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International Writers Magazine: Young Fiction
Stars by Christina Jones,
ISBN 0749936215
Stephanie Vile
I picked up this
book because I'm fascinated by astrology and love wondering "what
else is out there." I think it's because that the stars that
we see in the sky no longer exist by the time they reach our eyes.
Amber goes to live in the little town of Fiddlesticks. She is in
her mid-twenties and doesn't really want to go on this holiday.
Most of the villagers are elderly and at the beginning of the book
Amber misses the comforts of home and her friends. It's a difficult
decision when she is staying in a with only one plug socket, how
would she deal with plugging one thing in at once, what if she wanted
to watch TV whilst straightening her hair! She feels slightly alienated
from her new world. However, it's a pretty village with a close
community. Amber soon realises that it's not quite what she imagined
All of the villagers strongly believe in the power of the moon and the
stars. They organise their live around the astral calendar and make wishes
on the moon, Amber is totally and completely out of her depth on this
one. She arrives in the village just in time for their annual St Bedric
night, who they celebrate because years ago people thought that the moon
was green and had evil powers. St Bedric was the person who discovered
that in fact the moon is not green and does not have evil powers! They
celebrate this by wearing green and by making a wish on the moon. Ambers
initial reaction to this was to laugh.
In our world today, so many things are taken for granted, on a daily basis
and of the bigger picture of the world that we live in. It does occur
to us that "we may not be alone in the universe," but it's just
an idea. Some people do believe it but the majority of people don't. Many
of us couldn't even imagine what it might be like to go into space. I
think that's why Amber finds wishing on the moon so hard to believe. She
thinks the village people are crazy and doesn't believe what she's doing
when she wishes on the moon!
Looking at the moon, I think it's amazing, especially big bright full
moon and Id love to learn more about it.
Society today worries so much about the most trivial things and get caught
up in things that, in the long-run don't matter, that a lot of us don't
notice or appreciate the most fascinating ideas and things like the moon
and global warming. We know that it's happening, but we're not really
doing anything about it.
Seeing Stars opens our eyes to the outside world and it made me
think about astrology. It also reminded me how close and warm communities
like Fiddlesticks can be. We don't have that today. The book is full of
dreams and suggests that "if you wish upon a star, your dream will
come true" which it does for Amber. She gets together with the boy
who she fancies. Of course I'm not suggesting that we should wish on the
moon, but if we believe in something enough, it might happen, obviously
it couldn't be something random, it would have to be achievable.
This book is a funny, thought-provoking easy-read that gets us thinking
about community and the world around us. The thoughts and ideas about
the moon never cease to amaze me and I urge anyone who is interested in
astrology to start Seeing Stars.
© Stephanie Vile November 2007
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