The International Writers
Squatter, The Pacer, Bride & Groom and The Dark One
Dale Roberts
is a full moon out this night. I can only wonder what is
in store for me this evening as I get together with H.P.I. (Haunted
and Paranormal Investigations) of Northern California. H.P.I.
will be headed down to Brookdale Lodge in the Santa Cruz mountains
sometime in the future to conduct an investigation. Due
to family obligations, this is one investigation I will not be
able to attend.
Imagine this. A
family calls H.P.I., they have some pesky ghosts in their home and they
want to know what they are dealing with. H.P.I. shows up with
black or dark blue windbreakers on, emblazoned with large letters H.P.I.
on the back of the jackets, similar to what the DEA, FBI, ATF wear.
All members are wearing sunglasses and have RAP4 Secret Service
Ear Piece with Secret Service Throat Mic, prepared for action. HPI
Investigators pull up in 3 black SUVs with HPI displayed on the driver
side of the vehicle. There I go again, daydreaming on how this
investigation will turn out. HPI unlike the DEA, FBI, ATF are
not seeking criminals, but are seeking ghosts, poltergeists, shadow
people, demons, etc. Of course, since we are all paranormal investigators,
we would not turn down the opportunity to investigate an alien abduction,
Bigfoot or anything else classified as 'paranormal'.
This night we will have two new paranormal investigators on the team,
their names are Amanda Hopper and Janice Cameron. I met Janice
through my neighbor Nick Asevedo. Nick paid his membership dues
to HPI, but has yet went on an investigation. He has experienced
the paranormal. He relates an incident in which he lived in Reno/Sparks,
Nevada and his family saw a ghostly little boy sitting on the edge of
their bed, they learned he once lived there and drowned in the tub.
The little boy ghost threw a plant off the coffee table at the
family and the family decided it was time to move. Nick has gotten
his family involved, his niece Tiffany Cameron and her mother Janice
Cameron went to their first HPI meeting at the Coffee Garden and brought
along Nick's girlfriend Jamie Warden. Tiffany, Janice, Nick and
Jamie are all paying members of HPI, but only Janice is the lucky one
who pulled the lucky number from the passed around hat and was selected
to go on this investigation! The H.P.I. meetings are a lot
of fun, because we get to analyze the audio and video footage of various
investigations. The meetings are a learning experience.
Now let's get back to reality, the investigation begins, well almost.
I bring along Janice Cameron who lives in my neighborhood and
we stop off at Amanda Hopper's home to pick her up. Amanda is
quite the character and greeted me with a third eye attached to her
forehead. We head over to Starbucks on Broadway/15th Street. This
is a popular Starbucks because it's located in a part of downtown in
which you can sit outside on a warm nice day and people watch. You
get some interesting characters on Broadway, there is always plenty
to watch. Too bad, we couldn't have met at the Starbucks in El
Dorado Hills, because the Starbucks in El Dorado Hills has a restless
spirit that is known to toss around coffee filters at the employees.
Janice as a token of thanks, bought me a nice hot grande caramel
Shannon and the crew arrive and Shannon briefs us on the investigation.
Shannon goes through her spill of being professional at all times,
respect the home, no drinking, no excessive loud talking, etc. Roll
Call for HPI Paranormal Investigators are: Shannon McCabe/President;
Paul Dale Roberts/Ghost Writer/Assistant Organizer; Carol Gillis/Secretary;
Tim Hawkins; John Wachter aka Vlawde; Michele Paykel; Mary Casiano;
Member who wishes to remain anonymous; Janice Cameron; Alicia Perry
and Amanda Hopper. I am introduced to the occupant of this house,
that looks like a miniaturized Amityville Horror home, with the 2 large
windows that look like eyes. The occupant of the house identifies
himself as Scott Bailey, a locally known artist. In fact he works
at the B Street Theater which is reputed to be haunted also. Scott's
artwork is all over the house, such as a Barbie Doll entrapped in wire
mesh and gothic type of drawings. Carol Gillis comes over to me
and reports that she felt a sharp coldness on her back.
In my interview with Scott, he relates that he has a low grade intuition
and constantly feels like someone is watching him from the closet. There
are possibly five entities in the home. Scott has a name for each
one, there is the Squatter. The Squatter is in the closet and
he squats and stares. He believes the Squatter is a Hispanic man.
The Pacer, an active ghost that paces the hallway. He believes
this is the ghost that gets right up in his face and he feels a face
right next to his face. Bride & Groom, his sister detected
the presence of a bride and groom in the home. The Dark One is
a spirit that seems to have a darkside to his character. The Dark
One is a weak spirit, but seems to be somewhat on the sinister side.
A friend of Scott once spent the night and dreamed about a family,
a man, woman and a child naked in the field and being forced down a
grain chute into a grinding machine and being scattered into the fields
as fertilizer. He believes this dream came to him by The Dark
One. Scott relates that the prior owner was combative in his persona
and would stir up the spirits. When Scott first moved in, there
seemed to be a lot more activity.
There seems to be more ghost activity in the bedroom and hallway and
at times the ghosts seemed bored and fall into stagnant energy where
nothing occurs. This is how Scott describes on how the ghosts
of his home behave.
The home was built during the 1800s, the bathroom is a newer addition
to the house and built in the 1940s. The lower floor was once a deli
and they would serve sandwiches to the dairy that used to be across
the street in the 1940s through the 1950s. While the investigators
were setting up video cameras, using their EMF Readers, there was detection
at the closet area, the same area the Squatter hangs out at. The
reading jumped from 1, jumped 2 more times to 1 and then there was no
more readings for this area of the closet. EMF Reader is an electro
magnetic energy sensor. I went into the back room and Michele
felt like she was pushed in her chair. There were some orbs captured
on video. Some cold spots detected. Amanda, a sensitive
was picking entities in various parts of the room, she would breathe
deeply and sense the area around her and feel where an entity may be
at. Hmmm....what did I personally detect, you might ask? At
one time I felt a cold sensation on my back, then I turned around and
I was next to a window. I was looking through a video camera
on a tripod and thought I saw some orbs, but they were only dust particles.
I had Mary shake her jacket and when the dust fell from her jacket,
they appeared to be orbs on the camera. Now the West Sac orbs
moved erratically, especially when you have 3 flying in unison. I
didn't see that kind of orb activity at this haunting. I'm
not from Missouri, but I do enjoy the State's motto..."show me".
I experienced more at the National Hotel in Jackson and the West
Sac haunting, than what I experienced here.
Of course, we haven't received our results yet from the audio and video
tapes. Sci-Fi Channel's Ghost Hunters weren't always successful
and perhaps there are ghosts in this strange looking home, but I guess
I wanted to see something that was extraordinary. Enough of the
feelings. Two words..."show me!" As I got
home, I turned on the Cartoon Channel and guess what was on? Yep,
Scooby Doo and the gang doing some ghost busting. I thought to
myself, when will we have a haunting that is as frightening as the ones
you see on the Discovery Channel's A Haunting?
What I like about Shannon is that she has a skeptical eye and she seeks
the truth through science, in fact she was the one that told me to always
make sure that orbs are not dust particles or reflection of light from
another source. Shannon is seeking not a Scooby Doo haunting,
but the real thing and I must agree with Shannon on that! If anything,
this is a learning experience. For more on H.P.I. go to:
© Paul Dale Roberts, March - 2007 - Freelance
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