
Skinner continues his nightmare dream of a devastating 21st Century
when nuclear war breaks out all over.
decision, just one plunged the world into the abyss. On the eve
of this infamous Memorial Day in September 2004, the United States
government, without warning pulled out all its troops from Iraq.
that idiotic skirmish years ago? Similar to a massive airlifted Dunkirk
in WWII, they evacuated, in one foul swoop every single member of the
armed forces. They left all the hardware behind. Even the Jihad mob
didnt know what to make of it. Brothers, I tell you, if ever the
airwaves screamed and yelled blue murder at our oldies this was the
day. Our grandfathers and great grandfathers pulled the plug and said
screw the whole lot of you. They then shut the gates on
the rest of the world, and back home went about their business as usual.
So they thought. Our once proud nation just gave up. Brothers, you can
imagine the reaction. It was hell.
Immediately, Iran overran its neighbour with the help of Saudi Arabia
and Syria. They also sent a strong message to Turkey to keep out. Their
calling card was a nuclear threat. It worked. Brothers, think and remember
many other effects. The Israelis were once again on the run, back to
Europe to avoid extinction. Egypt and Jordan saw to that. The Palestinians
took over. Within weeks, oil prices skyrocketed to the extent that it
was was priced out of the market. European economies collapsed, Japan
followed suit. Russia reverted to dictatorship and avoided a civil war.
China crippled by oil shortages and sudden unemployment stopped all
contact with the west. South Koreas economy flew over the cuckoos
nest thus the North didnt even need to use is nuclear power. It
was a walk through the park. However, India and Pakistan did exchange
nuclear weapons, but they soon stopped. Too much devastation took place
within days. Meanwhile Africa turned back to tribal warfare and those
that didnt die of Aids fled to the north only to be mowed down
by the European border authorities.By chance Latin America came off
best. Mexico and the Centrals buttered up to our ancestors. Venezuela
struck a sweet interim oil deal, whilst the South miraculously
simmered down. The drug trade suddenly died. Yes brothers, there just
wasnt any dough to buy the stuff and Columbias decades old
strife was over. Bin Laden, you know the legendary Arab cowboy also
got the message!
Half sleepwalking, I went for a leak.
So what about the rest of civilisation that had been built over centuries?
The infrastructure, the trade balances and all the economical intertwining
mechanisms that held the framework together, did it completely fall
apart? Listen carefully my brothers, Ill tell you. For over fifteen
years the planet was unrecognisable. Due to the oil situation, all major
transportation came to a halt. Manufacturing died a natural death taking
with it the stock markets. Humans died by the millions and the rest
were left to their own devices the world over, as there were no governments,
no companies, no schools, nothing. Law enforcement was the survival
of the fittest and civilian crime just soared, everywhere.
What about the religious animosity that triggered it off at the end
of the twentieth century? Here brothers, is where the miracle began
to emerge from the filth. At first it was an enigma, but it soon sent
our marketing pilgrims a clear message that was eventually transformed
into what we can be proud of today. USA Inc. was born.
Jihad had ceased. The Islamic fundamentalists believed that they had
achieved their goal. Not only had they expelled the infidels from the
holiest of world areas, they humiliated, mutilated and caused them to
enter the extinct Guinness Book of Records as victims of the ultimate
Terminator V campaign. Mecca was saved. Islamic law was
restored, and all reverted back to a medieval way of life. The rest
of the world simmered in hell. However, the true lovers of God in the
Muslim world were not satisfied. The young were also becoming restless.
Something was missing. Something was just not right. Over on the other
side, the Israelis had dispersed in all directions. The Christians,
especially the Catholics, whose new Pope after a sabbatical think tank
session with his cardinals had at least tried to sort out the mess.
Hindus and Buddha were still recovering from nuclear disaster and were
beyond repair, at least for the time being. As for the planet itself,
another miracle occurred.
Brothers, how many of you remember from your history books the Kyoto
accord of the late twentieth century? Ill tell you plain and simple.
Hot air. I look at the bewilderment on your faces. Hot air, my brothers,
hot air. That is what was happening to the earth at the time. Humanity
in those days was pumping so many foul gases into the air that the planet
was cooking like a Sunday roast. Everything related to our consumer
world of late burned that black muck called oil and converted it into
a deadly murderer of everything growing on the planet. God bless you
all as you have no idea of how lucky your are today. Although they tried,
oh brothers, they tried to stop it, our own people just would not let
go of their valuable oil burners. But now, just look around you, no
more human pollution causing environmental disasters. Clean air everywhere
and why? Because I scream again, a miracle happened. Just under one
hundred years ago half the world was blown to smithereens and today,
well, believe me my brothers, and to use an old phrase, its the
gospel truth. It was time to start again.
© James Skinner. November 2003.
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Part One here
Spain in a New Bottle Part One of this series
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Migration - Part Two
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From Pacman to Gameboy
Modern Nationalism
Are Our Oceans Dying? Where's
the Fish?
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