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International Writers Magazine:Booster
Martin Green
Lerner was a little late in arriving at the meeting room and saw
that Travis Wyndham, President of the Boosters Committee, was already
speaking. He looked around and was glad to see that
Anne Lewis was there. Paul had introduced Anne, a widow,
to a friend of his, Gary Palmer, a while ago in the hope that something
would develop. He and his wife Sally had invited Anne
and Gary to dinner and to play bridge a few times, but he hadnt
seen them lately. He was curious as to how things were
At age 75, Paul
had tried to reduce his activities, but he hadnt been able to
leave the Boosters, whose mission was to espouse the attractions of
their Northern California retirement community. Paul had
a certain reputation for wisdom. With his calm demeanor
and soothing voice, he was able to mediate the quarrels that were inevitable
in a community of crotchety old souls. At least, that was
what some people had told him and this made him a prime candidate for
committee service..
Wyndham finally ended his speech and the meeting adjourned.
Paul sighed, stood up, went over to Anne Lewis, asked her how she was,
then asked if shed seen much of Gary lately..
Oh, off and on, she replied. We went dancing
last week. In fact, Ive been meaning to ask you and
Sally over to have dinner with us and maybe play some bridge.
Is Saturday good?
I think so. Ill have to check with Sally.
Shes the social planner in the family. Ill ask
her to call you.
Fine. Gary won some golf tournament and Im
sure hell want to tell you all about it.
When Paul returned home he told Sally about Annes invitation.
Sally checked her calendar and said it was open.. Anne and
Gary seem to have hit it off, said Paul, with some satisfaction.
Sally had been a little skeptical of his efforts at match-making, or
playing Cupid, as she called it..
Lets wait and see. Ill give Anne a call
right now..
The dinner at Annes on Saturday was very good; Anne was an excellent
cook. As Anne had predicted, Gary told them all about
his golf tournament victory, in more detail than Paul would have liked.
Gary was a tall man in his sixties, a widower, with a florid face
and wavy gray hair. He was fit and vigorous for his age,
a low handicap golfer, still played tennis and liked to ballroom dance.
He was a little flamboyant for Pauls taste, making sure everyone
knew about his golfing prowess and showing off on the dance floor.
But Annes late husband, Tommy, had also been like that and Paul
had thought that Gary and Anne would make a good pair.
After dinner, they played bridge. Gary and Anne had the
better cards at first and Gary was all smiles as they won the first
rubber. But then Gary overbid trying to make a grand slam
and, as he tended to do, sulked for a while. After
a few more hands though hed gotten over it; the evening
ended pleasantly and Anne told them that she and Gary were going dancing
again that weekend.
When Paul and Sally returned home, Paul remarked that Gary and Anne
looked as if they were becoming a couple. Perhaps theyd
be attending a wedding pretty soon. Im not sure,
said Anne. Gary can be a little too much at times.
But he and Anne like to do the same things---golf, dance,
play bridge. I think theyre a good match.
Maybe they have too many interests in common.
Maybe theyre not different from each other enough.
What do you mean?
Well, like us. I like to go out and do things.
Youd just as soon stay home all day and read one of your books.
Weve just gone out to dinner and bridge, pointed
out Paul.
Only because youre playing Cupid..
Paul shrugged. Sometimes Sally could be unreasonable.
Two weeks later, Paul saw Anne coming out of the retirement communitys
library. She held out her hand, showing him an engagement
ring. Congratulations, said Paul.
I knew you and Gary would hit it off.
Oh, its not Gary.
Then who
Travis Wyndham. You know, the President of the Boosters
You seem surprised.
I am. Id never thought of him. I
always thought he was such an old fuddy-duddy.
Anne smiled. He is, in a way. Something
like you. Thats all to the good. I had
enough excitement with Tommy. I want someone settled and
Have you told Gary?
Yes. I liked Gary but hes just too full of himself.
Besides, I dont think he really wants to marry again.
Hes having too good a time with all the single ladies around here.
Paul shook his head. Well, congratulations again.
Ill send you and Sally a wedding invitation.
I hope youll be able to come.
Paul didnt see Sally until that evening when she came home from
one of her club meetings. The first thing he did was tell
her all about his encounter with Anne.
Yes, I know, she said. Anne was at the
I suppose you were right, said Paul.
Gary wasnt the one for her. I feel a little
Dont fret.. Your reputation for wisdom wont
suffer. Anne credits you for getting her together with Travis
Wyndham. If you hadnt recruited her for the Boosters
Committee she might not have met him.
Thats right, I did recruit her. I didnt
know I had a reputation for wisdom.
Oh, you know people look upon you as a wise old man.
Am I an old fuddy-duddy, too? Thats what Anne
told me I was.
Hmm. You are pretty much, but a nice one.
Now lets have some tea and we can decide what kind of wedding
present well give.
© Martin Green
October 2008
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