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International Writer's Magazine - March 2007 Welcome
Travelers reports & guides
Politics and Issues
Ways of living
Heart Goes On
Neil Smith in China
I was invited to dine at a restaurant located outside of
town as far away from the police as it could be since it served
"special" dishes.
Walk on the Wild Side
Marianne de Nazareth at Vythiri
needed a break and the brochures of Vythiri resort in Wyanad district
of North Kerala beckoned inexorably. Set on 30 acres of land the
jungle retreat is an escape into the lush forests of Kerala.
Visiting a Chinese
sauna with my student
Paul Haire
of my students invited me to a sauna to see a show and have dinner.
I was slightly apprehensive
Hangzhou Pilgrimage
Paul Haire
is firmly established as a favourite destination for the Chinese
traveler and is one of the prettiest historic cities in China.
Chickens in Church
James Matthews
In few places in Latin America is the collision of imperialist
Catholic Spaniards with indigenous Maya cultures more visible
than in the small village of San Juan Chamula in Chiapas, Mexico.
Swimming with Whale
in Djibouti
Rachel Jones
We headed to Arta Beach in an effort to see the worlds
largest fish, the whale shark. And we were not only going to see
whale sharks, we were going to swim with them.
A Prayer for Mariame
Kari Masson
Our lives crossed 20 years ago in the West African country
of Côte dIvoire, and I find them still crossing my
800 Miles
Ari Kaufman
Eight hundred miles of driving in a single weekend, much of
it on the windy, back roads of Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee.
v Republicans'08
James Campion *Parts 1 & 2
Sixty days is a long time in Washington. In 600 days there
might not even be a Washington.
Coup d' Etat
Eliot Ballard
I am standing in front of a smashed car a Thai slogan over
its caved windshield. Soldiers file past. To my left, protestors
are waving signs. "No To Dictatorship"
Jeffrey Beyl
If a marriage ends in divorce, is the diamond disappointed
30 in Mexico
Dermot Sullivan
I am having some trouble adjusting to the altitude. To try
to get fit I have started playing football with some of the students
on a Friday afternoon and but find myself gasping for air after
only a few minutes!
Poor Always Pay Back
Capitalism for the Poor
Ginette Ballard on Muhammad Yunus "Credit
is so important in the lives of all people that I have been
arguing that credit should be accepted as a human right."
1 - Democrats - 0
James Campion in the house
Elizabeth di Grazia
The bedroom is shadowy. The bundle, a snail swaddled in
yellow flannel, curls into my chest. We rock. A homemade quilt
lies at the edge of the crib. Against one wall the silhouette
of not yet opened infant toys propped on white shelving.
Story: A Narrative
Amber C Wisniewski
It is 5:30 a.m. and my husband lies alone in our
bedroom unaware of my absence. I cannot sleep. How could I
possibly think about closing my eyes when every image I see
is so disturbing that I am driven to nightmares?
Lost Winter
Colin Todhunter in Anjuna
Take me back because I need to be reminded of what I left behind.
Take me back where? I don't really know anymore: a time, a place,
a memory? But just take me back...
A Hammam in Damascus
Namit Arora
I was traveling alone and, on a whim, dropped by at a hammam
near my hotel. It was one unforgettable experience.
Rhythm with Wolves:
'A Calendar of Nature and Soul'
Josef Graf
Northern Native people tell a story of a starving hunter given the
first pair of snowshoes by the Spirit of the Wolf.
Eric D Lehman
"Were leaving the wives in
Sydney or Melbourne and renting an old Army Jeep, and just going,
heading into the outback, Midnight Oil blasting on the stereo...
Squatter, Bride & Groom
Paul Dale Roberts
There is a full moon. I can only
wonder what is in store for me as I get together with H.P.I. (Haunted
and Paranormal Investigations) of Northern California.
the Well-Oiled Wheel Still Squawked
Michael Bober
For all of the riches that Nigeria holds,
to the people it means little, a sad truth across much of Africa.
Paul Haire in Beijing
I watched the rugby on Saturday night this weekend, Scotland
v Ireland. I drank too much as usual.
Marc George
just been selected from hundreds from all over the country for one
place in sixty. From that sixty only ten are selected and from those
ten only three will have their play filmed. I was one of the three
whose play was filmed
Toilet Tour of the Universe
Brett Hardman
I fought with my son this morning, again.
At eight-going-on-nine he knows more about everything than anyone
on earth ever has or will...
Original Shorts
Books & Film
Dreamscapes Fiction
Uncle Pringle and the
Witchs Curse
Martin Green
Are you all right? she asked.
Yeah, just another little accident. Theyve
been happening all this month. Its because Ive
been cursed.
Alibash Chandran
Shibu was stuck dumb when he saw Mohan standing on the doorway
with that strange puppy. Its nose was glowing and moist. It was
strikingly cherry-like.
Martin Green
It was a spring evening in San Francisco. Paul had gone back
to work on his resume, but the sight of his cramped room seemed
to drain all his energy
Coconut Tree
Kiran Kannappan
Uncle walked in with a few big, red, freshly picked,
ripe coconuts from his treasured tree...
The Gig
Alex Hay
Kevin strapped on the guitar and searched around for the jack-plug
socket in the amp. A voice from the back of the pub shouted something
about Oasis and Wonderwall. He thought to himself -' Youre
gonny hear what I want to play. Nane o yur Oasis shite.
Richard Corwin
Whatever it was that popped up into Lake Wanautta, like a
bubble, Terry was startled, mesmerized and watched from his kitchen
window as the mysterious thing floated and bobbed,
Winged Ones
by Joginder Paul - Translated from Urdu by
V Ramaswamy
well here. Best wishes for your honours well being. Writing
a letter to his old friend Fazaldin
and her Mother
Gabriela Davies
The day that Dora was born was the happiest day in her mothers
life. Everyone; family, friends, neighbours, and even the birds
that lived in the trees had come to see the birth of the new baby
and Death
Kiran Kannappan
Suma was looking gorgeous in her new white Kanchivaram saree
with dark green border, as she was being slowly led to the mane
(Dais) by her sister-in-law
Brush with the Law
James Matthews
burly youth waved a piece of broken stick at Ana. They were down
a side street of La Boca, a touristy enclave of Buenos Aires in
the middle of a run-down neighbourhood. She was cornered.
Dan Schneider DVD review
Yasujiro Ozu was perhaps the greatest obsessional filmmaker
in history.
The Frugal Book Promoter by Carolyn Howard Johnson
Ian Middleton review
Empire Falls by
Richard Russo
Dan Schnieder - a bad book by a bad writer
Salmonella Men on Planet
by Yasutaka Tsutsui
Translated by Andrew Driver
Sam North review
'A terrific introduction to this hilarious and perceptive Japanese
Sci-Fi author.'
Blood Diamond
Directed by Edward Zwick - A Holly Joy review of the conflict
diamond thriller
The Pursuit of Happyness
Director: Gabriele Muccino
Gabriela Davies
The Good German
Directed by Steven Soderberg
Neo-noir trapped by own style
Sam North
fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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