21st Century Politics: The New Europe
James Skinner examines the entrails of the birth pains of a constitution.
Can it ever work for such an expanded range of cultures and religions? |
All citizens
of the European Union with voting rights will have received advice from
their respective governments, regardless of their residence on the forthcoming
elections to the European Parliament in June 2004. Two other major events
are due to take place in the Union next year, the expansion of the existing
fifteen states by a further ten, and the drafting and approval of a
new European Constitution. Quite a mouthful to swallow for us poor mortals
who live in this magnificent part of the world. Its all part of
the democratic Monopoly game. Parliamentary elections are nothing
new and are rather boring. The expansion itself is too complex to digest
by the ordinary people. Most of it will be political infighting as to
who gets what from the big funding pot. What is frightening though and
will have a tremendous, albeit not yet recognisable impact for the future,
is the introduction of a new European Constitution.
lot has already been discussed and published in the media regarding
the draft of the document. Some journalists have forecasted its
doom even before the ink has dried. Others have envisaged a long
drawn out battle between the superpowers, read between the lines,
Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. So far the bickering
as demonstrated at the latest meeting in Naples has been confined
to the voting rights of individual states. Were back to power
sharing and again who has more or less control over European funding.
Yet there is one sector of the draft that suddenly raised its ugly
head over a luncheon break of the Magnificent fifteen,
and that was whether or not to include Christian roots
as part of the Constitution. Once again, religion is in the limelight.
is a Constitution anyway? According to the World Fact book, the majority
of countries have some sort of a platform that allows their respective
ruling bodies to exercise government under the framework of established
law. Other than San Marino, that boasts some form of Constitution dating
back to the 17th century and the United Kingdom that during Cromwells
time tried to separate King and Parliament, the United States of America
holds the record for the longest lasting Constitution in history. And
so it should as the preamble clearly says: We the people of the
United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice,
insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote
the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves
and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the
United States of America. It was signed on the 17th of September
1787 and has stood as a pillar of democracy ever since. I t has been
used as a basis for many of todays established documents, particularly
in Christian dominated countries. Yet those pioneering pilgrims of eighteenth
century America, such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, never
thought about the distant future and the eventual world clash that would
take place between western constitutional rights and emerging Islamic
Law known as the Sharia.
Islamic Law dates back to at least the seventh century and is therefore
an old and well-established form of justice amongst Muslims. It has
prevailed for centuries and its rules are based on the relationship
between Man and God and Man and Creation. All Muslim states conform
to these laws and for years justice has been imparted as per the rule
of God interpreted through the Sharia. It is when emerging countries
invoke the need for human rights, freedom of expression and in particular
the practice of their religious beliefs that the confrontation begins.
Looking through some of the scripts of many Constitutions around the
world, the first one that comes to mind to highlight this controversy
is that of Nigeria based on a new format introduced as recently as May
1999. In Chapter I, Part I, section 10 it states that there will
be no religion as a state religion. Yet the Northern sector of
the country abides by the Sharia law applying it to the hilt including
all its consequences. The recent controversial break-up of the Miss
World contest, whereby certain journalists were condemned to death
under the law for publishing Islamic profanities is a point in question.
Where is the freedom of expression and religion, not to mention human
rights under Nigerias Constitution?
Lets move on to the Middle East, starting with Afghanistan. Once
the Taliban were finally beaten and expelled, the interim occupying
forces, that is the USA, went about organising a local government and
preparing the draft of a Constitution for the Afghan people to be governed
through free elections and democratic rule. Because the country is fundamentally
Muslim this particular Constitution also abides by Islamic law. Does
it include the prohibition of adultery under the penalty of death? Or
does it allow its citizens the freedom of religious choice? What about
equal womens rights; a good one to tackle in any Constitution
that will have to bow to the Sharia. And now we move on to Iraq. Apart
from the present chaos, the USA is hell bent in going down the same
path as Afghanistan that entails the formation of a local government
and the establishment of a Constitution. Hold on; lets freeze
the frame for a second. Now that were talking about a mixed
Constitution, didnt the Western World view Turkey as an example
of Middle Eastern and European convivial existence based on their 1982
Constitution? Why then did a bunch of Islamic fundamentalists blast
away at the Jews and the Brits in four recent suicide bombings?
But lets return to the European Constitution. Before wrapping
up the possible implications of the Sharia, there are also a series
of real political problems that need addressing. Each European country
has its own Constitution and each one is different. Spain, for example
is going through a rather bad time because the Basque country and now
the Catalans are seeking a dramatic change to the Spanish Magna Charta
more or less, paving the way for complete regional autonomy. This could
even mean the break up of Spain into several sovereign states. Would
Belgium follow suit? Why couldnt the United Kingdom divide up
into different countries with Scotland taking the lead? So how would
the European Constitution have to be drafted to accommodate all these
possible future scenarios when the whole idea of Europe is to unite
and not to divide?
Summing it all up, the European Union is faced with individual state
rebellions and underlying Islamic militancy within the population, on
the very eve of establishing its most important foundation. Laying down
the rules of harmony based on a sound constitution that promotes human
rights and above all, individual freedom within an established legal
system is what our leaders should be advocating. Yet the coexistence
of both nationalistic fervour and religious differences is still a difficult
challenge for the gurus of Brussels to sort out. We are still a long
way off!
© James Skinner. 2003
James Skinner is retired communications specialist, journalist and British
Consul in Spain
WAR in the 21st Century
Skinner has a dream Part One
NUCLEAR WAR in the 21st Century-
Part Two
Skinner has a dream about war & peace.
and Peace Pt Three
James Skinner
in the final part of his trilogy
Spain in a New Bottle Part One of this series
Migration - Part Two
Previously by James:
From Pacman to Gameboy
Modern Nationalism
Are Our Oceans Dying? Where's
the Fish?
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