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to a positive 2022?

••• The International Writers Magazine - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel - 23 years on-line
Sam Hawksmoor's - Girl with Cat (Blue) reached the quarter finals in the ISA International Screenwriting Competition Jan 27th 2022
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live

Mount Tabor & Sternbergia lutea
Neil Manspeizer

Mount Tabor is located in the Galilee region of Israel. From its slopes one may look toward the Plain of Megiddo. This spot is believed to be the exact location where the world will one day end.
Havana Visit
Jerry Alan

It was heating up on the balcony.  Laurant, laboring on a homonym, was trying to finish his sentence but a desire to crawl back into bed with Tahimi kept returning to his mind. 2022

The Russia Thing ...Again

James Campion
Let’s put this out there first: No one thinks engaging in a war with Russia is a good idea. Not even those who claim to think it is a good idea.
So ... I Got Covid
James Campion

Diary of the Infected & Discoveries Along the Way 1.15.22
I had it pretty bad – chills, fever, headache, bouts of dizziness, sore throat, coughing, the whole thing.
Accessing Healthcare as a College Student
Indiana Lee
The most important thing that a college student can do is to acquire current insurance so they have a safety blanket should they become ill or injured.

Writers at work
Balancing Freelance Writing & Graduate School

Indiana Lee
...you are sure to find a client that you can write for using the lessons that you learned at school.
Encouraging Employee's to Pursue Degree Dreams
Indiana Lee
Investing in your employee's education can pay dividends
Heroes in Art
Eric D Lehman

We look up to heroes and see extraordinary lives...few can stand up under scrutiny.

REVIEWS Film & Books

How a Young Crow Came to Love a Sunbird, a Green Parrot,
an Old Woman & Balls of Rice

Michael Chacko Daniels
Once upon a time, when birds of a different feather could still talk to each other ...
Mr Abrams Regrets
Sam Hawksmoor

The first client of the day. (extract)
Black Roots and A Red Heart
Bonnie Nish
Her black roots expose how little she can afford herself. She must keep up the appearance of being happy at all costs and it may mean losing a lot in the end.

Sundays with dog
Sam North
Hazel called on the Friday. "Will you look after my dog? Please..."
Dinner at Fisherman's Wharf
Martin Green

The Berkeley gang would meet at a downtown bar on Friday night and usually someone knew of a party going on...
Ruby Valley
George Kotlik
My father met a stranger who told him about a nearby place called Ruby Valley where diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires were abundant and as plentiful as sand is on the beach ...

Dont Look Up
Don’t Look Up
Dir: Adam McKay

Story David Sirota
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Jonah Hill
Satire in dire need of an edit
Alison's Automotive Repair Manual by Brad Barkely
Review by Charlie Dickinson

'a well-conceived fictional exploration of grief'

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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