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'Grandma Swivelhead, fortune tellers and bodies
in the Thames, a boy's induction to a ghostworld'
Mean Tide by Sam North
'An engaging, unusual and completely engrossing
read' - Beverly Birch-
author of 'Rift'

Place To Die
by Sam North
Vancouver Pandemic
plausible, and sickeningly addictive, this will terrify you
and thrill you.'
Roxy Williams - Amazon.co.uk
opinions expressed herein are wholly reflective of the writers and
contributors to hackwriters. All work is copyright of the writers
& hackwriters.com.
is a non-profit , non-paying journal based at an academic institution
but welcomes contributions from writers. We reserve the right to
publish and edit material in accordance with our editorial policy
- see submissions

International Writer's Magazine - October 2008
- Welcome
Happiness Manifesto
Julia Reynolds
Today I went walking down to Parangha Beach, Mykonos, Greece
Searching San Cristóbal
Tyrel Nelson
Breathing in dust and pouring out sweat, I trudged along the
sultry gravel road beneath my feet.
To Hell and back in Poland
Andrew Hodgson
"Theres no space left in the sleeper - all we have are
regular seats but only in first class."
On my tour through Europe, I set off for a place of wild adventure,
dazzling culture, magnificent landscapes, and superb weather. Instead,
I ended up in Luxembourg.
Granite Di Belvedere
- The Italian Treat- Raymond K. Clement
There is a frozen treat sold on the streets of Little Italy
in Boston s North End. It is called (erroneously) Italian
So Long, Sidekick
Tyrel Nelson in Ecuador
Fighting off a fierce caffeine headache that made my previous
2 hours on the bus from Quito agonizing, I struggled to keep up
with Andrew
A weekend in Helsinki
Aurelie Montfrond
I was taken aback by its calm serenity. There was something
beautiful about all of this.
Banquet For Phnom
Penh's Rubbish Dump Residents - David Calleja
The limits of my Khmer are obvious to everybody in sight, but I
am still able to obtain laughter from those who seek another type
of medicine.
Weekend in Geneva
Aurelie Montfrond
people think of Switzerland, They think of Geneva. It is the third
largest city in Switzerland.
R.I.P. 10.25.08
James Campion - Exploring The Death Rattle
Of Modern Conservatism. No money. No
message. No momentum.
John McCain is correct about one thing; he is not George W.
Bush. Bush won. Twice. McCain is not going to win. Not unless he
begins to stand for one particular platform for more than three
consecutive hours or starts throwing ugly and doing it soon.
Fulfilling Prophecies of Greed, Fear & Doom
Michael Levy
the beginning, the greed god said; let there be greed and yay, it
was good. Well, maybe not good, but it sure felt good...
My Generation
Des Daly
When I travel, I like to do so quickly, quietly and comfortably.
But these days I find that achieving this simple wish is becoming
increasingly more difficult.
Thea Zimmer in Italy
Celestial in the semi-dark, the ruins
loomed outside her window in the early morning glowthe arches
of the basilica, like stone carcasses, full of more holy ghosts
than she had ever known.
Banking Debacle Explained
Antonio Graceffo
Explaining in simple terms, how
a bank can become insolvent because of poor credit policies and
over-inflated assets.
Howling Moon
Sean Hastings in Gallipoli
was a slight surprise that awaited me when I found myself back in
Turkey. the smell of home.
Politicians Lies, Truth
and Opinions
James Morford
Must politicians lie? Niccolo Machiavelli thought if politicians
did not lie they would surely fail because lying was fundamental
to politics. Not to lie ignored reality
of the Meditteranean Lifestyle
Julia Reynolds
There is a certain discrepancy between traditions in the respective
cultures of Greece and America
Night with Casanova
David Russell
On perfect night in Paris at La Coupole
Tropical Depression
James C Clar
Something else that attracts me to Waikiki is the fact that
its still the haunt of all sorts of engaging and exotic characters
Chris Chapman
At my age if I can start the day by not falling over when pulling
on my y fronts, I reckon its a good omen.
Winds of October
Eric D. Lehman
waves at Hammonasset grasp at the tufted dunes, driven forward by
a stiff wind from the southwest. We wander along this windswept
beach, trying to catch a sunset on the Sound,
Roman Holiday
Gabriela Davies
It is that time of year when were all reminiscing about
holidays. Life is too short to work a full year with no
holiday, and sick days just dont do the trick.
Traveling with Mom
(I should've known better) - Rick Steigelman
I mightve guessed what I was getting myself into.
Karen Phillips
A Goth club, Mexico City
how or why we had booked a gig
there, I have no clear recollection, but los goticos might still
enjoy our Mexican-rock-and roll-viva-las Zapatistas type music for
a change.
You Want to Teach English in Korea?
Austin Wallace
2000 there were close to 20,000 Westerners teaching English in Korea
I thought it would be a good public service to offer my fellow
Last Hour
James Nantau
The fire pit was equal distance between the hundred year old
cabin and the shallow lake. It was laid there by his great grandfather
and it was still the perfect place for it. How many fires, conversations,
songs, laughs and tears took place around that venerable pit over
the countless years, Cory could only imagine.
Playing Cupid
Martin Green
He was glad to see that Anne Lewis was there. Paul
had introduced Anne, a widow, to a friend of his, Gary Palmer, a
while ago in the hope that something would develop
Luke Gittos
Apparently if you stand by the thing for
a while, and wait and wait and wait for loads of people to use it,
and loads of people dont get any prizes, you can go in and
get the prize, because the machine has more money than the actual
toy is worth. I saw it on a show about how to wins things from people.
Great show.
Freud in the Fridge
Guy Edwards
It was the morning after the house warming party in my new flat
that I found a book on the interpretation of dreams by Sigmund Freud
on a shelf in the fridge. That was the same party that I met the
Marxist chemist, wearing an oversized dark blue beret, who had argued
convincingly that Marx had stolen his ideas on communism from organic
In the Grand Tradition
of Grand Traditions
Charles E Accetta
In a neatly trimmed fenced-in Southern California backyard,
an older gentlemanly type person stood facing the back of the property
with his arms raised to the sky.
Reversal of Survival
Gordon Ray Bourgon
Her name is Jane Doe.
Slingshot showdowns in Southeast
Alexander Hanke
You meet a lot of other travelers and backpackers while on the
move. Some are outgoing, adventurous and independent, others are
Purim Code (First Chapter)
James Skinner
USA has blown your cover. Your position at risk. Return
to base immediately
- a new thriller from the author of The Goa File
The Wave and the Thing
David Russell (For Kids)
We looked up and saw it. The biggest, most gigantic wave
anyone of us had ever seen. And it was coming right at us
Young Fiction Reviews
Last Kiss of the Butterfly
by Jill Hucklesby
Wintle review
Jaz is a 13 year old girl who is an incredibly determined
young lady, whether it is finding cures for her mothers
cancer, or learning her new moves for tae kwon do
by Harry Edge
Callum Graham review
In a citywide water assassination game, with more at risk
than just a place in the final, adults and teens run amok with
everything to play for...
of My Depth by Helen Bailey
Jess Armstrong
How far can you get a piece of melted cheese to stretch
without breaking it? One of the many concepts Electra Brown
teases us with as she innocently causes minor chaos between
her recently separated parents.
The General
by Robert Muchamore
by Dan Crossen
This action packed story manages to keep surprising as each
page is turned
Sapphique by
Catherine Fisher
Review by Michael Luzanycia
The second person ever to escape Incarceron, Finn, the returned
king to the outside world of "The Realm" is in for
a shock
- The Musical
Linda Regan review
Shout, currently touring the country, is one of the few shows
on the circuit playing to packed audiences?
After Reading
Samuel James Richards
The Coen Brothers have done it again
Legend of the Philadelphia Story
Saving of a Screen Icons Career
Rick Neal
is the greatest Hollywood star of all time? Ask six different
people and youll get six different answers.
Gone by Michael Grant
Sam North Review
Its odd but increasingly true that the best and most
exciting writing these days is not coming from adult literature
but young adult or teen fiction.
the Fun of the Fair, Sex in the City (The Movie) and Mamma
Mia (The movie). Linda Regan review
Two movies and a show
Directed by Pierre Morel starring Liam Neeson - Russ Thomas review
A vigilantes dream...
Market: Inside the Endangered Species Trade in India by Ben
Davies and Adam Oswell
Shivani Shah review
Leave your conscience behind, then pick your copy of the Black
New Young Fiction
Bras, Boys and Bad
Hair Days
by Anita Naik
Kathryn Honeycombe review
Having a bad hair day? Fancy that guy in school whos just
too cool for you? Or just in desperate need of some advice? Bras,
Boys & Bad Hair Days says it all.
Everything I Know About You
by Belinda Hollyer
Sam Richards review
Belinda Hollyers honest and open style of writing is a
key reason why this book is a pleasure to read, regardless of the
age or gender of the reader
Audrey, Wait! by Robin
Sophie Berry review
For Californian teen Audrey, life would never be the same. She
was now an overnight celebrity,
Vol 2 A Literary Spark
University of Portsmouth publication from the School of Creative
Arts, Film & Media - Order now - available from Lulu Press
& Blackwells, Amazon
Vol 2 - A literary Anthology of new fiction, travel writing and
poetry from the Creative Writing Programmes and invited writers
at the University of Portsmouth, UK, under the direction of Sam
exciting insight into the amazing talent and diversity of new
writers' Stuart
Olesker - Playwright
Hey: We are looking for submissions to BORDERLINES
Vol 3 2009
If you have a good original travel story, or short fiction (2000
max) or Cultural/Socio Feature and you want to get into print
send now to: borderlines09@googlemail.com
There is no payment but this is a peer reviewed journal based
at the University and growing in reputation.
fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan

MA in Creative Writing
Portsmouth University
The Tutors: Alison Habens,
Sam North, Steven O'Brien & publishing guests
*First Guest: Patrick Ness -Nov 2008
writers aim to start and complete a novel in their
time of study here with support from fellow students
and staff in a friendly creative atmosphere.'
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Hackwriters 1999-2008- all rights reserved -
all material copyright of hackwriters and individual contributors
- Our ninth year on line |
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