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International Writers Magazine:Life and Money
On Greed
Michael Levy
Almost everyone
I speak to these days has a continuing story to tell on how they
are being ripped-off by erroneous charges and hidden fees from financial
corporations. Nobody is immune from becoming lured into a financial
offering, only to find out later that the lure of a fair deal turns
into a cautionary and costly tale of extreme greed. |
Life's experiences
teach us to become more aware of the risks from people and companies we
do business. However, I guess we never stop learning and surprises lie
in wait for us all.
Even people who consider themselves worldly-wise can and do get caught
up in the web of corporate avarice.
To cut a long story short, I forfeited more than $2,000 in two months
on a continuing bank certificate of deposit because I forgot to renew
it in the grace period and they renewed it at a lower rate of interest.
I was out of the country for two months. When I found out I said
I would not accept their low rate as new customers got 2% more. I closed
the account and I was penalize $1678 + losing 2% interest for two months.
Since a CD guarantees preservation of capital, this one flaunted that
I stated I did not accept the low interest rate and I do not accept any
penalties charged to my account as I felt I was abused and unjustly treated.
Alas, they took no notice. In fact, they seemed quite proud that they
could get away with it. I stated that the morals and the ethics of the
treatment of customers at this bank were outrages. But still, I got nowhere
fast and had to admit defeat and a loss of $2000 on my savings. I guess
I realized that if anyone seeks sympathy from a bank they will find it
located in their prospectus somewhere between avarice and greed.
To sum up my experience, I trusted the bank to deal in an ethical and
evenhanded manner with my money that I entrusted in their care. Foolishly,
I expected to get the same new rate of interest as every other person
would get who opens a new CD on the same renewal date. I did not expect
any more, nor any less, than what was being offered to the general public
in the banks marketing campaign. What I obtained was an example of how
trust can be abused for the sake of the greedy few who make cleverly planned,
deceitful rules and regulations.
The paradox is; this bank scavenges a few thousand dollars from its loyal
customers, while it writes down billions of dollars from bad loans in
the sub prime debacle. Strange is it not how universal laws cannot be
winked at and disregarded. History teaches that even the great dy-nasties
are eventually conquered by their own weapons of detrimental ambitions,
immoral greed and uncaring deeds.
The bottom line is, even when we personally experience unfair treatment
from large corporations, or anyone else, we still need to understand that
the real riches of life cannot be taken from us without our permission.
The joy of each new day should be savored ... Even though many things
are sent our way to try to take away the serenity, the truer reality,
of who we are, can make bad experiences melt like butter on a stove ...
Universal princi-pals, are in-deed, your pals for life, in good times
and nasty experiences.
The human intellect of sneaky cleverness dwells on the outer surface of
the circle, thinking it knows how to live. Many times, it will hatch out
schemes that are filled with devious cunning and skullduggery. While the
dastardly cleverness is sometimes aimed in our direction, our identity,
that contains truthful intelligence, exists in the center, creating a
delightful, contented repose.
There is no price tag on our joyful peace and tranquility ... Even though
we may experience a setback from time to time; the power our universal
architect provides is extraordinary energy, allowing our soul's flow of
joy to restore a treasure chest of indestructible assets.
© M Levy November 2007
Michael Levy is the author of eight inspirational books. Michael's
poetry and essays now grace many web sites, newspapers, journals and magazines
throughout the world. He is a prominent speaker on health maintenance,
stress eradication, wealth development, authentic happiness and inspirational
poetry. His new book-The Inspiring Story of Little Goody Two Shoes
- is available at all good book stores and Michael's web site:
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