Hacktreks Travel Pages: From Our Archives - Spain
Sam North
Churches, Weddings and Towers of Gold |
Perhaps Seville is best seen first, before the coast or other historic
places. The shock of arriving from peaceful Jerez at the ultra modern
Estacion Santa Justa is that one is immediately conscious of arriving
in a big city that is absolutely crawling with tourists. Its all
a bit daunting.
Of course the Cathedral (1402-1506) is fine with all the Moorish influences,
built on the site of the previous rectangular mosque, it is actually bigger
than St Pauls at eleven and a half square metres. It is huge and
gloomy and pretty empty really. There is a Christopher Columbus chapel,
but for the whole story, best to visit the old stock-exchange across the
way, which now houses the archives of the Indies with some pretty fascinating
stuff, including Columbuss log. People troop in, they troop out,
then they move onto the the Alcazar, which is an astonishing Palace, genuinely
spectacular. The Romans used this site and then when the Arabs came it
was famous for a palace that contained a harem of eight hundred women
(the cruel al-Mutadid). Pedro the Cruel lived here with his mistress Maria
de Padilla who was lusted after by all the men of the court (see the Salon
de Carlos V where her rooms were situated) and later Queen Isabella built
new quarters here for the management of the Americas. The final resident
was General Franco who stayed here when he visited the city. 2000 years
of history distilled into one building. This is why people come, this
is why it is so crowded, but that doesnt make it any easier to enjoy.
Arriving on a Saturday is a challenge. Finding a room is the first one,
but wary of being near the centre, I did find something, a room at the
top of a cul-de-sac hostel. I am learning, if there is a dead end, motor
scooters cant keep you awake at night. Well, that is the theory.
Everywhere I go, weddings are on. Saturday is big for weddings and the
Spanish dress up for it, enjoy the whole ordeal. The native Sevillians
looks handsome, they stand in knots waiting for the brides to arrive.
It seems almost every historic church is still in use here.

The Alcazar |
Nevertheless, I cant but help feel that Seville is a disappointment.
Its not fair to be disappointed, but perhaps it is just too busy.
Ill feel better about it the next day. Its a pleasant 28c,
just right for strolling and exploring. Seville is the easiest place to
get lost in in the world. More so than Venice. You definitely need a map
with you at all times. |
I found the river and was astonished to discover
how undeveloped it was for tourism. The river, Rio Guadalquivir, seems
such a natural area to use for restaurants and museums, but only on the
Triana side can you sit and eat at Puerto de Isabel 11. Here youll
find the cafes serving the shady riverside tables where you can admire
Seville and its towers and brilliant domes. You can see Torre del Oro,
built in 1220, where in the sixteenth century the gold from the Americas
was stored. Tourist boats will glide by taking people down river to see
the sights. Others rent pedalos and drift with the ducks. In October the
river looks very bare.
The heart of the tourism industry beats in the Santa Cruz area bordered
by Menendez Pelayo and Jardines de Murillo on one side and El Arenal on
the other.
Just near my hostel in Plaza de Santa Augustine youll find a remarkable
place to visit. Casa de Pilatos. I was curious because in a city of Christians,
you would not expect to find Pontius Pilate remembered with any affection
and indeed on investigation you discover that this Romanesque villa is
built in the style of Pontius Pilates home in 1519 by Marques de
Tarifa. Its a melange of Roman, Mudejar, Gothic and Renaissance
styles and as such stands pretty much as an example of what has happened
to the whole city. It is a mix of all of the dominant invaders particular
styles and the result is rather pleasing. The house is enormous and worth
a visit. The Romans were big in Seville. Hadrian was born here and he
had some influence in the UK, I seem to recall. One suspects he was rather
miserable though in having to leaving his native Seville. Actually, I
doubt he was born in Seville at all but more likely in Italica (along
with Trajan and Theodosius), which was the original Roman town, just twenty
minutes away from Seville by bus 34 from Plaza de Armas.
Italica was a military base of some importance in the second and third
centuries AD. Protected only in 1979 and now laid out as it should be,
you can visit the remnants of the Roman villas and the incredibly intact
Gladiatorial amphitheatre (the third largest in the Roman world). |
seats might be crumbling, but the ring is completely intact and you can
experience sitting where the gladiators would have waited and see where
the wild beasts where kept. There would be more to see, but Seville was
built with stones removed from Italica, which seems to have been abandoned
by the next occupants, the Visigoths, when the river changed course some
1600 years ago. The twenty mosaics in the Roman remains are of good quality,
some such as Neptune and the celestial beings quite beautiful. Most of
the really good Roman finds have been carted off to the archeological
museum in Seville, however. You can slink off after a suitable time in
the heat and enjoy a good lunch under shady vines at the restaurant opposite
the entrance to the site. Italica is free to all EU citizens on Sundays
by the by, so dont forget your passport or EU driving licence.
Seville was conquered by the Moors in 712, becoming the second city after
Cordoba of al-Andalus. It reached maturity under the Abbadid dynasty around
1000 AD and the shape and structure the city stems from that period. It
was reconquered by the Christians in 1248 but they did not immediately
tear down the Moorish structures, preferring to Christianise and embellish
them. It has made Seville a pretty unique place, with contrasting colours
and shapes that are pleasing aesthetically and hint at an alternative
Europe, had history gone another way.
Now it appears to be a prosperous city (Spains arms industry is
centred here).The tourist come for the history, but all around the city modern industry
prospers and across the river Triana is really quite a separate modern
Seville centre is entirely walkable and indeed, as a tourist you just
never need a car in Spain: the trains get you anywhere you need to go,
the buses are cheap and reliable, the taxis are plentiful. Everywhere
you go youll find cafes, little plazas filled with coffee and pastry
shops and beware, there is more dogshit here than in Paris. Indeed, if
you actually want to buy a dog, on Sundays you can go to the pet market
at Plaza Alfalfa where youll find puppies, grown dogs, toucans,
parrots, budgies, the lot and you can breakfast on cafe and toasta in
one of the many cafes there. It may also break your heart...
There is a perceptible rhythm to Spanish life. Certain things on certain
days. I like that. Christmas is in its proper place, Christmas, rather
than starting in July like it does in the States. Whilst I was there the
Museum Belles Artes was closed for repairs, which was a bit irritating,
although the artists who sell fakes of the stuff inside are still outside
selling their wares. Seville has had its share of bad luck. In 1928 they
were preparing for the 1929 Fair of the Americas. They took
a huge section of the riverside area and built exhibition grounds at Plaza
Espana and Maria Luisa Park they also built one of the grandest hotels
in the world, the Alfonso XIII. We all know what happened in 1929 (The
Wall Street Crash) and the Fair was cut short. But everything is still
there. The Hotel, the beautiful exhibition gardens and the Exposition
buildings are still visited by all the tourists and deservedly so. This
was ambitious building in real style. Seville must have been wealthy back
Just by the Hotel Alfonso lies the Tobacco factory where the fictional
Carmen worked. The building once housed around 4000 women making cigars,
but is closed now and the building has become integrated into
the University.
Seville is a city of stories and romance. It has always been ambitious.
In 1992 a huge area around the Plaza de Armas bus station area was laid
out for the big Expo that year. It was a great success, but I suspect
that, as exciting as the buildings are and some are still in use, there
was a rush to get it down. Some of the site is crumbling and in need
of urgent attention. Kids have sprayed every accessible area around the
bus station and connecting bridge with graffiti. (Graffiti is a huge problem
in Spain and often very political. It is sad to see often very attractive
buildings disfigured this way in Spain, even in Madrid opposite the Royal Palace.)
Even though the former Expo site looks forlorn, one can see how
ambitious it was. Nevertheless, its position means that it has not become
a popular walking place as the 1929 Worlds Fair site has become. A lot
of that may be to do with the lack of trees in the new development. Decay
is a definite element of Seville. It must be hugely expensive to keep
such an old city intact, but I sense the old stuff will still be standing
long after the new has perished. Perhaps because there is a tax incentive
to restore the old that it gets attention first, but nevertheless, Seville
is suffering from too much tourism and too many cars. That and the present
day Sevillian is favouring moving out to the suburbs rather than living
in the noisy town. The new suburbs are pretty ugly, they lacks trees and
the elegant avenues, but they have parking and that appeals strongly
to the modern Spanish.
Sleeping in Seville is just as hard as Cadiz or Jerez. Forget it. Motor
scooters run all night long and cars make a din on paved roads. Also other
tourists think nothing of coming in late and then talking on their mobile
phones for HOURS at 3am as loudly as they can. The more people shout Silenzia
the more strident the phone calls. They also never take their shoes off
in the concrete floored rooms above you and always put their TVs on at
full blast. TV stations talk a lot and there was when I was there a whole channel in Seville
devoted to Tarot reading: a 24 hour Tarot reading channel, live. You call
and she chooses the cards and reads them. Weird.
If you come for the sun, youll leave for a rest. If you can, grab
a couple of hours ziz in office hours or fall asleep at the wheel of your
car. Youll need it. When the sun goes down, there are a thousand
choices of places to go. Cafe Brasil is one, Cafe Oriente another. The
music is right, theyll serve you Rioja if you ask nicely and the decorations
a kind of decadent pink. Of course the sun has to be way down, the locals
dont go out until very late indeed. |
There must be some kind of symbiotic relationship between Andalucia and
Vancouver. In Jerez I met runaway housewives from that city who are learning
Flamenco and now in Seville I find three Kitsilano types who have been
cycling across Spain. Theyd just arrived from Cordoba and looked
as relaxed as if theyd just strolled to Point Grey. They were exploring
Spain inch by inch. The Spanish cycle too, only they wear go-faster blue
costumes, in the manner of Tour de France, and no doubt will all die very healthy.
Seville caters for all. The best time to come is spring and autumn, avoid
summer at all costs I am told, far too hot. But come. My initial disappointment
gave way to awe. This is a very old but strangely perfect 20th Century
city that is, and will always be, thinking ahead. Sometime in the 21st
Century theyll have another exposition or Worlds Fair. The new buildings going up now are very exciting. I just hope they maintain them a little better this time around. Seville is a perfect city vacation and the food is excellent,
wherever you go. In wet miserable London, anytime you feel like café con
leche, and have a couple of days to spare, Seville is waiting. |
© Sam North 2000
All prices reflect year 2000 before the Euro came into being. Everything
will have changed. Your travel experience will be different but the express train remains the best way to get there from Madrid.
The Sam North novels still in print
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