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The International Writers Magazine: 2014 Hackwriters Archive Samples
Michelle D'costa
You pay more for a sea view, I pay more for a live show.
Love Honeys
Dean Borok
Now that Canada’s Supreme Court has struck down all that country’s prostitution laws,
it is only a matter of time... |
Theology of Science
James Campion
We possess a denial chip in our psyches that obliterates what should be an intrinsic sense that our resources are finite and the abuse of them bear consequences
Hack, Slit, Squeal: Immunity in Georgetown, Chennai
Colin Todhunter
Hack, slit, slice. Butchery in Georgetown. Peeled, pink goat carcases in fly-ridden, one-room shops
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
by Holly Black
Sam Hawksmoor review
Exciting, violent, sexy, Tana is a wonderful creation -sarcastic, yet very sensitive. |
Crimea: The Russian Problem
James Cameron
Take a moment and thank your preferred deity or talisman that John McCain didn’t become president in 2008. Regardless of what you think of this current model, McCain is certifiably insane with aggression
Derelict Dhows - Mandvi, India
Michael Britton
Barmer, a three hour local bus ride south of Jaisalmar, is the starting point of a painting journey around the Western rim of India's Gujarat State bordering the Arabian Sea.
Female Nude
Abigail George
They ate fried chicken on Monday but on Friday he liked a steak with his hot tea and chips. This was before I came along screaming blue in the face. |
A lifetime under a flyover - The invisible life of the homeless in Mumbai - Shivaji Das
There are slums in Mumbai and then there are slums, and then there are the homeless, a word that seems too benign for their condition.
Voodoo, Slaves & White Man's Graves by Tom Coote
Sam North review
If you ever fantasised about flying to West Africa and exploring all its charms - read Voodoo, Slaves and White's Man Graves first. You may well alter your plans.
Help Me, Ronda (Espana)
John M. Edwards
This improbably fantastic cliff-side nest persists on the Quixotic verge of imagination, much like waking up inside a Magic Realism novel |
MAY: |
Bar Mitvah Survival Techniques
Dean Borok
The problems with Bar Mitzvahs is that they are all about kids. I can take the three-hour ceremony in the synagogue... But don’t invite me to the reception, where it’s six hours more of the same.
Spanking The Children of Paradise
Michael Britton
I never saw a body washed up on a beach before. From a distance he looked to be enjoying the waves lapping over him as you or I would enjoy laying in the surf on a hot afternoon
Author Inteview
Marcel D’Agneau interviews
Sam Hawksmoor about The Heaviness the final part of The Repossession Trilogy |
Murder on a Bridge
James Skinner in Spain
We begin with a violent political murder of Isabel Carrasco that took place in the City of Leon. It shook the nation
Last Call for Mercy
Michael Britton
Hsuen frightens me. I guess it is the way she takes care of the rat problem in the Step Down Guesthouse in Kuala Lumpur.
The Neighbour
Jude C Perera
It was hot and humid, the usual sea breeze was playing truant. Cecil shivered violently and downed his fourth glass of water on the trot. |
British Liberalism
Tom Kilcourse
I wonder how J S Mill, and Dickens, would regard the society that they originally inspired. Would Mill approve of what today passes for liberalism?
A Visit to the Sphinx
Walli F. Leff
Reflecting on the now dismantled Kara Walker’s art exhibit, one of the most provocative shows in New York City this season
Civil Rights Act at 50
James Campion
Thirteen years before the United States of America was plunged into a bloody Civil War from which over 600,000 would be slaughtered ... Fredrick Douglas poured from his heart the core of patriotism |
Patagonia – The Road to Insanity
Olivier Guiberteau
A bus trip would take forty-eight hours and likely boredom, possible rectal damage, and potential insanity – but also, a great adventure.
Fearguson, USA
James Campion
Ferguson is a city of around 21,000 citizens in St. Louis County, Missouri. For nearly two weeks now it has been the focal point of the nation
Face Time
Oswaldo Jimenez
It reminded me how mundane, silly, obtuse, dumb and, if I include my own, plain boring and in some cases unbearable people’s lives can often be |
Here We Go Again
James Campion
Iraq 2003 to 2014 - No Plan, No Dice
Lessons not learned - words not eaten - advice not taken
Coping in Laos
Lucy Munday
A chill runs down my back as I walk around the COPE Centre in Vientiane. I am surrounded by empty bombs - ghosts of the industry of war.
*Prince Christian Sound: awarded “notable essay." in The Best American Essays 2014 series (ed. by John Sullivan) published by Houghton Mifflin
Martin Green
We sometimes played stickball when we could get hold of a broom handle and when the older guys weren’t playing.
Too Little Too Late?
Tom Kilcourse
Immigration suddenly a problem...
Catalonia’s defiance
James Skinner
Today’s new generations, definitely believe that they are not part of Spain and should therefore be given the freedom to choose their future
The night I needed nobody
is the night I met you.
John Traynor
I’m a twenty four year old alcoholic. And like all cute hoors for the craic, I live above a pub and nightclub... |
Mike Nichols 1931–2014
James Campion on The Graduate
I hate endings. Never liked them
The Walled City by Ryan Graudin
Sam Hawksmoor review
A brilliant debut. Ryan Graudin explodes on the scene with a fast paced gritty thriller
Requiem for a Sri Lankan Christmas
Jude C Perera
For the past two decades, maybe more, I have been haunted by the ghost of Christmas past. |
I Can't Breathe!
James Campion
Daniel Pantaleo killed Eric Garner. He choked him to death while four other men held him down and pulled his hands behind his back...
Another Place To Die: The Endtime Chronicles
Hawksmoor & North
Chapter One: Warning Signals
'This is how the world ends. Fighting over spaghetti sauce in the supermaket car park!'
Podemos - Yes 'We Can'
Spain's Coming Revolution
James Skinner
Spain would be led towards the Third Republic |
 Editor: Sam North |
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