International Writers Magazine: Opinion
US Election Analysis 2008
Dean Borok
not interested in Hillary Clintons lovability factor. She
has already gone quite far enough to dumb herself down, thank you
very much, to appeal to the womens vote. She doesnt
admit to doing a lick of exercise and it shows. Her hair and clothing
styles look as though they were pulled off the rack at Boltons
without even a microsecond of reflection. Talk about not wanting
to be ahead of the market!
Nevertheless, Clinton
has the same appeal for me as German chancellor Angela Markel, not exactly
a fashion plate herself. Clinton looks as though she will protect American
interests in world markets, organize a coherent economic program and
rationalize a chaotic medical system.
I dont know what people seem to expect from her in terms of human
warmth. What, is she supposed to stand up there like Sally Field and
blubber, You like me! You really like me! Is that what it
takes to assuage Americans comfort zone? Forget it! This is presidential
politics, not Desperate Housewives, OK?
People are not taking this election seriously in terms of concrete consequences.
All the problems we are suffering right now are the result of bad decisions
taken at the top, but the electorate does not have the attention span
to make the connection. Voting for a candidate on the basis of likeability
is what got us into this mess (if you accept the election results, which
I dont. I still believe Bush got in both times on the basis of
electoral fraud). Does anybody really believe we would currently be
a national basket case if Gore or Kerry had gotten in?
I dont blame the black electorate for supporting Obama on the
basis of racial solidarity, though if he had happened to be a Jew the
Jewish electorate would be regarding him with a much more critical eye
from the standpoint of his viability. I blame the Democratic white
male vote, which seems to conform to George Wallaces long ago
characterization of pointy-headed professors who cant even
park their bicycles straight.
Even if Obama were to snare the nomination, he will never win the election
because the same reactionary elements that are currently fawning over
him, like Pat Buchanan, yet, will immediately turn around and rip him
to shreds once their true nightmare, Clinton, is out of the picture.
None of the current candidates has the prerequisite management experience
to even run a pet store. When asked by Steve Croft of 60 Minutes to
describe his management experience, Obama responded, I run my
senate office. Thats not true either. He has an office manager
and a chief of staff to run his senate office. The only person in national
politics who has any management ability is New York mayor Michael Bloomberg,
and he is not currently running.
Take if from me, even as the Republican elite is soft-soaping the electorate
with false praise for Obama, they are preparing a vicious electoral
offensive to define him as a big-eared cretin in short pants wearing
a Mickey Mouse hat. Hell ending up spending his whole time fighting
off accusations that he is a lightweight, like George McGovern and Michael
Dukakis before him. When asked by Croft about his ability to fend off
vicious Republican attacks, Obama retorted, smiling, Ive
done OK against the Clintons. Thats ridiculous. The Clintons
have been going soft on him in the interest of party unity. The Republicans
will not feel themselves bound by any such restraints of civility. Theyll
bring up OJ Simpson, Al Sharpton, Michael Vicks dogs, Pacman Jones
and any and all racial bugaboos that happen to be lying around at hand.
Theyll raise the issue that Obama bought his family home in Hyde
Park, Chicago, at a deep discount from a crooked mob developer who is
currently in prison under indictment (remember Whitewater?). The Republican
media and newspapers will hammer away with personal attacks and racial
slander 24/7 right through the election cycle. Theyll bring up
his admission that he snorted coke. Hope will change to
Dope. Until finally, at the end, Obama will be grateful
that the whole thing is over, as will we all.
Obama will have wrestled the nomination out of Hillary Clintons
hands like a basketball only to have Fox News and The New York Post
slam-dunk it right up his butt because he didnt think the process
through to its logical conclusion.
Or maybe he did! Maybe he calculates that by November the objective
conditions in the country, with a collapsing economy, and endless foreign
war, unemployment and house foreclosures will have reached such a lamentable
crisis state that whomever the Democrats present will be an inevitable
Nevertheless, the nomination is still wide open. Hopefully the Democrats
will have the kind of cold-bloodedness it takes to pick apart John McCains
war record the same as the Fast Boat Veterans for Truth did to John
Kerry, but I am not seeing that kind of resolve on their part.
Whomever the Democrats nominate, I will vote for him/her. But if the
Democrats weakness and lack of unity permits the Republicans to
regain the White House by the back door for another round of destructive
mismanagement, then we shall all be staring into the abyss.
© Dean Borok Feb 12th 2008
in SC
Dean Borok
Its obvious after the South Carolina primary that Chicago
politician Barack Obama has the lock on the African-American vote.
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