Jackdaw Summer by David Almond
Hodder Childrens Books
ISBN 978-0-340-88198-9
Michael Webb
Jackdaw Summer is the story of Liam and his friend
Max who are lead by a jackdaw to the aid of a helpless abandoned
baby girl.
The Master of
Fallen Chairs By Henry Porter
Orchard Books; (Sep 2008)
ISBN13: 9781846166259: Paperback
Reviewed by Callum Graham
I was compelled by the quirkiness of the world that Henry
Porter has created and the phenomenon of the magic house was highly inventive

Gone by Michael Grant
Hardcover: 576 pages
Publisher: Harperteen (Jul 2008)
ISBN-13: 978-0061448768
Exciting, gripping story of a small town in California where
everyone over the age of 15 vanishes. Lord of the Flies meets
Heroes. Sam North review

of My Depth by Helen Bailey
Publisher: Hodder Childrens Books 2008
Jess Armstrong
How far can you get a piece of melted cheese to stretch without
breaking it? One of the many concepts Electra Brown teases us
with as she innocently causes minor chaos between her recently
separated parents.
Sapphique by
Catherine Fisher
Publisher: Hodder Childrens Books
ISBN-13- 978 0 340 89361 6
Review by Michael Luzanycia
The second person ever to escape Incarceron, Finn, the returned
king to the outside world of "The Realm". Is in for
a shock
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway
ISBN: 978-0-340-97050-8
Hodder Childrens Books
Sophie Berry
For Californian teen Audrey, life would never be the same.
She was now an overnight celebrity,
Bras, Boys and
Bad Hair Days by Anita Naik
Publisher: Hodder Childrens books.
ISBN: 9780340970577
Kathryn Honeycombe
Having a bad hair day? Fancy that guy in school whos
just too cool for you? Or just in desperate need of some advice?
Bras, Boys and Bad Hair Days says it all.

The Last Free Cat by Jon Blake
Hodder ISBN: 978-0-340-94474-8
Sam North
It's future without cats - most are dead of the deadly HN51
virus. Only the very rich can afford cats now and they are strictly
controlled - ordinary people live in fear of catching a deadly
flu from untagged cats
Cybernation by Erica Blaney
Hachette Children's Books
ISBN: 9780340950326
If youre into Sci-Fi read this now!

Dont call me baby by Laurie Depp
Alana Hebenton
Dont call me baby creates a realistic teenage voice
with is use of contemporary cultural references to Hello
magazine and celebrities like David Beckam,
Diary Of A Chav: Too Cool for School by Grace Dent
Rebecca Wass
'Enjoyable and fast paced tale' of Shiraz Bailey Wood

Jupiter Williams by S.I. Martin.
Published by Hodder Childrens books
Priced £5.99
ISBN: 9780340944066
Jack Clarkson review
Seriously, if you mess with this guy, he will end you
The Underwood See by Michael Lawrence,
Orchard Books £5.99
ISBN-10: 1841211702
ISBN-13: 978-1841211701
Emma McGill.
Naia and Alaric use the willow tree in the north garden at Withern
Rise to transport themselves to different realities. Here they
meet and with the help of Aldous U. they work out the secrets
of their worlds, bringing them together. This is a brilliantly
written book,
Fashionistas by Sarra Manning
Tabz Parkes review
Definition: Someone who eats, sleeps, breathes and lives for
Unzipped A
Toolkit for Life
Author: Matt Whyman
978 0 340 94533 9
Richard Parry Review
'Whymans book is a must buy for the inquisitive growing
boy or for the worryingly anxious parent'.
Just In Case By Meg
Puffin Books
ISBN- 978-0-141-31806-6
Its hard to know where to begin writing this review about
such an extraordinary book. Its strange, haunting, humorous
and deeply moving, and unlike any book I have ever read.
Seeing Stars by Christina
Stephanie Vile
I picked up this book because I'm fascinated by astrology and
love wondering "what else is out there." I think it's
because that the stars that we see in the sky no longer exist
by the time they reach our eyes.
Enders Game by Orson Scott Card
(Atom, £4.99) ISBN: 1-904233-02-3
Daniel Alves
The use of a child as a hero in an adult world is nothing
new, but the book is so finely crafted and written, so varied
and so very cold towards Ender, that human empathy compels us
to read on and discover his fate.
Author: Brian Keaney
Stephen Doyle review
Gallowglass is the second in a trilogy of young adults fantasy
and adventure books called The Promises of Doctor Sigmundus
by Brian Keaney, the first volume titled The Hollow People.
The Way I See It by
Nicole Dryburgh
Hodder Childrens Books
ISBN: 9780340956922
The autobiography of a truly amazing woman, "The
Way I See It" is Nicole Dryburghs account of the
emotional and challenging years of her life from the age of
eleven when she was diagnosed with a malignant tumour on her

Innocent by Anne Cassidy
Jo Green review

Chronicles: The Dwellings Debacle by David Lee Stone - A Keren Arnold review
Get Lost by Sarra Manning
A Jenny Atkins review
Moon by Rachel Anderson
Vanessa Hyde review
Feather by Kate Pennington
Clare Sager review
Turbulence by Jan Mark
A Gemma Roxy Williams review

Where were you Robert?
A Swift Pure Cry by Siobhan
A Clare Sager review
A Dog for Life by L S Mathews
A Rowena Betts review
C, Thats Me By Chris Higgins

Philip Pullman

I Know About You by Belinda Hollyer
Orchard Books
ISBN 978-1-84616-766-9
Samuel James Richards
Belinda Hollyers honest and open style of writing is
a key reason why this book is a pleasure to read, regardless of
the age or gender of the reader
Bozo and the Storyteller by Tom Glaister
Firecrest Publishing Ltd; (Aug 2008); Pages: 260
ISBN 978-0-9560192-0-2
Sally Hayes
Bozo and the Storyteller is the kind of book that is
The General by Robert Muchamore
Publisher: Hodders
ISBN: 978-0340931844
by Dan Crossen
This action packed story manages to keep surprising as each
page is turned
Kiss of the Butterfly by Jill Hucklesby
Orchard Books - Pages: 288
ISBN 978 1 84616 343 - 2
Monique Wintle
Jaz is a 13 year old girl who is an incredibly determined
young lady, whether it is finding cures for her mothers
cancer, or learning her new moves for tae kwon do
by Harry Edge
Publisher: Hodder childrens books
ISBN: 978-0-340-95614-4
by Callum Graham
In a citywide water assassination game, with more at risk
than just a place in the final, adults and teens run amok with
everything to play for...
Child by Rosalie Warren
Circaidy Gregory Press
ISBN: 978-1-906451-07-3
Sam North review
Any young girl who has ever had a crush on another girl with
all the pain and uncertainty that it brings with it would be fascinated
to read Charitys Child.

Last of the Warrior Kings by Sarah Mussi
London: Hodder Childrens Books, 2008. £5.99
ISBN: 978-0-340-90322-3
Anona Evans review
is portrayed as a modern day hero. He is a lone crusader, fighting
to restore the faith and property of an ancient civilisation.
The Knife of Never Letting
by Patrick Ness
Guardian Children's Writer of the Year 2008
Sam North Review
Imagine you are watching a film about the first settlers in
America. Pious, hardworking farmers carving something out of a
raw landscape. Notice there are no women, the men's clothes are
rough and worn, understand something terrible has happened that
has killed all the women and left just men and one boy and his
Eggs by Jerry Spinelli
London: Orchard Books, 2007.
ISBN: 978-1-84616-700-3
Anona Evans
Eggs is the tale of two complex and fragile children with
painful pasts. Nine year old David has just lost his mother in
a freak accident.

Heart By Charlie Fletcher.
Hodder Childrens Books £5.99
ISBN-13: 978-0340911631
Alana Hebenton review
Twelve year old outsider George is on what he thinks is just another
boring school trip to the Natural History Museum, when his world
gets flipped upside down and his life is transformed forever.
Catkin by Nick Green
Faber &Faber Paperback
Sam North review
Too late Ben realises this is not Tae Kwon Do but Pashki, the
lost art of cat kin. They are going to learn to be cats.
Cure, by Michael Coleman
Published by Orchard Books
ISBN: 978-1-84616-344-9
Chris Burden
"1984" meets "Annie" in this story full of
life lessons for a contemporary youth. Set in the year 274 AD
(After Darwin) we are granted access to an alternate version of
what our world could become.

Angels by Andrew Clovers
Aby Davis review
On page one of Andrew Clovers debut novel his teenage protagonist
announces he's got problems. He's short, clever and has weird
dreams. So far, so average, until Colin tells the reader he is
Eggs by Jerry Spinelli
(Orchard Books)
ISBN: 978-1-84616-699-0
Tiffany Lee
When a fine but modest and understated tale like this emerges
which focuses on the triviality of childhood, it has got a long
climb ahead of it.
Moon by Stepahnie Meyer
Nicole Foulger review
Stephenie Meyer loses none of the drama in New Moon the sequel
to the breathtaking Twilight. We enter back into the mind
and life of ordinary teen Bella who has the most extraordinary
boyfriend-Edward Cullen, a Vampire.
Twilight by
Stephanie Meyer
Nicole Foulger
A gripping romantic vampire story with bite.
Luuurve is a many
trousered thing
By Louise Rennison.
Louise Webster
Rennisons successful The Confessions of Georgia
Nicolson book series is about Georgia, our quirky,
hormonal teen protagonist. dealing with the issues of boys, school
life, looks and more boys.
Mimosa Fortune by Echo
ISBN-13: 978-0340894767
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books 2007
Jack Clarkson review
There is a reason they didnt let Lenny narrate "Of
Mice and Men"! Echo Freer did not seem to realise this when
she wrote Mimosa Fortune!

Eyes by David Almond
Holly Bates Review
This mysterious and intriguing tale of "damaged child"
Erin Laws adventures with her friends is haunting and fantastically
Last Vampire, Red Dice & Phantom
By Christopher Pike
Chris Burden
The Last Vampire is a series charting the adventures of Sita,
a kick-ass five thousand year old vampire with an attitude. This is a high octane, gripping novel
Teenage Kicks by Clive
Hodder Children's Books
ISBN-13: 978-0340950616
Gavin Gerlach Review
Despite youth being wasted on the young, Clive Gifford seems determined
to get teenagers everywhere to make the most of their formative
years with Teenage Kicks.

Irina by Sarra Manning
Hodder Children's Books (20 Mar 2008)
ISBN-13: 978-0340932223
Aby Davis
Irina Kerchenko is trying to nick a dress from a Moscow Prada
when she is spotted.
I am Spartapuss by Robin Price
Publisher: Mogzilla
ISBN-10: 0954657608
ISBN-13: 978-0954657604
Stephen Doyle
I am Spartapuss is quite squarely aimed at children. It
is also entrancing and highly amusing

The Curse of the Toads by Rebecca Lisle
A Gemma Williams review
Rift by Beverley Birch
Review by Sam North of this missing persons mystery in Africa
Murothi is a wonderful, intelligent character, all wise and wily,
an African Morse'.
A Note of Madness by Tabitha Suzuma
Gill James review

Permanent Rose by Hilary
A Katie Baillie review
Damage by Sue Mayfield
A Lucy Baily Review
Life of Pi by Yann Martell
Dan Schnierder review
Family in England
by Matt Haig
Lynn Ede review
The Well of Lost Plots
Review by Michelle Cochraine
Series of Unfortunate Events
The Austere Academy-Book the Fifth
Lemony Snicket - Illustrated by Brett Helquist
An Egmont Book
Madness by Robert Muchamore
Klya Lacey-Davidson review

v Beast by Robert Muchamore
A Rosie Wheatcroft review
Man V Beast review
by Rebecca Denmark