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International Writer's Magazine - November
2007 - Welcome
Travel stories & guides
Politics & Issues
Ways of living
Ari Kaufman
Explored as early as the 17th century, Indiana became my home
in early July 2006.
the rock & the hard place
Awni Kawar
achieved our goal of getting Petra voted as one of the new Seven
Wonders of the World it is up to put our tourism house in order
Malcolm Hawkins
My first trip to Budapest was in 1966. I have lingering memories
of a surly passport inspector, glaring at an ID.
The Soul of
Tony Alexander's new book on Hot Springs in Japan
Planner to the Frying
American experience of Spanish Life - Caroline Hunter
I was standing in a bar with three middle-aged women. I realized
that it was 1.30am my homework for class at nine a.m. sat untouched
Sweats & Mailer Dies
James Campion
Jersey Pedro and myself watched in relative horror as General
Musharraf, the acting president of a crumbling government, spoke
to his nation
The web, it's secrets and Me
Laura Patricia
My dad, with all due respect,
is crazy paranoid. He guards his PIN number with his life at ATMs
of Culture Shock
Rachel Boone
The Tower of Babel started a
phenomenon that we're still dealing with today. One race, one
language, one culture existed before the Tower of Babel
The Heads
Frank Sloan
Soaring costs bite us, plunging incomes snipe at us and garish
banks polarized thinking infects us.
Christmas Shopping Evil?
Lisa Timmerman
idea of actively searching for new things to buy for people that
dont need anything is kind of sick.
Days Are Like This
Plaguing my mind more often than not these long evenings are those
five simple words. The phone is silent and the remains of my own
dinner sit haphazardly in the sink
Eric D. Lehman
On the first night of my "Meatless Meals" cooking class,
the casually dressed chef told us that she was vegan for health
Horror to Gore
Richard Parry
Though films from the horror genre rarely top the annual box office
they are big business worldwide
Towe takes Europe
Whirlwind adventures for our Vancouver Girl
- 'Never fly with a hangover'
Norman - appraised
Dean Borok
The funny thing about Norman Mailers antagonism towards women
is that he always felt the need to keep them around him.
Wedding Journal
Heathrow Stopover
Linda Albert
On the way to India we were scheduled with a five hour layover
at Heathrow
The Hitch
Max Slachter
Some people hitchhike because they have to. Real hitchhikers.
They cant afford a Greyhound bus or they dont have
a license, they have no friends or family who will give them a
Tied in Surin
Studying Thai
Antonio Graceffo
The powerfully built monk grabbed me by the back of the neck,
yelling Jab Koh. He pulled me toward him, and
his knee crashed into my solar plexus
Years in Budapest
Kings and Queens and medieval battles, Hungary has seen all of
that! This is a story of foreign occupation, revolution, the struggle
to reclaim territory, and fight for freedom
Out Of Bed
Vanessa Telaro
down Andie wanted to see how her life would end.
In her reverie, Andie was about seventeen years old.
Pleasures of Life
Julia Gordon
and I was sitting around my house in my underwear reading John
Updike. This experience gave me an incredible sense of pleasure...

2008 - A Literary Spark - Submit your
the smoking dog
Sara Towe
I was separated, lonely and needed to get out and meet new people.
My children for years had been begging for a dog and cat
Gods of Garbage
Dean Borok
NY City Council members are spending thousands of dollars to buy
garbage cans bearing their names
On Greed
Almost everyone I speak to these days has a continuing story to
tell on how they are being ripped-off by erroneous charges and hidden
Emma King
I looked over the books I own; stack upon stack of over predictable,
classically cheesy and a somewhat pathetic collection of chick-lit
novels. I love chick-lit - I am an addict
How To Be Ladylike
Aby Davis
I grew up in a girls school where we had to wear skirts instead
of trousers cos it was more 'ladylike', I wonder what my old headteacher
would say if he could see me now
by Jerry Spinelli
Tiffany Lee
When a fine but modest and understated tale like this emerges which
focuses on the triviality of childhood, it has got a long climb
ahead of it.
Stalins Ghost
by Martin Cruz Smith
Louise Webster
For those who want something perhaps slightly unusual or written
with depth, then this thriller is highly recommended, definitely
a compelling read
The Sorrows of Young
Author: Goethe
Joseph Grosso
However if there is one work that must be named as having captured
my personal Sublime as having described my own life experience up
till now, it would have to be Goethes groundbreaking novel
Dirty Angels
by Andrew Glovers
Davis review
On page one of Andrew Glovers debut novel his teenage protagonist
announces he's got problems. He's short, clever and has weird dreams.
He is also psychic
by Sarra Manning
Tabitha Parkes review
Definition: Someone who eats, sleeps, breathes and lives for fashion.
Miss Jones
Alana Hebenton
Bridget Joness diary chronicles the life of the attractive
thirty something Bridget who lives a chaotic life
A Toolkit for Life
Author: Matt Whyman
Richard Parry Review
'Whymans book is a must buy for the inquisitive growing
boy or for the worryingly anxious parent'
Author: Brian Keaney
Stephen Doyle review
Gallowglass is the second in a trilogy of young adults fantasy and
adventure books called The Promises of Doctor Sigmundus
Everyman by Philip
Josef Fiser
It just opens the door. It is like a picture, nicely painted
picture which can just please you by its colours as well as take
you as deep into life (and death) matters as you can stand.
by Gautam Malkani,
Londonstani bursts with strong colours and fast action. Written
in the first person, with a believable and strong dialogue, this
novels vivid imagery jumps out of the page like a Roy Lichtenstein
Watchmen by Alan
Art by Dave Gibbons
Jack Clarkson
An introduction to Watchmen
The Cure, by Michael
Chris Burden
"1984" meets "Annie". Set in the year 274 AD
(After Darwin) we live in alternate version of what our world could
Just In Case By
Meg Rosoff
Such an extraordinary book. Its strange, haunting, humorous
and deeply moving, and unlike any book I have ever read.
Hollys Inbox
by Holly Denham
Chris Burden
Hollys Inbox tells the story of this years Bridget
Jones, Holly Denham, a lovable, modern woman with the flaws of a
real person
Mansfield Park,
by Jane Austen
Madeleine Collis
Mansfield Park takes the feminine ideal in a direction so
far north of any modern reality its almost unfathomable to
believe in such a world.
Seeing Stars by
Christina Jones,
Stephanie Vile
I picked up this book because I'm fascinated by astrology and love
wondering "what else is out there."
Batman: The Dark Knight
Written By: Frank Miller 1986
Stephen Doyle
The Dark Knight Returns is long considered to be one of the
graphic novels to be read. It is often held in high regard alongside
Watchmen, Maus and The Sandman
Enders Game
Director Orson Scott Card
Daniel Alves
A child as a hero in an adult world is nothing new, but the
book is so finely crafted and written, so varied and so very cold
towards Ender, that human empathy compels us to read on and discover
his fate
Luuurve is a
many trousered thing
By Louise Rennison.
Louise Webster
Rennisons successful The Confessions of Georgia Nicolson
book series is about Georgia, our quirky, hormonal teen protagonist.
dealing with the issues of boys, school life, looks and more boys.
The Last Great Dance On
Earth by Sandra Gulland
Ruby Harrison
I was not born for such grandeur Josephine, in a letter
to her daughter Hortense.
of December
Karen Maxwell
Seeds of winter are alive in Montauk. You can hear them
under your boots; easy to confuse with small tree branches or
bones rising from the deceased
Man in Africa
Mark Cunliffe
The jeep bounced along the dirt road sending Harry up from his
seat and back down again with a crash. His stomach was not happy
about this
Honesty In Death
Mark Cunliffe
There was a dead body waiting for Harry in Prague. All in
all he'd had better welcome parties
Author of Passion Killers
The Aby Davis interview
Richard Corwin
The tropic night air was heavy with humidity that hung like thick
motor oil in every breath. When combined with the stillness and
eerie darkness, it gave the river a mood as if it were the end
of the world.
Keynes Excerpt from
'A Symphony of Fear'
Dean Borok
No smoking gun was ever discovered with the mayors fingerprints
on it, and as the flood of nebulous accusations and innuendo cascaded
daily in the newspaper and media reports, he ceaselessly insisted
that he was the victim of a right-wing smear job...
Tennis Match
Martin Green
Little did I know that the mixed doubles tennis match I was a
part of would signal the end of an era for our suburban tennis
Carolyn Hughes
Sirens were blaring, red and orange and yellow flames soared into
the sky, and thick black smoke was turning day into dusk. Bulldozers
were demolishing trees in the path of the fire;
Claire Holland
Charlottes birthday dawned warm and sunny: the sky an innocent
early autumn blue, the day she packed the suitcase.
by Diana Bretherwick
entries prior to predicted extinction level event
circa 1.4.08
Mark Robinson - survivor
And the skies above the City
bleed down upon the earth its overcast haze. Quiet below, sinking
beneath the mist, a stale darkness pervades. With streets aloof,
atom-bomb atonic. Red
flashing twelve oclocks light a humming wave of out-of-order
signs and sequential blinking green men below the anodised phosphorescent
burn of street lighting.
Tessa Foley
wont feel a thing. Not a thing. I was one of the first to
have the operation
Linda Waltenberger
Kelly's stomach was in jumbles. The knots and gnarls hurt, twisted
and pulled. Her insides were about to jump through her skin and
there would be nothing she could do to prevent it.
Other Side
J.A. Laraque
I truly believe it is brighter here. The sun shining on my face
feels warmer more welcoming
Directed by Anton Corbijn
Russ Thomas
Starring Samantha Morton and Sam Riley Control is the tragic story
of Ian Curtis, ex-frontman for Joy Division
Greg Mottola (Director)
Russell Thomas
Superbad is testament to the fact that teen movies based in and
around American high schools will never be exhausted.
Transformers DVD Review
Directed by Michael Bay
Jack Clarkson
When I went to see Transformers it was a pleasant and heartwarming
romantic comedy that I would have enjoyed even more if Michael Bay
hadnt kept bringing in all those scenes with the Giant Robots!
Directed by Alejandro G. Inarrito
Starring Brad Pitt
Tabitha Parkes
A simple gunshot takes us on a journey from Morocco to America
through to Mexico and into Japan
Over Me (DVD review)
Directed by Mike Binder
Josef Fisher
Dr. Johnson a dentist, meets his friend Charlie (A.Sandler) whose
family died in one of the planes on 9/11, who suffers from post-traumatic
stress disorder
Dir. Larry Charles
Emma King
If there was ever a comedy that made such a phenomenal impact on
its audience, it must be Borat
y Chocolate
Directors: Alea & Tabio
Anne Marie-Dover
A bigoted and fervently heterosexual young man and an older, decadent
homosexual is very promising, the plot reveals a sensitivity that
has made Fresas y Chocolate one of the most celebrated Latin
American films of the 90s.

Heroes: A Cultural
Calvin Hussey & Ruby Harrison
Heroes a cultural phenonemon
Director: Darren Lynn Bousman
Calvin Hussey
The film starts with perhaps the most climatic opening sequence
of the series as we see a blinded man pitted against a silenced
man in a high octane clash
for Vendetta (DVD)
Dir James McTeigue
Robert Hillum
When V for Vendetta was originally written, politics was very different
to now, but being politics what very difference eventually becomes
the same.
(1985) Dir Terry Gilliam
Russ Thomas reappraisal
With such films as Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Time
Bandits behind him, one has to expect a little surrealism with
Terry Gilliam
is England
Directed by Shane Meadows
Tiffany Lee
Every now and then a film emerges that grabs you by the eyeballs
and prevents you from ever being the same. Britain hasnt achieved
this since Ewan McGregor asked 'who needs reasons when you've got
Madeleine Collis
I will never look at sheep in quite the same way again
Man Bites Dog
Directed by Remy Belvaux
Paul Rumble
Benoit is well-spoken, well-dressed, often witty and loves to quote
poetry. He also likes to kill people.
Machuca (2004)
Directed by Andres Wood
Tabitha Parkes
30,000 children killed. 100,000 arrested without trial. 22,000 expelled.
150,000 exiled. Its 1973 in Chile
Elizabeth: The Golden
Dir:Shekar Kapur
Anna Marie Dover
Brilliant costumes a historical drama do not make
300 (DVD)
Directed by Zack Snyder
Jack Clarkson
World renowned historian Frank Miller enlightens us all on what
really happened at the battle of Thermopylae.
All Quiet On The Western
Front (1930)
Directed by Lewis Milestone
Russ Thomas
Few films can boast relevance to all eras. All Quiet On The Western
Front, a 1930 screen adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque's novel
written from a German perspective is one of these films.
Am Legend
Dan Schnieder
On the 5th September 1972, with the Summer Olympics in their second
week of competition, eleven members of the Israeli athletics team
were killed in what would later become known as the Munich
fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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