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Hackwriters is a non-profit journal but welcomes contributions from writers and artists and photographers. We reserve the right to publish and edit material in accordance with our editorial policy.

- MARCH 2002 - Real Writers - Real People - The Writer's Magazine

Manifest Destiny is the Inquisition is the Holocaust is the Potato Famine is Slavery is Tibet is fill-in-the-blank. James Campion on Holy Week

The Dick Cheyney World Tour - Politics
James Campion
Dick Cheney is the perfect angel of mercy to prelude the harbinger of doom.

Holy Hell in Holy Week -Religion
James Campion
...anytime more than two people are gathered in the name of God there had better not be any sharp objects available.

Let’s Get Reagan - Fiction
Thomas Foster
Jimmy, Fox is a big serious network. Am I supposed to think they’d consider a show about kidnapping a living former President?

Trimble's Referendum Call
- Comment
Dermot Sullivan
Time is nearly up for Northern Ireland. It would be very surprising if it lasted another twenty years.
That’s Par for Myanmar -Travel
Dave Rich
- Military spies lurk everywhere, masquerading as raggedy bums and sloppy drunks, never in uniform.

Finding Your True Self
- Lifestyle
Donna Vela
It didn’t occur to me that amid those smiles and pride in all her achievements, there is a truth that constantly eludes my perfect friend.

OSCARS® : Why we watch them
Dermot Sullivan
on a rant
Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Performance

The Royal Tenenbaums - Review
is clever and witty, each performance is eccentric and alive with promise

Careless Lives - Chapter Three - Fiction
Sam North
Had they had a row? Something planned? Or had she known that her husband was about to get hit?

Sets Shorts & Features - April 2002
"Fiercly Independent"
Lifechoice - Fiction?
Walter Roberts

If this putative God hadn’t wanted there to be cloning, he shouldn’t have endowed us with the intelligence, ambition and curiosity to achieve it

Umbrella Etiquette - Lifestyles
Helen Ruggieri
As with all things Japanese there is an art to using umbrellas and during the long rainy season you have time to learn it.
In search of the authentic - English travel
Robert Cooper
seeks the real Tunbridge Wells.
'I suffer from an uncommon condition that has yet to be officially recognised and treated; a complete abhorrence to consumerism and commerciality'.

Ethiopia - The Call of Harar - Travel
Angie Eng
- Harar’s ethnic diversity, simple provincial life and spiritual ambience, makes her one of the most attractive destinations in the Horn of Africa.
Bike Around the world - Part Two -Travel
Al Humphreys - if I make it to Khartoum I can make it through Africa'.

Shibuya No Techno - Lifestyles
Brian R Wood in Tokyo

If I try to understand everything about Shibuy
a, then I wouldn't be really experiencing something that, by nature, defies understanding.

Meijijingu - Lifestyles
Helen Ruggiere
The old Japan, the old ways, will disappear.
This generation wants change.

The Great Wall of China
Joe Tortomasi
on a whiz and a breeze
"This isn't funny, Teresa. I'm cold and I'm about to wet my thermal underwear"...

Mandy Mand in Japan - Travel
You MUST have at least one Louis Vuitton bag, a Tiffany's necklace and of course that essential pink sparkly phone!
Kerouac Gets One Thumb Up - fiction
Colin Field
The giant blue sky sped by, he talked of his ex who had stabbed him to within an inch of his life.

Cambodian Temples of the Killing Fields - Travel
Dave Rich

The Terrace of the Elephants, a hundred yards of life-sized elephants popping out of a stone wall ...

Virgin Spain - Violent Europe - Lifestyles
James Skinner

‘A woman between the ages of 15 and 44 is more likely to be harmed by her partner than by a war injury, a traffic accident, cancer or malaria’...

The Blue Lagoon Rugby Sevens - Sport
Tim Pile
in Fiji
Success appeared to be the result of vociferous support from the chambermaids and an inspired performance from the cook.
One Minute in Saigon - Travel
Kevin Mulcahy

Suddenly it dawned upon me that I had never
seen a one-legged man before.

Nate Thurmond - Lifestyles
Ernest Beyl
Without doubt, Nate Thurmond was one of the all-time great NBA players

Roaming in the Cloning - Comment
Michael Levy
The Question here is will a clone have a soul?

Don't believe the hype - comment
Matt Shipton
It's a virus protection racket.

Star Struck - Comment
Sara Towe

Why is it the regular man does not quite measure up to our sexy screen stars?

Farmers Are Taller Than Astronomers
Jeff M. Hardison
- Professor to the Stars
Mach 2 is twice the speed of sound. Mach 3, of course, is a Gillette brand of razor

The Raping of ABC News
James Campion

That’s all Ted would like to be, a newsman. And there is apparently no room for newsmen these days in the rapacious network swirl of events...

Finding a gift to give - Travel
Kevin Mulcahy
in Zambia
Dignity is not absent in poverty, just trapped beneath its hard surface.

The English Pub - History
Ian Bowie
The last twenty years of the twentieth century were not kind to the good old English pub.

How To Reverse Engineer Your Success
Michael Southon's web tips
If it's working for them, you can find out exactly how they're doing it by studying their site

Track One - Side One - Writer's tips
Trevor Blake
You too can be a rock critic.

The Euro honeymoon is over, so what's next?
James Skinner
on Europes' future

Paradise Perfect - Travel
Gemma Quinn in Maui
'Don’t do this and you could die, do that and you could die, do this like that and, well, you could die.'

The truth about the watched pot boiling
Jeff M. Hardison
Firefighters are saying that cooks should not ignore pots, which hold liquid being heated to boil.

Battle Line America
James Campion

I think it's important to point out that
Donald Rumsfeld has gone insane.

Enlightenment 101
Shana Ting Lipton

At the end of the day, when that henna tattoo has faded, you are all that remains
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‘Noose Man’ Gets Vengeance
Jeff M. Hardison
No one could imagine murder as the cause of Leon’s death.

last update March 23rd

Buying a home in France?

Next update April1st
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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