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The Repercussions
of Tomas D

The story of a hero
who became the
Englands' greatest traitor

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Positive Living Radio
Sara Troy

The International
Writer's Magazine:

Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live

Pittsburgh Re-Born
Habeeb Salloum

"Did you see the new Pittsburgh?
It’s awesome!

Patagonia – The Road to Insanity
Olivier Guiberteau

A bus trip would take forty-eight hours and likely boredom, possible rectal damage, and potential insanity – but also, a great adventure.
In Modern Venice
Kim McKechney

Our gondolier sported a thick handlebar moustache worthy of the Village People.  A thin cigarette dangled dangerously from his mouth, hanging so loosely it seemed to brazenly flout the laws of physics
A Turkish Bath
Emma Kerss

Standing at the arched stone entry to an old bathhouse on the corner of a cobblestone alley way somewhere deep in the heart of Istanbul...

Fearguson, USA
James Campion

Ferguson is a city of around 21,000 citizens in St. Louis County, Missouri. For nearly two weeks now it has been the focal point of the nation, as the shooting death of an unarmed African-American man by a Caucasian police officer has sparked debate, protest, riots, armed guards, and, well…you know the routine.
The Remaining Anachronism
Tom Kilcourse

Odd as it may seem, there is no clear dividing line between the private sector of medicine and the monolithic NHS
Where Now for Spain? - All Change
James Skinner

Most Spaniards, those that can still afford it, are packing their bags and heading for the beaches. But stroll through the streets you will still see beggars outside most churches and baker shops.

The Sultan Democrat 
Marwan Asmar 

Erogan's win was never in doubt. However, many fear he will become a dictator and adopt repressive measures on anyone who will oppose his rule, something which he is at pains to deny
The British & the Unions
Tom Kilcourse

...for all the rhetoric and angst, the British attitude to trade unions remains confused.
A GMO Twister
Paul Hunt

One man's perversion of the law
Contemplating Gaza
James Campion

“No, I don’t think peace is possible there, not even a tenuous one that appears to be the norm for most of this planet.”
Living in Happy Valley
Fred C Wilson 111
Retirement living in Chicago - Up Close

REVIEWS Film & Books
The Charmer
Martin Green

“Can I tell you something off the record?” he asked.

a new novel from Sam North
A mysterious, tragic tale from the wilds of the Lincolnshire coast – a haunting story about father and daughter
Face Time
Oswaldo Jimenez

It reminded me how mundane, silly, obtuse, dumb and, if I include my own, plain boring and in some cases unbearable people’s lives can often be
Manbag Bagman
Karl MacDermott

I’m six foot four. I look like Lou Ferrigno’s brother. By day I write film screenplays. By night I collect money for the mob. I am Manbag Bagman.
Young woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown
Abigail George

Men are cruel. Beautiful men are cruel. Intelligent men are cruel.
Upside down, Backwards,
& Inside Out

Mira Martin-Parker

We must have been out together that night, but I don’t remember what club we were at or which band was playing. All I know is that she left the show before I did.
How to Help A Man in Quicksand
Mark Pierro

The first thing is to stay calm and not make a fool of yourself by pretending you haven't dealt with this sort of situation before

MontrealThe Roaring Twenties
Dan Schneider

Watching Raoul Walsh’s black and white gangster film, The Roaring Twenties, from 1939, is watching the tail end of an era of genre films that had run its course ...
P K Pinkerton and The Case of the Pistol-Packing Widows
by Caroline Lawrence

Sam North review
Darn it, Caroline Lawrence has gone and written herself her best P K Pinkerton story yet. 

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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