surface."
"But that’s crazy! How could they possibly sense that they were rising?"
"Of course they couldn’t sense that. But they said that when the light returned and they could see again, the stars looked closer, and there were more of them, so they knew they had gotten closer to the firmament."
"Firmament? Now you’re really starting to sound crazy? That’s a word out of Genesis, isn’t it? What’s it got to do with anything?"
"That gets us back to the President, and the story he got from the Russians. It seems that in some sense or other the first few verses of Genesis are literally true. They describe in the simplest way possible what went on at earth’s creation—and probably at the creation of every other heavenly body as well."
"Oh, this should be good! I’m all ears!"
"OK. We’ve all heard of the Russian cosmonauts who were found dead in their capsule upon return to earth."
"Sure. Their capsule de-pressurized, and they suffocated. Very sad."
"Uh-huh. But the President says he got a very different story from the Russian leader. It seems that at a certain height above the earth the cosmonauts saw a bright flash, and then everything appeared bright gold for awhile. Then the curvature of the golden light could be seen, so that it was clearly a shell of some sort around the earth. Then it began to flicker and fade a bit, and the stars began disappearing."
"Yeah, sure. And how much vodka had those guys had?"
"Come on, you know as well as I do that there’s no alcohol allowed on board. Those guys were in tip-top physical condition, as are all our guys. All military men, well-trained in observation and description. There can be little doubt as to what they saw."
"So what’s the big deal? Surely our scientists can come up with an explanation."
"Of course they can, and so can the Russians. But that’s the whole problem—it’s that very explanation that the President wants to tell the American people. But I’m still not done with the story. It seems that the higher they got, more and more stars disappeared, until finally the gold globe began to flicker, and then it, too, disappeared."
"Good. Then they could see back down to the earth, right?"
"No. There was nothing there but the black of space. They assumed they were on the opposite side of the earth from the moon, which was why they couldn’t see it. But then all of a sudden it flickered in and out and then was there, and about ten times bigger than any moon they’d ever seen. Then, in just a matter of minutes, it began to flicker, and then it was gone."

"Come on, you can’t possibly believe that."
"Well, the President sure does. But it gets worse. The Russian scientists on the ground had no explanation at all for what the cosmonauts had seen. Still, they were able to calm them down a bit. And when the Moon flickered back into view again they were fairly calm, and began to talk of measuring its relative size in each succeeding orbit. But instead, when they spoke of it beginning to flicker again, the radio suddenly went dead, and they were heard from no more."
"So, a power failure, and they suffocated up there, right?"
"No. From what they could tell when the capsule returned to earth, there was no loss of oxygen, and the power was back on, or at least had been for a time. But apparently it was totally dark for long enough that they both snapped and tried to claw their way out of the capsule. I guess the inside of the capsule looked as if two lions had fought it out. Not a pretty sight at all. The Russians say they will be sending no more men up that high. They’re planning to send some un-manned missions to try to determine just what is going on up there."
"Oh, come on! Don’t you think they’re just trying to throw us off, and make us not want to go? Then they can push ahead and be first on the Moon."
"Well, we should know soon enough. The President has ordered an unmanned mission be sent up as soon as possible, with the latest cameras and measuring devices. He wants to know for sure what we’re up against. And he is still Commander in Chief, and this is strictly speaking a military operation, so we’re bound to obey. He did say that if our probe shows that we can go, then he will expose the Russian hoax. Otherwise he plans to tell the American people that he spoke too soon, and that instead he and the Russians are planning to work together to provide decent living conditions for all people around the world."
"That sounds like a worthy objective."
"Worthy objective! What are you thinking? There must always be about a fourth of the world’s population living in abject poverty. Then we can go rescue a few million of them from starvation, and they will willingly be our slaves for many years. When they get tired of it and start to rebel, we let them slip back into poverty, and go rescue the next batch from starvation. Hitler and Stalin made the mistake of working their slaves to death, thinking they were saving money on food and clothing. But we’ve learned from their mistakes."
"And this President will be in your way, won’t he? No matter the outcome of this space probe?"
"Afraid so. And I think that little brother of his will be even worse. But he won’t be in a position to know anything unless he, too, can get himself elected some day."
"And we’ll be sure to prevent that from happening."
"You’ve got it."
"So the Russians weren’t lying?"
"No, they weren’t. Their guys were, as I said years ago, well-trained in observing and reporting those observations. And our probes confirmed all those observations. And it gives a very simple explanation to the age-old question: why is the sky blue? Thin gold leaf reflects gold light, but transmits blue. The higher you get, the thinner the gold layer, and the sky appears black."

"And so what happened to all those guys who saw the results of those probes? How can you keep them quiet?"
"They’re either sent to Vietnam or threatened with being sent there. That’s sure a convenient little mess to have been involved in. These guys all know people who’ve been there, and how screwed-up they are when they get back. Most of them, that is. Of course, it’s so easy to lace their drinks with LSD, and then blame their symptoms on malaria or some other jungle ailment. Amazing how the last great President’s desire to defend those people from what truly was Communist aggression has played right into our hands."
"And nobody seemed the least suspicious that the Vice President just happened to be from the state where the President was shot. Nor of the fact many of his cronies are poised to make vast fortunes in the industries which will be needed to supply all the chemicals for the future of the exploration of space. But I’m curious—just where are all those chemicals going?"
"And that’s a good question—but one which you won’t get an answer for, because I myself don’t know. But I’m developing some educated guesses."
"And you really don’t think there’s a danger of another President like him coming along in the future?"
"Not likely. We’ve got a weeding-out process firmly in place. As soon as any local politician becomes well-enough known and liked to be capable of delivering a certain amount of money to the party coffers, then we dig into his past. And guess what? Everyone has at one time or other done things that he’d rather that people didn’t know about."
"True enough. But just then I thought you were going to say that when a guy could deliver a certain number of votes then it was time to approach him."
"Hah! Votes! That has turned out to be the most incredible phenomena that the Founding Fathers could never have imagined. For them it truly was a big deal to be able to vote, since previously only the land-owning aristocracy could vote. Never mind that votes were routinely bought, and that many people have voted many times after their deaths. Still, the American people really believed that they were in control. And with Ike’s bemoaning the industrial-military complex, and then with Prince Charming being elected, they almost were. I guess we had gotten complacent after the Communist witch hunts. We really thought we had scared them all away, anybody who truly believed in equality and fair play. But now we’re back on track. And it looks like in the future we will have carte blanche to go all over the world and insist that people be given the right to vote. And most people are too stupid to ever realize that the choices they have are really no choices at all. I mean, really—could it possibly matter what the guy’s name is who is picking your pocket?"
"Yeah, that is rich. And you know what would be good, too? Start a campaign of ads to the effect that people have no right to complain if they didn’t vote. The ones who believe that and go along with it will effectively silence all those who know what a load of crap it is."

"Wow, that’s a good idea. You’re coming along, you know."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that just a few years ago, you sounded like you were more interested in truth than in being part of the ruling class. I thought for awhile there that Prince Charming had charmed you and that you would be shipped off to Vietnam."
"Really? Well, it was tempting. But when I looked back through history at what was done to all the greatest thinkers—Socrates, Jesus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein—I realized that I had a chance to be greater than they ever hoped to be, as long as I played the game."
"That’s the spirit! And as long as we’ve got people believing that they are living better than kings of old, they will continue to support us."
"So true! And it’s amazing, isn’t it, that the ancient bread and circuses routine of the Romans continues to work in the twentieth century. People think because they have a greater variety of bread and cake to choose from, and a wider variety of entertainment, that they are truly living better than kings. But they never pause to consider that the kings of old had many thousands or tens of thousands of subjects—virtual slaves—whose lives were totally controlled by those kings. Not very many people can say the same of themselves today, and certainly not any of the petty American politicians who may last eight years, or occasionally in the House or Senate as many as thirty years. But their power is mostly illusion. We who control and manipulate the economies of the world have the real power."
"And it’s so humorous to watch the pathetic little lawmakers pass laws to protect their constituents from the greed of the big corporations. So one big corporation gets broken up into pieces, or disappears altogether. But someone or something always steps in to fill the void. And we are always there to get our piece of the action."

"But back to space and the probes. What did they find out?"
"Nothing much that wasn’t already known from the Russians’ reports. But they had time to develop a couple of possible theories to explain it all. Most of all, of course, they had time to work with Hollywood to get the sets built for doing the actual Moon landing shots."
"And they really believe they can pull it off?"
"Of course. You yourself just explained it—bread and circuses. This will be the ultimate circus. There’s also a huge element of national pride."
"Yeah, and I’ve wondered about that. What about the Russian’s national pride?"
"Oh, they’re not too concerned. They’re going to go ahead with low-orbit experiments, nothing above the illusion layer, as they’ve taken to calling it. They believe that they can do some very high quality manufacturing in low-orbit. And they continually remind us that when Krushchev said he would bury us that it had nothing to do with the space race or the arms race or any sort of race at all. He merely meant that Russian civilization has lasted over 1000 years, and will likely last 1000 more."
"And of course we’ll have to work to prove them wrong."
"Of course."
"What are the two theories as to what is going on above the illusion layer?"
"The first is that the entire universe, in essence, is self-contained within the earth’s own gravity well. This doesn’t leave out the possibility of there being other bodies in space—just that we’ll never see them. Remember I mentioned the black hole theory years ago? Well, it seems that in some sense earth is that black hole. Light starts out at the surface of the black hole at the core of the earth at what seems to be to us a speed of 186,000 miles per second. And, indeed, our instruments actually measure that speed as such. But those instruments rely on light itself to give the results…So, one possible part of this theory is that once light leaves the surface of the earth, it can only travel a few hundred miles up."
"And what’s the other possibility?"
"That the firmament—essentially an aluminum sphere surrounding the earth—reflects all the light back to us."
"But if our spacecraft went higher than that firmament, how come it was never detected?"
"It’s really a very diffuse, gaseous sphere. But think of it. From just a few miles away, how close do objects that are really several yards from each other appear?"
"They appear to be right next to each other."
"Exactly. And so this theory holds that the reflective sphere surrounding the earth is really quite diffuse—but from our perspective several hundred miles away the molecules appear very close together."

"But just what is it that that layer reflects back to us?"
"Well, remember I mentioned the black hole in the core of the earth? According to this theory, it’s still somewhat active—not completely a black hole yet. It’s still pumping out many small particles, and some larger ones, too. Meteors, volcanoes, and so on—all come up through the various layers in pipes, such as the ones that brought the diamonds to the surface, and such as cause the tar to bubble up in Los Angeles with the ancient bones still intact."
"And so what are the sun, moon, and stars?"
"The sun is claimed to be essentially a hologram of the core of the earth. It is seen to move for the very real reason that the earth is rotating on its axis every day. The reflective aluminum sphere, however, is tilted at 23 and a half degrees, which results in our seasons. The Moon—that’s the hard one to explain, just as it always has been. It would seem to be also a hologram of some sort, yet in some sense also a flash photograph of sorts, etched on the silver sphere. How a hologram can show phases has not been adequately explained. Another theory is that it is a photograph, so to speak, of the underside of Australia, and that the inner camera, as it were, only illuminates part of that underside as it turns around. The stars, then, are also images on the silver sphere—some claim they are images of metals on the surface of the earth, others that they are images of all the people who have ever lived on the earth. But of course we have our trace metals inside each of us, and so it could amount to the same thing. But the problem with the Moon, and also with the motions of the planets—including the thousands of asteroids—has most of our scientists leaning towards the other theory, one which Einstein was on the verge of coming to; in fact, he may have come to it, but it may have been suppressed."

"What, you mean you don’t even know for sure what has been suppressed in the past?"
"Of course not. None of the succeeding ruling generations ever do. That’s part of what makes it all so effective. We all fade into the background after we die, leaving the next generation to build on our foundation. Or so they think. For really, each new generation is only using what the earth or sun is pouring out at the given time. Our power has increased exponentially in the past two generations, and there are those who believe it can continue to do so indefinitely. But increasingly, there are those who believe that a limit is being approached. And, regardless of the mathematical fact that the limit is never really reached, nevertheless as time passes, we will find ourselves in a radically different place, proceeding in a radically different direction, yet still really on the same course. Or, put another way, we will have come full circle."
"That’s all very fascinating, I’m sure. But what about this other theory? And what does the current President think of these theories?"
"He doesn’t really care for theories—just for power and fame. Our policy of weeding out the good guys from politics is working quite well. As I started to explain before, we just dig up the dirt and threaten to expose it. The kinds of guys we want in power hire their investigators to dig up dirt on us and then threaten us with exposure. And then it deteriorates into threats of lawsuits and who can hire the best expert witnesses and so on. But the good guys—the ones who would upset the whole scheme of things—essentially give up after the first threat. Some, sadly, have actually gone insane from those threats, and have gone out and murdered innocent people and their families."
"Really? Or is that just another convenient way to get rid of certain people that want gotten rid of?"
"Well, it is true that with the American people genuinely united against Vietnam, that way to get rid of undesirables will need to be replaced with something else. We’re thinking harsh drug laws should do the trick. Then we can pick and choose who gets put away. Politicians’ kids might skate for awhile—but then they will be in our pockets. But no—truly a lot of those good people we threaten do go insane. It just shows how truly unstable they are, and that the world is really a better place without them in it."
"OK…but back to that other theory, the one Einstein may have come up with."
"Right. And the reason I think so is that what was put forward instead was a lot of unclear gibberish. It’s pretty easy to see, looking back in time, what the most brilliant minds thought of, and what was instead put forward by some of the ruling class as their thoughts or writings. The brilliant minds were clear, simple, and easily understood. They may have had some off-the-wall thoughts and ideas, but they rarely uttered them or committed them to paper. They truly were concerned with Truth with a capital T, more than with anything else. The ruling class has always taken what would suit their purposes—but then, not satisfied with that, they always felt a need to add to it. And, sadly, few people can tell the difference."

"Why should that be the case? Why do people not insist on using their own brains to figure out what is true?"
"Mostly nowadays thanks to our control of the educational system. But much of our success can be traced to what the Greeks did to Socrates. If his ways of thinking had spread—and they very easily could have—the democracy which the Greeks invented could truly have meant something. Socrates insisted that nothing, absolutely nothing, should be taken on faith. He insisted that every belief a man had should be continually put to the tests of experience and ultimate reality, and if a belief showed its falsehood in any way, it should be adjusted or discarded. This would have meant instability, but oh the progress that could have been made! And perhaps there is a way to control a spaceship in a vacuum, and a way to get beyond our earthbound illusions—but one which would only be given to us if we were truly searching for Truth, instead of trying to consolidate our power."
"Whoa! Slow down. Now you’re starting to sound like I did a few years back. And besides, as high-minded as all that sounds, in the end you just want to pursue Truth in order to attain even more power."
"True enough. But the fact remains that since the time of the relatively free and independent Greek city-states, it’s been a downward spiral for mankind. Of course, much of the Greek’s prosperity was based on slavery, unlike that in India and China. So really, there must be a fusion there somehow which could work. But anyway, Jesus’ true words as recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke are quite clear and profound, while those forged words found in John have been used first by the Catholics for 1200 years, and then by the so-called Protestant reformers in the last 500 years, to control men’s thinking. Of course, we owe them a huge debt, as they paved the way for us. Stalin was really a spiritual descendant of some of the early Popes, and Hitler of Luther."

"Right. But I’m still waiting to hear about Einstein’s theory."
"And I’m just about there. Galileo and his telescopes revolutionized the way most everyone since then has viewed man and his place in the Universe. But Galileo was also a good Catholic, and so didn’t dare to go too far in his pronouncements. A hundred years later Newton had no such bar to his speculations concerning the way the earth was formed and how the various metals came to be deposited where they were found. Yet even in Newton’s time the Church of England was still quite powerful, as was the royal line. And they were able to divert Newton into working for them at the Mint—what threats they may have made concerning Newton’s family are anyone’s guess. But what is certain is that most of Newton’s best ideas have not been published, even 250 years after his death. Yet Newton would never have claimed to have had all the answers, and didn’t. He believed quite strongly that the grip of the Church would be lessened as time went on, and that eventually someone would figure it all out."

"Yet isn’t it thanks in large part to the strengthening of Britain’s financial base that the big money men have been able to gain more and more power in the past two hundred years?"
"Oh, absolutely! Yet it is true, too, that because of the money system, people would be able to have more leisure time to ponder the universe, if they wanted to. But most don’t, of course—mostly thanks to that great discovery television. A discovery, by the way, to which Einstein himself contributed much. The part of his theory dealing with the curvature of space-time is essentially what would explain the second way of looking at the illusion layer which apparently exists a few hundred miles above the surface of the earth."
"Ah, at last, that second theory. I suppose it states that we can travel forwards and backwards in time."
"No, not really. But it states quite clearly that there are no straight lines visible or measurable in the universe. All is curves. Our Solar System began as a spiral-arm system which either spun off the planets before all the matter reached the center, or, alternately, spit them back out after all had reached the center. And it may be continually in the process of spitting out new planets. And whereas the Self-Contained Universe Theory is all about an ice planet, this Continual Curved-Path Theory is more about a build-up of successive hot layers in the formation of planets. And perhaps the two are somehow related. A relatively cool blob of elemental hydrogen could be spit out from the sun. By the time it reaches Mercury’s distance from the Sun, it has formed a Helium gas layer, surrounded by a very stable Lithium Fluoride layer. Further out, at the distance of Venus, after the formation of all the elements Neon through Chloride, a very stable Sodium Chloride (salt) layer forms. So with Mercury and Venus we are either truly seeing earth’s past, or else, in a sense, earth’s future—perhaps another chance to get it right."

"There you go again, sounding like the former me."
"I know. I just can’t help it sometimes. Seeing the beauty in the heavens and the perfection of the earth just does that to me. Between the position of Venus and our distance the earth adds successive layers, and water is continually pumped out of the core, as Hydrogen and Oxygen combine. Within each layer there is heavier and heavier water, showing the varying states of Hydrogen. But Oxygen remains pure and unchangeable. At various times silver, glass, ice, gold, and aluminum spheres surround the planet at various distances. Then there’s the stable Potassium Bromide layer, the Rubidium Iodide layer, the Cesium Astatide layer, and eventually a Francium combination somewhere in the future. This will be radioactive and may block all further reception of energy from the sun."
"That’s all very interesting, but what does it have to do with there being nothing to see in space? I thought you said that Mercury and Venus did exist."
"They do. But the sun, with its rapid spinning on its own axis, flings its light out in curves to each planet. Possibly gravity is suspended for a time at each pause for the spitting out of a new planet, and so then each planet then has its own orbit with its own gravity path dragging along in a curve, essentially pulling the planet around on that curve. The light is then flung out on the front part of that curve, and arrives at each planet in a contrary direction to where the sun really is situated. Reflected light from each planet may be reflected straight, although with each planet’s surface being curved, such is not likely. The paths which light from the various stars take to reach us is also curved in various ways. And light is affected by gravity, coming off the sun very fast—perhaps three or more times as fast as it travels here on earth—and gradually slowing down as it gets further from the sun."

"And so Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation is incorrect?"
"No, not so much incorrect as needing a redefinition of straight line. Gravity and light follow curved paths dictated by the interplay amongst heavenly bodies. In fact, light may actually be a component of gravity or vice versa, and each may well be impossible without the other. The earth-moon system may not be so much a question of the moon orbiting the earth or, as it is now explained, both orbiting around their common center of gravity, as each following the other’s gravitational curve."
"And speaking of the Moon—just what exactly is it presumed to be under this theory?"
"Again according to the old Pacific Islanders, who claimed that their ancestors had seen it happen, it is a ball of ice which the earth squeezed out of the Pacific Ocean and popped out like a marble. It’s been collecting dust and other elements from the sun, and may itself reach a critical mass someday and begin to glow. Those Pacific Islanders also claim at various times to have been able to look straight down into the ocean and see the glowing core of the earth—generally near the Bikini Atoll."

"How clever of the Americans to detonate H-Bombs there, effectively silting over that window to the Earth’s core, as well as making it unsafe for anyone to live there for many generations."
"Even more clever as far as a huge future diversion was the British partition of India and the American establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Funny how nobody dared to compare what they were doing to what they had just fought to end in Europe. And now the time is coming for the big test—to see if Hollywood is up to the challenge of documenting the supposed lunar landings and beaming that out to the world."
"Are they not the least bit concerned that someone might intercept the signals and figure out where they are really coming from?"
"No, that’s the beauty of the communications satellites they’ve put into orbit. Unless an actual person was riding on that satellite, once it bounces off there is no way to ever figure out where it originated. It’s a top-secret military operation, and all the technicians working on the ground will assume that the signals come from the direction they seem to."
"Wait. I thought you had said that orbits were essentially impossible."
"True, but they call them orbits anyway. Outside the illusion layer they would be theoretically possible, but then the illusion layer itself might interfere with the transmission of signals. Which gets me to thinking—maybe all the signals are just being bounced off the various layers: some off the silver, some off the gold, others off the aluminum. Maybe the satellites aren’t necessary at all. In any case, for whatever reason they’re being put there, it’s true that they’re really in a long, slow glide back to earth. Those big solar panels that are used to power the electronics also act as big wings which can be flapped occasionally to prolong the glide."
"And still nobody is the least suspicious that all that money is pouring into the home state of Prince Charming’s Vice President?"
"No, and why should they be? Plenty is also pouring into the launch state’s coffers."
"And still I wonder—where is all the hydrogen and oxygen really going?"
"It’ll become clear as the next few decades unfold as Newton and Einstein figured that they would."

© Robert L Minteer August 2002
Part One - Part Two - Part Three
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