It is said "The pen is mightier than the sword." History
has proven this to be true and depending who is holding the pen the
outcomes can be productive or destructive. In the early thirties Nazi
Germany began their propaganda machine and started to roll out it's
hate messages. They blamed the Jews for all the social poverty and ills
that plagued the country. After many years of lies and misinformation
the German people began to believe the lies as their truth. This allowed
the most horrific mass murders in history.Six million Jews were put
in the gas ovens and most of the people of Germany were programmed to
believe they were doing the right thing.
The total death toll in World War Two was thirty-million, give or take
a few million. Today, it is just statistics and folks were more interested
in how the Stock Market is performing. That was until Sept 11th when
the whole world was turned on it's head with the devastation and havoc
in New York and Washington. Now we are inflicted with the Ben Laden
disease on top of all our own personal everyday stresses.
Throughout history wars have flared out of the ignorance of mankind's
reason to exist. Power, greed, the need to control and conquer, have
been paramount to the "Egos of the Great." In today's world
thirty wars are raging at this moment and still we shrug our shoulders
and just accept this as normality, that is; until we were woken up out
of our complacency by terrorists.
Even though society has lost the true meaning of life, we still pat
ourselves on the back and award many accolades, trophies and prizes
to intellects from intellects.
The current crisis is paramount in folks minds but
they are dwarfed by these statistics; "In the past decade some
2 million children have been killed, 4 to 5 million disabled, 1
million orphaned and 12 million left homeless." UNICEF's new
agenda highlights the plight of children whose families, communities
and ways of life are destroyed by war. |
A society that only lives by intellect alone lives a superficial life
which will eventually destroy itself. Where there is no true meaning
of life there can be no evolving or creation. Superficial lives are
an artificial production of role playing and rely on an isolated existence
powered by the ego's of misguided humans. Ego lives in a grandeur of
ignorance of universal intelligence. When a human is isolated from the
truth it becomes depressed. Depression relies on isolation. The medical
profession are beginning to realize prevention is the best cure for
our ills. When we are attacked by our own anti-ballistic missiles of
free radicals, cancer and heart attacks pursue and strike our defensive
immune systems. If we can't take care of our own bodies what chance
do we stand looking after our Nations and civilization?
The general is affected the same as the foot solder when it boils down
to the defense of the mind. Today we stand on the threshold of a new
paradigm. We are in a new millennium and Information Technology is moving
at the speed of light.
The Hi Tech world has brought about great advancements in warfare. Smart
bombs- Intercontinental Cruise Missiles can hit precise targets hundreds
of miles away. It is time to understand that having the most advancement
in weaponry will not prevent horrific destruction in the future, for
information technology can also be used to destroy in the hands of evil
In the same way as the pen of propaganda was used in Nazi Germany, technology
will be used to destroy mankind unless we start to encompass wisdom
with our intellect. America is the only super power and the guardian
of peace. It is very important to keep a strong military machine and
to use that deterrent as a means of preventing the next world war. This
is a good second line of defense but our priority is to educate the
masses of a first line of defense in which we can all participate.
Thomas Jefferson said. "Those who desire to give up Freedom in
order to gain Security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Freedom means freedom of thought. When we free the doom from our minds
we enhance the clarity of our culture. We realize there is more than
tissue and sinews that make a human being. More than intellect and ego.
We can exist to divide and conquer or we can live a productive and creative
life in the framework of a joy-filled existence. Joy is the reason we
exist. This simple philosophy is so hard for the intellect to understand.
It is not a materialistic joy. It is a knowledge that we are all part
of a Unified Intelligence that creates and evolves the whole of the
Time is our most precious asset and we need to defend our time against
anything that takes away our joy. That is true freedom. The freeing
of doom and gloom replaced with co-existence with our fellow man and
Mother Earth.The time has come to move from the primitive tribe mentality
of belligerent nations and to move forward. We have a need to understand
that we are all part of a higher reality. These are the profound questions
that need an immediate answer:
Do we need to move away from our singular truths of how we alone see
the world from our own perspective? Do we need to embrace a oneness
with all the people of the world that breathes the same air we breath,
eats the same food we eat and drinks the same water we drink? Do we
need to balance our minds so we live in the middle of universal intelligence?
Do we want to live outside the pillars of wisdom? Can we find the pathway
to our inner temple of Joy?
If we cannot find the correct answers to the above questions, then we
are living on the edge of a precipice. Our First Line of Defense is
our own minds and we need to protect ourselves from the harm we do ourselves.
If we do not safeguard our minds then we are our own worst enemy. Time
is of the essence, it is not on our side. We have a choice. We can educate
the masses to become like minded people and create a world that our
children and grandchildren will enjoy. Or we can continue as we are
and endure all the suffering and horrors as we have in the past. Our
Minds †Our Choice.There are no winners in a conflict
just, some lose less!
© Michael Levy
Michael Levy is the best selling author of What is the Point? Minds
of Blue - Souls of Gold.
Enjoy Yourself It's Later Than You Think.
For more debate on this see current editorial