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H1NI Swine Flu spreads worldwide read
Place to Die
Sam North's prescient novel on the Flu Pandemic of 2009.
Print or download
plausible, and sickeningly addictive, this will terrify
and thrill you.'
Roxy Williams - Amazon.co.uk
Writer's Guild
UK Writer's site

'Grandma Swivelhead, fortune tellers and bodies
in the Thames, a boy's induction to a ghostworld'
Mean Tide by Sam North
'An engaging, unusual and completely engrossing read' - Beverly
author of 'Rift'
opinions expressed herein are wholly reflective of the writers and
contributors to hackwriters. All work is copyright of the writers
& hackwriters.com.
is a non-profit , non-paying journal based at an academic institution
but welcomes contributions from writers. We reserve the right to
publish and edit material in accordance with our editorial policy
- see submissions

International Writer's Magazine: Our Tenth Year - September
2009 - Welcome
Next Edition
Oct 1st
Ultimate Getaway
What do you get when you combine the extreme adventure sports of
whitewater rafting, riverboarding, and skydiving? Itıs called the
ultimate adrenaline rush and Millinocket
Beypore Lighthouse
Lakshmi Nair
Our mission was to discover the Beypore lighthouse. So we set
out on a nice bright day our hearts singing with joy
Backpackers in Paris
Jason Phelps
We had devised a brilliant plan. We would fly into France and
take a late night bus into Paris, even though we didnt have
a place to stay.
Historic Quebec
Habeeb Salloum
We drove on the Côte de Beaupré following one of the
oldest thoroughfares in North America from Quebec City to Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré.
of a Backpacker:
Melbourne + Hoey Moey
Dan Cann
overnight Greyhound bus arrived in the early hours at Melbourne,
capital of the State of Victoria. Ben and I booked in at the grand
looking 'Toad Hall Hotel.'
the roof of the world- Marianne de Nazareth
I was invited for the Third Pole Project: Covering Climate
Change in the Himalayas, I jumped at the chance
Russian For Two Weeks
David Russell in St Petersburg
had made arrangements to live with a Russian family in St. Petersburg
for two weeks fostering "better understanding among people".
Race Illusion
James Campion
Jimmy Carter, America's political equivalent of Liz Taylor,
who emerges every so often to stammer out the most insane gibberish
known to freethinking man...
Berlin: 20 Years On
Nate Barron
long is twenty years? For the city of Berlin, it is both Augenblick
and Ewigkeit: an instant and an eternity.
David Calleja "We do not understand why the military is
doing this to us." An exiled monk poses the one question
that nobody can answer
Revolutionary Wrath
John M. Edwards
rogue ancestor, Aaron Burr, shot Alexander Hamilton with a Hoss-pistol
from a mere ten paces awayand got away with it
Health Care a Right?
James Morford
is health care a right that should be guaranteed by the State,
yes or no?
Bonanza ends
Dean Borok
The "Cash for Clunkers" program expired even as frantic
buyers were still banging down the door.
Drugs legal?
James Skinner - reality of drug crime
worldwide campaign against drugs is not working and hasn't for
decades. So why not make it legal and tax it?
Third Pole
Marianne de Nazareth
in Nepal recognize that Climate Change has become possibly the
greatest development challenge of our times...'
at Mannys (NYC)
John M. Edwards
I flubbed my audition recently @ Mannys, the legendary
guitar shop on 48th "Avenue" - not that anyone was really
First steps to Gladrags
Dean Borok
There was no point to sticking around Montreal any longer. It
was 1982 and the economy was in the tank. I packed up my design
portfolio, and caught the Montrealer express train to New York
2009 A wish fulfilled
K Fatima
the first Salat Al Fajr a realization struck me: In that huge crowd
of Muslims from everywhere, speaking all sorts of languages but
praying together in Arabic, it felt like Yaum al Qiyama.
An Unbreakable Bond
Marianne de Nazareth
Rajendran & Neeta Dutt, a mother/ daughter duo have turned the
sari into an art form, in their venture named Sakhi.
Marwan Asmar
is a spiritual month, serving to in-gather Muslims worldwide for
a higher existential being, the one that cant be touched or
seen but is everywhere
blue in trouble
The oceans are an endless supply of resources. For long, it
was assumed that this resource could be exploited and used as a
dumping ground. But, no more.
Chris Mills
considered the miles a book may have travelled before it reaches
my hands
Art & Craft of Being Helsinki
Charlie Dickinson
we were in Finland, the tech-savvy, most-wired nation on the planet.
Allison Fine
It was Sunday; he did not have to be anywhere and most important
he did not have to be at Brown Harris Stevens Brokerage where he
worked as a real estate broker
An Act of God
Damilola Ajayi
It all began that evening when Papa knocked on the door, fully
dressed in his police uniform save for his beret. The squeaky sound
of the opening door is still vivid in my mind even after seven years.
Purple Maiden - Chapter 3
MV Franconia, off the Cies Islands, Galicia. June 1999.
James Skinner
couldnt research further into the actual U-boat without going
back to the Navy and that would mean going above his boss
head. Whos really behind this anyway? he thought.
The Power of Nothing
- Chapter One
Robbin Yager
'To be still was impossible for her. They weren't living with a
ghost, didn't have disaster stalking'.
Other Side of the River
Bill Hedman
Willie James wasn't a big guy in the way that some guys are scary
big, he was just big. Caldwell was scary big. An altercation in
the locker room after football practice touched the flash point
when Willie said, "Cal'wel, watch yo sef, dynamite come in
small packages!"
Literary Festival 2009
Come hear Sam North talk about
his Sherlock Holmes novel

The Curse of the Nibelung
26th 6pm - Ticket event
Book available from The Nineveh Gallery, 11 The Pallant,
About Harry
Charles Ausherman
I asked Dad what his father did for a living. He answered,
"Well, son, your grandpa was a salesman who just went from
titty to titty."
of the Gods
Keith Leonard
Stan watched fascinated as the woman squeezed between tables,
a plate of sandwiches balanced precariously on a tea cup
Water Colored Memories
Marcia Dumler
"Buttercup! Stop that! You're going....." too late,
the glass of water top heavy with my water color brushes had already
tipped onto my therapy painting for today
Esha Nag
Ameera couldnt wait to get home. It was getting dark
and the warm Shamal winds made it difficult for her to remain
on the streets any longer. Besides, she was expecting Salim any
moment now.
To Eat The Dog? - The real guide to sustainable living by Robert
and Brenda Vale, - Charlie Dickinson review
If everyone on Earth shared equally the lifestyle enjoyed in
North America, then five planet Earths would be needed. Obviously,
an unattainable proposition.
by Carl Hiaasen (Pub: Oct 1st)
Orion Books
Sam North review
closely in the footsteps of his environmental kids' thriller Hoot,
Carl Hiaasen plunges once again into the murky waters of the Everglades
and a species under threat.
The Stories Of J.F. Powers
Dan Schneider review
Every so often there is an artist that has a great reputation, yet
a small cult following, that turns out to truly be a great artist.
Then, there are all the other times that one recognizes that the
repute for greatness is merely the mistaken dementia of the cultic
Night World: Volume3
by L.J Smith
Reviewed by Callum Graham
Through the novels Lisa J Smith creates an interlinked world of
mystery and intrigue, dominated by vampires, witches and Shapeshifters.
Most are bent on the destruction of the human world...
Day by Robert Muchamore
Callum Graham
The Nazis have a new plan to ensure victory for Germany. Henderson
quickly realises that he and the children are Britains only
hope against a new threat,
Darke Academy - Secret Lives
by Gabriella Poole
Marcel D'Agneau review
Theres moveable feasts and then theres moveable schools
that are also a feast in progress. The Darke Academy is a school
with a terrible secret.
Arkham Asylum 2009
Rocksteady Studios. Eidos.
Jack Clarkson review
almost jumped out of his skin when he heard the scream. Loud, shrill
and cut short before he could hear exactly where it came from. He
almost wondered whether he had really heard it or if it had simply
occurred inside his head.
fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan

The home of the MA in Creative Writing
Portsmouth University
The Tutors:
Sam North & publishing guests
*Course now filled for 2009/10
writers aim to start and complete a novel in their
time of study here with support from fellow students
and staff in a friendly creative atmosphere.'
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- Our ninth year on line |
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