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Month By Month - Samples from each month - The 21st century as a living record
JANUARY Sussing Out South Korea
Arya Kazemi
Being surrounded by a group of kids chanting "waygook" (the Korean term for foreigner) was after a couple of years of working and living in South Korea nothing out of the ordinary for me... This experience was quite indicative of the perils facing an expatriate in this country... more

Fanning the Flames:
how the ‘queer space’ of the internet and the writing of fan fiction enhances the fictional universe of Torchwood by Jodie Corney
The Funeral Reunion
Quentin Bates
A scrum of hard-faced women cradling extra-long Superkings between taloned fingers crowded around the flowers while husbands and dads in sharp suits passed a pouch of baccy from hand to hand in the summer sunshine. more
FEBRUARY The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Sam North
'Papa,' she whispered. 'I think I am going to hell.'
A remarkable compelling WW2 story

Y Tu Mamá También
Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Gabriela Davies
There is a new wave of cinema in the international scene today, and it is definitely Latin.

Hot House Rising
James Campion

The Bush Administration bankrolled by Oil Men suppressed scientific panic-speak on the accelerated global warming dangers.
MARCH Tranquil Coup d' Etat
Eliot Ballard
I am standing in front of a smashed car a Thai slogan over its caved windshield. Soldiers file past. To my left, protestors are waving signs. "No To Dictatorship"
Paul Haire in Beijing
I watched the rugby on Saturday night this weekend, Scotland v Ireland. I drank too much as usual.
APRIL Kurt Vonnegut,Jr 1922-2007
James Campion
All this happened, more or less
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. "Slaughterhouse Five"

Amadeus Directed by Milos Foreman
Dan Schnieder DVD review

I found that the film was not at all as I expected
Dermot Sullivan's Mex Diaries
I am having some trouble adjusting to the altitude.
MAY Fail & Fail Again
Colin Todhunter
I used to feel really great. Then I started watching TV
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
Nicole Foulger

A gripping romantic vampire story with bite...

So you think the British Government will look after you
James Skinner
‘I’ve finally decided to retire as Her Majesty’s governmental representative after nearly 5 years of rescuing Brits from the gallows...
JUNE Burning Man
Annie Lalla
Burning Man… most have barely heard of it, many are intrigued, few are brave enough to go.
Paris Hilton
James Campion
Paris Hilton is being railroaded. Period. She deserves to be in prison as much we do for putting her there.

The Thief of Bottles
Sidi Cherkawi Benzahra
Once my father owned an auto-body shop in a wooded area in the district of Agdal, Rabat, Morocco. The shop had two dusty windows and a little light, grayed by this dust
JULY Venezia
Sam North

I am not sure whether you go to Venice for the history, the romance, the idea you can go everywhere by water or you just want to see it before it crumbles, but we all have reasons to go there and go there one must.

The Sepulcher
Lakunle Jaiyesimi
Are words thrown up, like mines, from relegated sepulchers in the manner of whispers heavier than the songs of heroes?
AUGUST Insights from Tuscany: the Art of Simplicity
Sonu Purhar

I hear the merry ping of a horn behind me and automatically step aside; my short stay here has already schooled me in small-town road etiquette.

Saving Cham Culture
Antonio Graceffo

The Kingdom of Champa, originating in the second century AD was one of the most powerful empires in Indochina
SEPTEMBER Heart Of Glass
Dan Schneider

German filmmaker Werner Herzog is not an artist to be underestimated, even in his lesser films, like 1976's Heart Of Glass (Herz Aus Glaus) because his films tend to have a cumulative power,

Failure at the lake
Eric D Lehman

I was sixteen, we hiked up the summer Sierra in the backcountry Our parents had left us with worried instructions to stick to the trail. "Don’t get lost!
OCTOBER Eating Crabs in Kuching
Fiona Lal

‘Malaysia truly Asia’, the sing song refrain kept bouncing around my brain as we lurched down the runway at Kuching. Scruffy palm trees bent graciously as we rather jerkily slowed down.

Appleby Fair
Frances Lewis
I heard tell the Appleby Fair of 1947 was likely to be the best of our lifetime; this cos the farmers are dooming the horse trade, those tarmacadamed roads are threading across our green fields, more and more motors are rolling up – this we all know, this will change everything.

Linda Regan

‘Don’t Put Your Daughter on the stage, Mrs Worthington!’ Isn’t a phrase that resounded around our house, in the year when I reached five.
NOVEMBER Some Days Are Like This
Juliana Perry

Plaguing my mind more often than not these long evenings are those five simple words. The phone is silent and the remains of my own dinner sit haphazardly in the sink

Fresa y Chocolate
Directors: Alea & Tabio
Anne Marie-Dover
A bigoted and fervently heterosexual young man and an older, decadent homosexual is very promising, the plot reveals a sensitivity that has made Fresas y Chocolate one of the most celebrated Latin American films of the 90’s.

Everyman by Philip Roth
Josef Fiser
It just opens the door. It is like a picture, nicely painted picture which can just please you by its colours as well as take you as deep into life (and death) matters as you can stand.
DECEMBER The Jon Courtney Grimwood Interview by Aby Davis
His passion is evident in this desire to get the English Language a star on the Magical Realist walk of fame.
Let Sleeping Dogs Thai
Tabytha Towe
Every dog you see here are either lying on the ground dehydrated and too hot to move, or either scavenging for food.
Tab in Ko Chang.
Still Life
Mark Robinson - survivor
And the skies above the City bleed down upon the earth its overcast haze. Quiet below, sinking beneath the mist, a stale darkness pervades. With streets aloof, atom-bomb atonic.
Red flashing twelve o’clocks light a humming wave of out-of-order signs and sequential blinking green men below the anodised phosphorescent burn of street lighting.
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