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Dreamscapes Two
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Skinner on world peace
had a dream the other day. I was in New York and the date was the
9th of September 2101. I was listening to the one-hundredth-anniversary
speech by the President of United States Inc. formerly known as
USA, Mohamed Smith, one of many Muslims who converted to Americanism
over the last century. He was on a pulpit, specially built for the
occasion overlooking Ground Zero that is now a great
memorial to those killed a hundred years ago. |
went like this:
My brothers, we are here today to pay tribute to those who perished
in the vicious and unwarranted attack on our organisation, one hundred
years ago. We pray for their souls as well as give thanks to them who
have become the symbol of the beginning of a new era. It has taken us
one whole century to reach the state in the world today whereby every
human being on earth no longer hates his brother or sister, is fed,
clothed and is able to read and write. One hundred years of solid sweat
and blood by our organisation that rose from the ashes like the Phoenix
yet not without suffering those initial years of massive destruction
that followed the evil blow to the Twin Towers. We can now proudly say
that every international project won by our coordinated team effort
as International Consultants has successfully been completed. These
efforts have set the foundations for peace, prosperity and above all
freedom for all mankind on this planet called Earth!
This is how it all began.
The newly elected president of the USA way back at the beginning of
the last century made a profound statement that was to change the world.
He pointed a finger at three nations in particular, North Korea, Iran
and Iraq and named them the Axis of evil thus starting two
decades of unprecedented and absolute world chaos. The Middle East turned
upside down; oil stopped flowing. The Far East was embroiled in a massive
exchange of fireworks; the odd nuke was hurled around. Stock markets
world over plunged into a bottomless pit, converting the developed world
into an army of beggars whilst the poor, well, they just remained poor.
The view from the odd space stations floating in orbit was stunning.
Rivers were overflowing and oceans going mad. Forest fires the planet
over were devouring life at every flicker of a flame. All hope of any
reconciliation between the living, be it flora or fauna seemed to vanish.
But in 2022, a remarkable event took place. A few remaining residents
in what was left of Hackensack, New Jersey formed a society to work
on the basis of a new world order. Their aim would be to promote a revised
form of world understanding. Their objective was not to dominate the
world but to manage it. Their goal was to market and sell peace and
prosperity. They created USA Inc, World Consultants!
As I turned over in my bed, half asleep I continued to take in the
words of wisdom echoing across Manhattan and the Hudson River emanating
from Mohameds lips as he continued his praise of the achievements
in world affairs.
The grave mistake made by past governments to try to convert the
conflictive parts of the world into democratic states was the lack of
any proper business plan. My brothers, the politicians at the time had
no idea of how to sell freedom to the rest of the world and all their
efforts, including the use of force such as that exerted in Iraq failed
abysmally. It took twenty years of tremendous human toll of life for
someone somewhere to stand up and shout: enough is enough. There
must be another way! Hence our forefathers, no different to the
pilgrims from the Mayflower sat down, that great day in a downtown bar
of the city and laid the corner stone for the first ever worldwide business
plan for peace. Halleluiah, brothers! Pray with me as I tell you how
they did it.
Security was their first and utmost priority. There was no way they
could sell their product if they didnt have marketing
security to start with. So what did they do? They began a campaign of
fear. My brothers, just hold it right there! Before you jump to any
conclusion meditate on the foundations of human frailty. Before our
pilgrims could implement their plan, they had to make sure that every
human on earth was scared out of his wits because the Apocalypse was
just around the corner and that they just had to take the salvation
tablets. They simple spread the word that the stars in the sky were
actually nukes just waiting to be triggered off!
My wife slapped me as I was giggling away in my sleep. I kept on dreaming.
The greatest tragedy to beset the world prior to the twenty-first
century was that no government, benign or malicious realised that the
developed world at the time was saturated and that the only way forward
for real peace was to develop the underdog nations. Sure, it was talked
about, it was discussed it was even fought for; hence all the unnecessary
wars that raged like bushfires around the world. But it was politically
and commercially asinine. No one had ever thought of a real global,
and I mean global business plan based on the principles of true profits
and losses.
Disgusting, unethical, ruthless capitalism, and many other descriptions
could be used to describe our forefathers and their plan. I know, my
brothers, that that is what is going through your minds. Yet close your
eyes, pray and above all think; what is wrong with making money if everyone
benefits? What is wrong with putting a price on everything so that humanity
can appreciate the true value of peace? Behold, the world today is a
better place because all of us, without exemption knows that good managers
and not ruthless politicians are running this planet. Ah!
you may ask, but how was the bloody conflict between different
religions resolved? Simple, a business case was worked out between
Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and even Buddha and if you take a walk
around your local supermarket you will see what I mean.
My wife hit me again but I ignored her. I couldnt wait to continue
dreaming on how the world business plan was actually conceived a put
to practice.
War 21st Century
Part Two
Skinner has a dream
© James Skinner. November 2003
Spain in a New Bottle Part One of this series
James Skinner
Migration - Part Two
Previously by James:
From Pacman to Gameboy
Modern Nationalism
Are Our Oceans Dying? Where's
the Fish?
Hackwriters 2000-2003
all rights reserved