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International Writer's Magazine - April 2007 - Welcome
Travel stories & guides
Politics & Issues
Ways of living
Opera in a Quarry
Eva Bell
About 300 kms northwest of Stockholm is the beautiful region of Dalarna,
around Lake Siljan
South American Cities
Michael Zurakhinsky
The best cities of South America
have one thing in common: they each reflect unique cultural histories
and rich traditions
Bali Hai
First impressions of Oahu
Clive Branson
Approaching Hawaii, the islands look like dark green apparitions
of barnacles suspended above a haze of sea
Zest for Zurich
Erica Johansson
Quite a few people think Zurich is boring, others believe the
orderliness adds to the city's charm.
Libertine Amsterdam
Marianne de Nazareth
In Amsterdam, a tram ride is the most fun thing to use to get
across the city.
& Stick Fighting
Palawan - Philippine islands
Antonio Graceffo
To understand a place, culture or a people you need to integrate
yourself into the daily life of the country.
Paul Haire navigates the city
fairly busy, but I have a sense of freedom
& Network Rubber Necking
The Virginia Tech Killer's 15 Minutes Of Infamy
James Campion
Random violence is really interesting. Especially epic slayings
by lone nuts for no fathomable reason. Big ratings. Big talk.
Big headlines. Big reasoning. Tons of that. Why? How?
Chris Philipps decodes
Importance of Teacher Training
So you think you know how to teach
Victims and Vengence
Spectacle of a Radio Has-Been
James Campion
I should be a Juror
James Campion
Unfortunately the author was dismissed
for being freelance...

Creative Anthology by students at the University of Portsmouth
on sale now
'Lustful skeletons & Victorian Murders'
in Aqaba
Marwan Asmar
One of the best places to read is along
the promenade in Aqaba. Just sit on one of the benches, and open
your book, nobody will bother you
Shakespearean Festival London, Ontario
Habeeb Salloum in Canada
The world and the Arab world
Marwan Asmar
laughter, jokes, and mirth is what characterizes human development,
and makes us cope with the problems of life.
Encounter in the Forbidden City Paul Haire
I sit on my bike and close my eyes, the sun's rays pleasantly
warming my face and body, I am oblivious to the throngs of people
all around, content in my own world.
of Honey
Natalya Popova
I was lucky to witness the process of honey making at my dads
honey farm situated in the Fergana Valley region of Tajikistan many
years ago.
in Istanbul
Toral Pattni
Why the hell am I going to Istanbul was the only thought in
my head as I boarded the plane.
Colin Todhunter
I have just had the privilege of spending an evening with the
most beautiful woman in the world. I had been watching the 1949,
biblical epic Samson and Delilah starring Hedy
Pizza. Piazza
Natalya Popova
8am-ish on a Sunday morning (a brave, if not heroic) start,
we stepped out on a route of exploration of Pisa, Italia.
Dermot Sullivan's Mexico Diaries
I am having some trouble adjusting to the altitude.
- Lights and Sounds
Rhonda Ward
The entire city of Mumbai is under attack with the sound of
thousands of fire crackers exploding...it lays seige to the city.
It is the Diwali
a blend of Eastern and Western Cultures
Sava Hassan
A tourist can taste that intriguing historical experience
by taking a Hutong Tour and visiting Tiananmen Square or Temple
of Heaven
Mai on a Shoestring
Rachel Chan Suet Kay
Rachel Chan Suet Kay tours the city during a Peace Studies
training course in Thailand.
Roxy Williams under the knife
Op of Doom minus 20 hours:
The day before an op you should be taking it easy, not sat on
a freezing platform in Southampton. Burning my tongue on an overprized
latte I realise that hours sat on a packed platform, in the rain,
are not ideal - because once again the trains are late - very
Thomas McGuane & 'Gallatin Canyon'
Paul Burga
When I first read Thomas McGuanes
"Gallatin Canyon" (in The New Yorker) I was baffled.
I was left with a "Whats wrong here?" feeling.
in China
Sharon Lockwood
abandoned my Canadian way of life, traveling thousands of miles
across the ocean to central China to teach English. The further
from home I traveled, the more second thoughts I had...
Brent Robillard
I wasnt sure what to expect when I arrived at Las Ventas...
Spaniards thronged by the thousands outside the Plaza de Toros
de Madrid in anticipation of the days bullfights.
Toilet Tour of the Universe
Brett Hardman
I fought with my son this morning, again.
G'Day Cobber
Ray Heap down-under
Checked in last night curtains still closed, pitch black, had
a few beers at the bar went to bed, time for breakfast
at clock
Sod it, it's only two thirty, five hours until I
can get lifegiving coffee into the plumbing
Chip for Brains
James Skinner
Many moons ago, some astute XX century futurologist stated that
Man would eventually be dominated by machines. He was obviously
referring to the computer age
Understanding Mexico
Dermot Sullivan's Mexico Diaries
Mexico is a country both sure and unsure of its identity.
Dust of Ayacucho
Emily Hopkins in Peru
Floating in the warm wind, the mixture of laughter, music, and
unfamiliar languages swam through the air.
Marc George
Summer was coming and for the first time I wasn't looking
forward to it. I thought I was still being punished but mam
said not to be silly. I was to be sent to Jacks
Amber C Wisniewski
There are those of us who often repress the haunting memories
of our childhood because our mother has violently crushed something
as sacred as youth into a thousand abandoned teardrops.
The Dagger by Subimal Misra
Translated from Bengali by V Ramaswamy
Someone called out from behind: Hooeey Sudas! Wherere
you goin pal? He didnt look back. The dead body still
hung from that tree branch, feet bound, head downwards.
Rough Guide to Slovenia
By Norm Longley
Ian Middleton review
Insightful and informative, Rough Guide to Slovenia is an essential
part of anyones Slovenia travel kit!
Savage Altar by Asa Larsson
A Josephine Green review
The Savage Altar is Larssons first thriller and this unusual
piece of detection takes us into the hidden depths of Sweden
by Zadie Smith
Dan Schneider
I get really tired of negative criticism. In it, a reviewer
who is scared shitless of making an enemy of a writer, or a publishing
house, writes a few mild rebukes of the writer, but ...in the end
praises the writer as being terrific, as a person, and that it was
just this book, or a portion of it, that failed.
Amadeus Directed
by Milos Foreman Dan Schnieder DVD review An unexpected
pleasure |
fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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