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Omicron the gift that keeps giving

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Walli F. Leff out West

The trail along the Deschutes River in beautiful Tumwater Falls Park, just outside of Olympia, Washington, passes by the waterfalls...
What exactly do we care about?
Dermot Sullivan 9.12.21

China found guilty of genocide against the Uyghurs - Uyghur Tribunal London
The Art of Bliss
Jude C Perera

Happiness. It is a beautiful concept, or is it just a myth?

John M Edwards

Antonio Pigafetta, chronicler of Magellan’s voyage, was the first “literary” travel writer to circle the globe, recording mutiny and shipwreck, Patagonian giants and Filipino warriors.

Regarding Tik Tok 12/17
National School Threats

James Campion
Thoughts from a Parent on the New Violence Normal - It totally sucks that we must be wary of our children walking into a school that may or may not be shot up or blown up today. Right?

The Politics of Choice
James Campion

How Candidates Use and May Use SCOTUS Decision on Roe v Wade

Christmas - You've Got to Love It
Tony Brown

It’s my time of year. I always think of Christmas as midnight on the annual clock, then it’s followed by New Year when everything starts again

Remote worker
Remote Work Positions for Aspiring Freelancers

Indiana Lee
If you want to make the most money possible as a freelancer, you’ve got to open yourself up to new niches and experiences.
Preparing for Holiday Fulfillment Challenges 12.21.21
Indiana Lee

This begins with putting measures in place to make sure you always keep your consumers in the loop.

A Tourist in my own Town
Justin Dupée

My Fantastic Voyage through the Streets of Hip Hop’s Past ...

REVIEWS Film & Books
New York
The Samaritan on 32nd Street

No good deed goes unpunished
Kool Cigarettes
Starting Out
Martin Green

I was pretty excited about getting the job on my first interview until I discovered that my salary would be $75 a week...
Life's Little Ironies
Sam Hawksmoor

When something looks too good to be true – it’s a scam, right?  But what if the scam works?  What kind of scam is that?

The Sad Bauble
Steve Dubowski

Christmas Day came late to the Timmins household that year. Mr Timmins was working away overseas until Christmas Eve and nobody felt “Christmassy” until they were all together ...

High White Notes
The Sweet & Sour Music of
Hunter S. Thompson

James Campion 12.11.21
In Praise of High White Notes – The Rise and Fall of Gonzo Journalismand a Discussion with its Author, David S. Willis
wind-up graphic
The Wind-up Girl
Paolo Bacigalupi
Sam North
Brilliant insight into our terrifying future after a population crash. Stunning and vivid biogenetic noir.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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