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The International Writer's Magazine - February 2008 - Welcome
Travel stories & guides
Politics & Issues
Ways of living
Do The St Lucia Shake
Linda Regan
Saint Lucia- our peaceful Island in the sun. That was the advert that lured us into the travel agents. It sounded exactly what the doctor ordered...
Bangkok Blues

John Edwards
Bangkok Massage
...rows of hospital beds full of fully clothed, groaning patients, whose limbs were being gleefully mangled amid the wild hoots and derisive snorts of bystanders
The Search for Crazy Horse
Harlan G. Koch on a Harley
We wanted to actually "see" wagon wheel tracks and pony express stations. At Wyoming’s Independence Rock we wanted to see proof of pioneer names and dates carved into stone
Obama: A Middle East Viewpoint
Marwan Asmar

The world is watching Barrack Obama,
The Cheesehead Victory Lap

James Campion
Mere seconds after the Associated Press had called the Wisconsin primary for Barack Obama, the young senator stood at center stage grinning from ear to ear.
La Deluge
Dean Borok on Hillary
Clinton has the same appeal for me as German chancellor Angela Merkel

Serbian Elections
Jack Shenker
Belgrade a thorn in Western Politics for 1000 years.
Dean Borok
Sometimes the visionary can overcome the boundaries of concrete reality and fly to the moon.
The Galician Ganja Trail
James Skinner
Too many problems? Too many sleuths.

Tales of OZ
Tabytha Towe in Australia
Leaving Thailand nearly a month ago was extremely surreal and rather hard to let go of. I was still stuck in Thai mode for a few days until I realized, abashed and confused, that ‘shit, I’m in Australia!’
Vogelherd Caves in Lone Valley
Eva Bell
A trip to the Vogelherd Caves in Lone Valley is not advertised on any travel brochure.

Call Some Place Paradise, Kiss it Goodbye
Eric D. Lehman on why he won't tell you where he has been
Why keep the name of that town a secret? The reason is that this town isn’t sharable at all.
Muay Lao,
the forgotten art of kickboxing - Antonio Graceffo
“You can gain extra power on your kicks by throwing your kicking arm down, but you need to protect your face with a cross arm defense.”
Cultural Receivers
Marwan Asmar
Like it or not we are cultural receivers, and I dare say, if western audiences were exposed to "our culture," the influence would be much more balanced

Spain: Another Balkans?
James Skinner
Spain’s history is riddled with rebellions, coupes, military dictatorships, monarchies, civil war, and finally a consolidated democracy that permitted its entry into today’s modern world

Shan People
Antonio Graceffo
Defying the Burmese government’s ban on journalists, I crossed the border under the protection of the Shan State Army, and began filming interviews with Internally Displaced Persons within the war zone.
Spanish National Anthem debacle
Colin Fisher
Here in Spain they have just had a competition. The Spanish Olympic Committee decided it would a good idea if the Spanish national anthem had some words written for it.
Falcon: A Prog Rock Tale
Mark Cunliffe
For many music lovers, Prog is a dirty word, an era best forgot. But to those who accept, admire and wish to address prog rock, then look no further than Falcon.

The Kindness of Strangers - a true story
Annie Lalla
"Hello, Hello!" I yelled louder and louder hoping someone would respond. My face was pressed up against my tiny bathroom window.

Chasing the Dragon
Will Collins
‘Brown’, ‘Skag’, ‘Smack’, ‘Junk’, ‘Gear’, ‘ Wayne first ‘chased the dragon’ at the age of twelve ...

Close Encounters of the Third World Kind
John Edwards
Here are 10 tips to speed you through the confusing congestion of customs and weird freeways of the “extreme sport” of foreign food eating
Save Your World
Tabytha Towe
Oh what a day! Hanging out with my girl friends nude on the beach, I can’t think of anything better
Original Shorts
REVIEWS Film & Books
The Fall of Me
Tessa Foley
I did care for them. You learn to care for anyone you work with every sunlit hour God sends. I watched the children grow like weeds in Spring. I would be lying if I said it didn't touch my icy, red heart when they smiled or cried
Surviving the Moroccan Bath
Sidi Benzahra
When I was six, or probably seven years old, my mom always took me and my sisters to the public bath. Whenever we built up a good thick layer of dirt on our skin, or had gone two weeks without washing for some reason or another, she would take us there.
Happy Ending
Saeed Tavakkol
 “Good evening, Sir. I’m calling from Happy Ending. You’ve been selected to win a prize.

From Dreamscapes 1 archives
Zwolf the wonder dog
David Tavernier -

...They need a dog willing to travel through the eye of this tornado of shining tomato paste. They need a dog who is willing to give his body for their lives.
It was an awkward meeting from the very start. Leon uneasy, edgy, keen to go the moment he arrived, looking at his watch and cellphone and there was Arnold, carrying a full caffeine load, mid-sentence in a difficult moment for Detective Spink – one of Vancuver's least finest cops

Merton's Pizza
G David Schwartz
Merton's dream was about to be fulfilled. The  good Lord willing, and a little bit of luck, Merton would have what he had been nagging me about for the last twelve hours. Merton was about to be satisfied.

Carpe Diem
Will Collins
She was the jewel in the crown of Liquorice’s dancers: as delicious, elegant and alluring as any vintage wine; the most requested dancer; the most fascinating treasure.

The Pefect Scandal
Emma Callan
'Tell me Mr. Stead. How did you, such a respectable man, come to witness…’

The boy who never had a good day
David Tavernier
There was once a boy who looked in the mirror, and all he saw were pimples. He thought he was the ugliest boy on earth
The San Juan Bagels Parking Lot
Dean Borok
La Creta dwelt in perpetual fear of the parking lot, which was two doors away, separated from the factory by the Taliban shish-kebob garage where resided the The Forty Thieves of the spicy halal chicken and rice wagons which were ubiquitous around Manhattan, led by their boss, ZiZu.
The Prisoner
Tom Sheehan
The sound came once more. He stiffened. It was closer. His whole body knew it was closer. It was not just in the hearing. It approached.

Small Change
Rich Raitano
Small Change. That’s what they called him on the street ,,, because he would do just about anything for a hand full of next to nothing.

Day for Night
Directed by Francois Truffaut
Dan Schnieder
Critics argue the film shows how much François Truffaut loves film. So? Love without action or meaning is rather sterile- the perfect description for this well made but dull and simply pointless film.
Fishing Explorer – a life at sea and a mystery
Quentin Bates

It’s been a good few years now since I met Ernie Suddaby. Someone mentioned to me that a former fisherman had a story to tell and had written a book about fishing that he was trying to get published –maybe we could help each other out?
Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips
Charlie Dickinson
The premise of Marie Phillips's debut novel, Gods Behaving Badly, makes a certain sense if your old Methuselah self has been around a long time, say, even thousands of years.
The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
Review by Jack Clarkson
Scott Lynch seems to share the cynical imagination that Terry Pratchett used to make Discworld so popular. The characters were likeable and hate-able in all the right places.

The Catkin by Nick Green
Faber &Faber Paperback

Too late Ben realises this is not Tae Kwon Do but Pashki, the lost art of cat kin. They are going to learn to be cats.

The Farewell Angel
Carmen Martin Gaite
Anna-Marie Dover
Some works of fiction can be read in just a few sittings; others take somewhat longer. The Farewell Angel is not a book to be rushed.
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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