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Clever Mind v Wisdom
Michael Levy
has yet to define the meaning of wisdom in scientific terminology.
I guess they require some type of clever or mathematical proof
wisdom exists? Perhaps clever humans may not at this time be able
to use their sophisticated minds to determine the meaning of wisdom,
however a few clever people maybe able to understand the difference
between a clever mind and a mind that can embody wisdom.
A clever mind possesses the ability to learn knowledge, skills,
logic and reasoning, then to perform some or all of them in a
brilliant, amazing manner, for good or evil deeds.
Two examples of devilish
cleverness are 9-11 and Enron. Both were conduced by very clever minds
for evil deeds One followed religious ideology doctrines to legitimize
their acts for their followers. The other found greed and power was all
they required, so they used their cleverness to rob millions of innocent
people. Many other lesser known detrimental deeds are performed daily
all around the world by cunning and conniving cleverness.
On the other side of the coin, two examples of a clever mind are a conjurer
who can perform amazing tricks and a person who can invent a computer
or software that can change every day life for most people on earth. Both
clever deeds are initially performed for the benefit of humanity, however,
a conjurer only entertains, whereas the application and use of computers
can be used for evil deeds by a clever minded person lacking wisdom.
Wisdom is the capacity to distinguish between authentic meaning and erroneous
meaning, which translates into the adaptiveness to live joyfully in a
constantly changing world. Wisdom feeds purity of thought and cannot ever
be used for evil intent, for if it is attempted to be used with a persons
cleverness for evil or unsound deeds, it ceases to be wisdom. Let's explore
two examples of how wisdom can be misused, one in religion the other in
science ...
The three main modern religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam have
been around for a few thousand years. Many wise sayings are quoted on
a daily basis from the Bible and Koran. They give a guidance on living
a joyful life while helping other people to enjoy their lives. However,
in the process of worshiping a God that gives unconditional love,
somehow clever thinkers managed to indoctrinate hatred and fear into Gods
messages. Where is the wisdom in fearing a God that gives unconditioned
love? Surely, unconditional love that anyone has to fear is a paradoxical
oxymoron that only a clever mind can dream up and get billions of people
to believe it!.
The results are plain to see and history can vouch for the slaughter of
millions of innocent people in Gods name. So, what started out as wisdom,
distorts itself and turns into clever doctrines that still today, humbug
and deceives clever, professional, academic and business people, all who
go to houses of worship, praying to a God that long ago supposedly killed
first born babies to free his chosen people, he loved so much that he
had to put them into slavery to teach them a lesson?
So, the question on religion is ... who captured the wisdom in all three
religions and where is it hidden? Could clever minds have the answer or
does it take wisdom itself to figure it out!
Science is helping people to overcome sickness/disease and it is a noble
deed. Wisdom in science has been used in many ways to determine the cause
of illness. Cleverness is then employed to find new medications to treat
the symptoms. For instance, when then Panama Canal was being built many
people died of Malaria until one wise mind proved still water breeds insects
that carry Malaria. He used his wisdom by observing nature at work. Clever
people then found a drug to aid the bodies recovery from Malaria. When
wisdom is combined with cleverness humanity goes from strength to strength
and all is well.
Many clever people's recreation time is spent at seemingly enjoying themselves
by drinking alcohol and eating foods that will induce fatal illness sometime
in the future... The drug companies take advantage of the clever peoples
lack of wisdom and advertise drugs with harmful side effects on TV and
radio to brainwash them into asking their doctors to prescribe the harmful
drugs...Where is the wisdom?
The education system teaches students how to read, write and add-up sums.
It does not teach them how to apply wisdom with their education because
wisdom cannot be taught by clever people... It can only be directed by
wise people who will admit they cannot teach it. Wisdom's characteristics
can contain, balance, insights, intuition, experience, spirituality, logic,
reason, knowledge, skills, science, religion, prudence, judgments, ethics,
morals, virtues, feelings, sensibility, however it is not governed, restricted
or limited by any of them individually. It thrives on truth in intelligent
minds and many times is thwarted and isolated in oblivion by intellectually
programed clever minds. It is said a wise tongue knows when to speak
and when to stay silence. Unfortunately, for many clever people, their
wisdom has a silent communication overwrought by a loud knowingness of
sophisticated thought.
In essences wisdom has no academic or literal meaning, for like faith,
a person knows it if they have it and if it is genuine wisdom it will
steer them on a path of contented, absolute bliss, for every second they
spend on earth. A person who receives wisdom in their thoughts can only
guide by the example they set and the credibility of the life they live.
By example, people with wisdom stand the test of time. Every baby on earth
is born with wisdom dancing in every cell and molecule of their being.
It can only be hidden by a clever mature mind that has forgotten the keys
to wisdom's treasures .. La - De - Da!
© Michael Levy May 2007
Michael Levy. Professional Optimist
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