From our archives: Travel in Spain: From our Archives
Sam North
Madrid is a wonderful vacation city
For a city of three million + people - its remarkable that almost
everything there is to see in the Spanish capital of Madrid is entirely
walkable. Armed only with a copy of the Rough Guide to Spain
arrival in Madrid is made easier. No need to take a taxi, the bus takes you to the metro and the metro will take you anywhere you want to go. Of course taking a vacation in
October you tend to think that the hotels and hostels would be empty.
Youd be very wrong and every single place the Rough Guide recommended
was full - bar one. Hotel Mediodia at Plaza del Emperador Carlos - Tel:
91 530 70 08.
Situated right opposite Estacion de Atocha, it is not unreasonable for a single room. Unlike a hostel in which
you may find yourself in a cramped cell with no amenities, the Hotel is
only a few pounds a night more and has its own shower and toilet. It is
also bang next door to the wonderful Modern Art gallery Reina Sofia where
Picassos Guernica resides and a short stroll away from
the Prado. On reflection Id say avoid going to Sol and Plaza Mayor
areas for accommodation and start here. They have 165 rooms to fill. Believe
me, Spanish hostels hate letting single rooms solos and youll
be lugging your suitcase up several flights of stairs all over the city
to discover that they have no room at the inn. At Sol, one place the Rough
Guide said was cheap they asked for three times the price for one night.
I met with other Brits whod been ripped off royally at the Hotel
Bureau at the airport and were going to pay a fortune a night for a double. London prices. You dont have to pay these prices
anywhere, but sometimes you may have to stay out of the centre and absolutely
avoid the Gran Via area, you will be exploited.
If you arrive on a Saturday be prepared to spend the night out. The Spanish
work Saturdays hard and if you get tired and want to go to bed at midnight,
just remember they will be whooping it up until 3am or longer and they
dont tip-toe around Madrid, or care who hears their phone calls,
or if they slam doors, dance a jig in high heels upon the marble floors,
they are living the life and its your bad luck Spain hasnt
discovered carpets.
Sundays are wonderful in Spain. No matter how exhausted you may feel,
get up early, breakfast in one of the many pastry places or just go to
a cafeteria and stand at the bar. If you are lucky youll be able
to get coffe and toasta. If you cant speak Spanish, point
to the largest cup you can find. You wont get it in that, for some
reason they take offence at large French ideas of café creme and youll
get this mixture of tar in the bottom of a small glass tumbler into which
theyll pour some steamed milk. Thats as good as it gets. You
can beg, but youll never get a full sized latte in Spain - ever.
Not until Starbucks opens up and the chances of that are currently zero.
You can experiment with the string-like doughnut stuff they eat for breakfast
called Churro; if you like salty doughnuts, go for it, but otherwise,
stick to toast and olive oil (or if you can speak some Spanish, theyll
reluctantly let you have some jam).
The good thing about Spanish coffee, no matter how sluggish you felt before,
is that one blast and youre ready for anything. Thats good
because first you have to queue to get into the Prado. (Be canny, get
there for 9.15am, the Spanish arent up yet). It opens at 9.30am and
OK its crowded, but if you like Velazquez, Goya, El Greco, Murillo,
Carreno and Botticelli, they are all there. So too is Tintoretto, Raphael,
and Caravaggio. But for me, its wonderful to finally see Hieronymous
Bosch El Bosco. When younger, in my ignorance I had assumed
I would find the early Flemish stuff in Amsterdam, but here it all is,
wonderfully displayed and all the more amazing Haywain - Garden of Earthly
Delights - Adoration of the Magi. There is work by Pieter Brueghel the
Elder, Jan Brueghel, even an early Rembrandt. To finally see Dutch and
Flemish works completed between 1450 - and 1600s is amazing.
The Prado on Sundays may be crowded, but it is worth the trip to Madrid
on its own and if it is just too much or too hot, well, right outside
are the botanical gardens, cool under the shade of exotic trees. Visit,
walk, enjoy, soothe yourself. If you are still up to it, the Thyssen-Bornemisza
museum is just the other side of the Prado, but it's expensive to get
in. If you are broke, head down towards Atocha and the Modern Art Gallery
Reina Sofia. Not just for Picasso and Dali, but a truly well presented
example of current 20th and 21st Century art. The Gallery is situated
in a former hospital, it is actually larger than the Tate Modern with
a cool inner courtyard to sit in and rather slow glass-encased lifts fitted
externally. The gallery is much more accessible than the Tate, either
of the London Tates, for that matter, has some exciting material on show
and again, is free on Sundays until around 2.30pm.
La Collection Grothe
When I was there La Collection Grothe was showing on the top floor
with work by George Baselitz, Markus Lupertz, Jorg Immendorff. 700 works
by 28 artists.
When you tire of art, it is time for tapas. You cannot escape it. Go anywhere
and youll find all kinds of cold foods on display - from a kind
of potato salad with shrimps in it, to potato pancakes with onion inside,
it is worth experimenting and ask for a glass of Vino Tinto, red wine
they serve cold. In a good place, even in Plaza Santa Ana, it will only
cost 2 euros for the wine and around 3 euros for something to eat as
long as you are standing. But dont dawdle, Sundays are great in
Madrid. There is so much to see and do. Theres the street market
at Rastro for one thing. The Guide book is a bit dismissive, but it is
way better value than Portobello, with good value designer rip-offs everywhere.
You can usually find a good tapas bar or pastry place in the Latin Quarter
later, or try the Jamaican Coffee bars. which are all over the city. The
café con leches are larger here and they serve simple but fresh sandwiches
or pastries. My introduction to finding the street market was signalled
by an Arab woman singing and accompanying herself with a really loud electronic
keyboard on a barrow. Its jarring, but a neat reminder that the
roots of current Spanish culture only go back to the Moors, who ruled
them for 700 years.
If Madrid is livelier and more user friendly than London on a Sunday (or
any day given the travel chaos there at the moment). The young are different
too. Lively, well dressed, mobile on their noisy scooters, they gather
everywhere to drink coffee or soft drinks and in some cases wine. But
there is none of the brutish, uncouth drunkenness of the UK. I saw no
drunks at all in my whole trip. The young are boisterous, but good natured
and seem to have fun and one is struck by how attractive everyone is,
taking particular care on clothing and styles. |
Madrid women of all classes
and ages strive to fit into the tightest figure hugging pants they can
buy and most are slim and elegant with it. Madrid young run a parallel
life to us tourists and experience their city in a different way. Tourists
gather in Plaza Mayor and gawp at the Casa Panaderia, municipal offices
adorned with rather adventurous nudes (1662). It was designed as a public
place for events such as autos-de-fe (trials of faith) in the inquisition
and executions. The autumn book fair takes place here and much like St
Marks Square in Venice, it serves as a place to shake money out
of tourists pockets in the rather expensive restaurants around the
plaza. If you want a nice surprise, walk around the outside of the whole
Plaza and youll find delightful shops (bars which proudly boasts
that Hemingway NEVER drank here and a neat, ancient food market
piled high with fresh meat, fish and vegetables and fruit. The other haunt
is Plaza Santa Ana with its tapas bars. Up market, but not really expensive,
these are good places for meals and meeting other people and if you have
money the Hotel Reina Victoria will let you stay there from 2500 euros
a night. It is very central and very smart. If you like jazz, its
handy for Bar Central just around the corner where you can drink excellent
Rioja and late at night (pretty late) listen
to some very cool jazz of all kinds. Bar Central is where the urban sophisticates
of Madrid go, so you might make friends.
Just because you are in Madrid doesnt mean you have to forego going
to the movies. Version Originale films play in several cinemas. Luna,
Renoir, Alphaville and Lumiere all show films in their original languages
and the cost varies. Sundays are a favourite
movie day, the queues are long and sitting in the wonderful O Brother
, where art thou? with a bemused English speaking Spanish audience
is interesting. I loved every moment, but I am not sure the
subtitles got it all right somehow. However, sitting with a similar audience
for Lars Von Triers Dancing in the Dark starring Bjork, was
an entirely different experience, with the whole audience sobbing at the
end and shuffling out of there with very red eyes. Spain takes cinema
very seriously and nowhere more so than Madrid. The Gran Via movie theatres
have huge hand-painted posters of the movies, a hundred feet high. It
is amazing to see and one is aware that the Spanish are acutely aware
of world cinema and world politics. Their newspapers are full of long
op-ed pieces on globalisation, art and culture, death and revolution,
and whilst I was there ETA murdered their 19th victim in the year 2000.
It is hard to grasp what ETA want. The Basque country is prosperous, has
political autonomy, it makes no sense for them to want to leave Spain
to set up yet another level of political management. For an outsider,
I can see only political greed and fascism. They do not carry the majority
of the Basques with them, but nevertheless seek to murder those who oppose
them and administer them. Separation and nationalism makes no sense in
this new greater Europe. We should be coming together and facing outward
to a rather uncertain 21st century.
If you still have energy to walk, try strolling along Calle Bailen by
the Palacio Real. Here Royalty and Franco ruled in the largest Palace
in Europe. This building was based on the original designs for the Louvre
and was built mid-eighteenth century. There is a library with a brilliant
collection of books, manuscripts, maps and musical scores. In the Armeria
Real youll find El Cids sword and a very complete collection
of armoury dating from the 15th century. Royalty no longer live here,
King Juan Carlos lives outside Madrid now with his family. Beside the
Palace is the Cathedral Alumudena, but continue on walking, over the glass-sided
viaduct to a little cafe overlooking it all, just beyond the Palace and
savour the view.
If you are still in Madrid on a Monday, you made a mistake. The galleries
are closed on Mondays. Mondays is for travelling. Come with me on the
fast AVE train to Cadiz. (If it is more than
five minutes late you get your money back !) Sink into the air-conditioned
atmosphere, feel the speed unimaginable in England or the USA. We have
500km to go, four and a half hours to see those plains of Spain.
© Sam North 2000
Prices change,
hotel ownerships change, stations and train times change. This piece reflects
a time and place in October 2000. Your experience may be different to
mine and of course in the present tense.
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