International Writers Magazine:
Removeable Feast: Close Encounters of the Third World Kind
10 Tips on Etiquette for Aliens in Ethnic Eateries
John Edwards
stumble upon an American Deli wondering if it was just
a typo that they dropped the h? Ever speculate whether the foul
wursty ingredients of a hot dog once went woof? Dont
freak out! Here are 10 tips to speed you through the confusing congestion
of customs and weird freeways of the extreme sport of
foreign food eating
food joints are not places to pick up cheap dates or begin your starvation
regime for Ramadan. Fast means quick, not good value, or even tasty,
as any one who has tried the Wimpys in Gibraltar could attest!
2. Dont shudder when your dining companion describes the restaurant
youre eating in as ethnic. This is especially problematic
if your friend is Mormon or Bahai or Scientologist, and the servers
are wearing lederhosen or kilts.
3. Dont draw attention to the egregious bloopers of damn foreigner
dinner guests from abroad. A friend once brought her new
boyfriend to the quaint American custom of Thanksgiving, and he asked
politely, Please pass the papadums! To which she reacted
swiftly (and with venal alarm), Rajiv, in this country we call
it bread!
Of course, the incident caused a slight pause (an embarrassing silence),
quickly covered up by raucous laughter. Its better to laugh loudly
at our mistakes than to burn silently with revenge.
4. If youre invited to someones village, dont
even think of turning down the piece de resistance. Even if youve
never tried orangutans brains, rams testicles, or sweetbreads,
pick up a fork and dig in. If by mistake, you mutter, This tastes
like crap! be quick to add afterwards in a singsongy diplomatic
voice, But gooooood!
5. Dont talk amusingly and at length about the subject of cannibalism
in Vegan restaurants. Most vegetarian restaurants are independent green
cooperatives, which buy straight from farmers markets and recycle
their toilet paper. The smirking waitstaff might seem like self-satisfied
and holier-than-thou-art losers and louts, but please dont lose
your temper with them. They just cant afford to serve Jeffrey
Dahmers leftovers!
6. Avoid trying plats in French bistros youve never
heard of just because they are cheap. Youll feel like committing
suicide with a mouthful of Moules Frites and undrinkable
acrylic house wine (aka, instant spew). And those foppish,
slightly androgynous-looking waiters with ponytails and hyphenated names
like Jean-Claude probably did a stint with the Swiss Army
in the Alps or the French Foreign Legion in Algeria, so dont even
think of returning your meal to the kitchen. They are quite energetic
in mangling the limbs of Imbeciles!.
7. Its considered crass and pedestrian to describe any restaurant
as being 5 Stars! There aint no such animal. Your
favorite steakhouse or red-sauce pasta dump probably nailed in the gaudy
gilt stars because its getting close to Christmastime. The real
well-traveled bon vivant and gourmand would be a bona-fide raconteur
who describes painfully memorable meals, mouth pursed like rose petals
into a moue, at places with unpronounceable names (like "Les Prés
d'Eugenie") as being the proud recipient of three (never five)
Michelin rosettes!
8. Never criticize the food in front of the chef; just fink on the place
on the sly to Zagats. Once when I was abroad I made the mistake
of ordering from the local menu which was in Cyrillic, without knowing
the English translation, and I ended up with an unhygienic bowl of tripe
soup! I complained bitterly in an exceedingly loud voice, and
a meat-cleaving maniac, looking quite menacing in his pouffy Chef Boyardee
hat, took me to account, roaring at me in Bulgarian. Using a Universal
Translator, it sounded something like, Youve ruined my restaurant!!!
9. If you are with a big group of people, always offer to pay. Since
entourages out for a night of fair-to-maudlin theater, and travellers
in general are notoriously bad at math, you might not end up paying
anything at all. At best, theyll try to guestimate what the tip
is, find it too difficult to figure out, each offer to pay for the whole
shebang by stretching their arm out a mile towards their pockets or
purses, before the richest VIP swoops in, offering to comp it to cover
up everybodys lunacy in not knowing how to settle a complicated
restaurant bill. At worst, youll Platinum Card it, ending up with
the monkeys share of the pot: other peoples overestimated
cash distributions (without IRS interference). Youll feel like
Daddy Monopoly landing on Community Chest!
10. When dining alone, especially in an unstable foreign country where,
peradventure, you might one day plan on living, never ask the maitred
for some company. Youll end up handcuffed in the back
of a van heading straight to the airport, while brainstorming what youre
going to say about lying about your political refugee status
in the first place. Then eventually you'll be plonked back in your hometown,
cheeks stinging with burning nettles, completely humiliated and scandalized
to be without any work skills or any money, only the mockery of your
former friends, and, the oh-so sorry "souvenir" (French for
memory) of a series of menus flipped sadly like tarot cards.
But then, you hastily scraped your chair on the linoleum and made a
break for it, never feeling more alive and yelling at the top of your
lungs, I finally did it! I skipped out on the bill!!! Say
so long, sayonara to chew and screw. . . .
© John M. Edwards Feb 13th 2008
Bio: John M. Edwards has traveled worldwidely (five continents plus).
His work has appeared in such magazines as CNN Traveller, Missouri Review,
Salon.com, Grand Tour, Islands, Escape, Endless Vacation, Condé
Nast Traveler, International Living, Coffee Journal, Literal Latté,
Verge, North Dakota Quarterly, Richmond Review, Michigan Quarterly Review,
and North American Review. He recently won a NATJA (North American Travel
Journalists Association) Award and a Solas Award. He lives in a loft
in New York City, nicknamed the "time capsule." His future
bestsellers, Move and Fluid Borders, have not been released
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