International Writers Magazine: Young Fiction:
General by Robert Muchamore
Publisher: Hodders
ISBN: 978-0340931844
by Dan Crossen
I first picked up Robert Muchamores The General,
the latest book in his Cherub series, I was expecting
a feel-good story in which every character has no flaws and is constantly
spouting the difference between right and wrong and the importance
of morality. However I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out
to be a true to life story that could almost be real.
is a government organisation that takes in kids who have lost their
parents and over many years turns them into a highly trained soldier,
ready to carry undercover missions for the good of the country using
the advantage of being a child to lull their targets into a false sense
of security. We begin the book by following James Adams into his mission
against SAG (the Street Action Group), a group they believe
will soon be turning into a terrorist organisation, as they proceed
to trash the streets of London in an anarchy fuelled riot with hundreds
of protestors. In many other books meant for children wed be reading
a ten page long speech about how vandalising is wrong and even though
the main character is under cover, he still cant bring himself
to do it, but the kids here are rough around the edges and James Adams
unhesitatingly contributes his share of the carnage and is happy to
do so. Even though he is a deadly soldier the inescapable fact is that
he is still a kid, and would still want to act like one, a feat pulled
off marvellously by all the kids in Cherub.
I have seen this series of books compared with the Alex Rider
series many times but the two are so very different, with the only comparative
theme being that kids are soldiers. Alex Rider seems like a kid who
was brought up in a prim and proper way, being taught good manners,
not to swear, not to steal and so on, and so the excitement of being
a kid can be lost at points and sadly we lose this element of the story
due to censorship. But in The General its a
no holds barred free for all on language and actions, even going so
far as to say Not suitable for younger readers on the back
cover. But if the kids that want to read this are anything like the
ones in Cherub, then a simple sign on the back isnt going to stop
them getting to this book.
One thing I was disappointed with was the length of the book. Even though
it is meant for kids, most of which have short attention spans, each
individual story in the book seems a bit short lived, especially the
main storyline in which the Cherub kids help to stage a war game in
the USA. As brilliant as many of the subtle and not so subtle satires
about the American government are, there can always be more, and this
section of the story feels like it is snatched away from you before
you really get a chance to engage with it.
This action packed story manages to keep surprising as each page is
turned, using not only great writing but great characters and twists
to keep you interested, and unlike some stories similar to it, it doesnt
use the fact that kids are soldiers as some kind of crutch to keep you
hooked. I would recommend this book to anyone, regardless of their age,
as it will definitely bring back a few memories if you are a bit of
an older reader, and most likely some recent ones if you are a bit younger.
© Dan Crossen
November 2008
dancrossen1 at googlemail.com
Dan is studying Creative Writing at the University of Portsmouth
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