International Writers Magazine - Our 23rd Year: Dreamscapes Life Stories
Marcia Dumler
love dust," she said to herself as she sat back in the comfortable
reclining chair. "Dust, you can count on it always being there."
She leaned forward slightly to trail three fingers on her right
hand in the film of dust on the window sill. She turned her hand
up to gaze at her fingertips.
a cheerful voice said, "what are you doing? Here, let me get a
moist cloth
" her voice trailed off as she ducked into the
closet-like bathroom. She emerged holding the scrap of cloth and helped
Lena clean the dust from her fingers. "Isnt that better?"
she asked not really expecting a reply. "Oh, sorry, I didnt
mean to hurt."
Lenas misshapen fingers had jerked with the pressure. Arthritis
had swollen the joints and made the fingers crooked. Lena wrapped her
left hand around her aching right hand. She sighed slightly.
"Ill be back later to check on you," Betty-Suzy-Mary,
whatever her name was, made her way to the door.
Lenas eyes shifted to the window. It was wide and tall. The street
just outside was not what anyone would call busy, but Lena was still
fascinated by the drama. There was that green car. It turned into the
bricked houses driveway just three houses from Lenas window.
A young man got out, opened the cars back door, reached into the
opening and lifted out a brown paper sack. He proceeded through the
gate behind the house and disappeared.
"Ah, Phillip has brought the groceries to Margaret. She has been
feeling ill lately and doesnt get out much." Lena had no
idea who the man in the green car was but the imagined names, and the
drama entertained her as she watched.
Lena wondered if she would see the children today, but thought she wouldnt
because school took so much of their time. Even the little ones had
sports and clubs. Lena shook her head.
"Lena, Lena," Lena felt her shoulder being shaken as a voice
called her name. "Did you fall asleep, dear? Well, its time
for dinner. Do you want to go to the dining room or would you like something
brought to you?"
"Im not really hungry so I think Ill just not have
dinner tonight," Lena was slightly pettish. Fallen asleep indeed,
shed been thinking and watching. She hated being talked down to.
"I think Ill have something brought to you anyway. You know,
youll be hungry and then you wont sleep well." The
rotund woman in the purple pants with matching pull-over top turned
and bustled out.
Most of the serving women were at least artificially nice, but Lena
didnt like the purple one. She never listened and was impatient.
What did Lena care anyway because her evening was planned. She had to prepare her questions for her daughter. Lena anxiously awaited
the arrival of her only daughter. The visits were brief and usually
only once every two to three weeks. It was such a shame that she lived
so far away. She worked so hard, too. Lena was proud of her daughter
who was an attorney trying to become a partner in her law firm. Shed
make it soon, Lena was sure.
"Well now, let me see," Lena put her chin in her right hand.
She ignored the pain in her fingers. "I think Ill start asking
about her recent research. Shes been talking about those dusty
law books she has spent so much time with. I dont have to remember
the name or subject, that is not as important as the work done. She
will tell me about it and Ill watch the frowns and inflections
that cross her face as she talks. Smiling and nodding occasionally will
tell her Im listening.
"She will ask me about things here. I know she doesnt want
complaints or worries so Ill just say the staff has improved with
that new one. I think she is in charge of housekeeping. I dont
seem to remember her name, but then names change so often.
"Ill ask my daughter next about her new car. Maybe she will
take my slight nudge to ask me to go for a short drive. Oh, the sound
of the tires on the road, the houses of the town passing my sight, and
the lawns, just turning that special shade of almost spring. She doesnt
know, but then I cant hint too strongly. It might be considered
a complaint and
"Lena, dear, heres your dinner. See, Ive made sure
it is covered to keep it warm for you and I have this nice thermal coffee
pot. Do you want me to pour it for you now?" Winnie chatted on.
"Yes, pour it, wont you?" Lena said. Winnie wasnt
her name. Lena just called her that because of the Winnie the Pooh printed
top she wore. Todays version had a blue background. Lena sniffed.
"Are you catching a cold? Can I get you a tissue?"
Winnie moved closer to the night stand that held a box of white tissue.
"I dont need a tissue," Lena said abruptly, too abruptly.
"Thank you," she added to attempt to soothe the woman.
Lena didnt look up, but knew Winnie had left. Absently, Lena examined
the tray of food. She removed the dull metal cover. It slid across her
tray and clattered on the floor. Her grip was not good tonight. On the
plate was a brownish gray lump which must have been the meatloaf advertised
on the menu. Lena picked up a spoon and pushed on the lump. A yellowish
blob of grease seeped out from under it. She put the spoon down and
turned her attention to her coffee. She put both hands around the warm
cup. Even if she didnt drink the coffee, the warmth of the cup
felt good in her hands.
"Lets see now," Lena thought, "Oh yes, I was planning
on what to ask my daughter while I wait for her visit. Ill ask
her about her work as an attorney. She likes to talk about that because
its what she is thinking about most of the time."
"Lena, Lena, time to wake up. Its seven-thirty," the
smiling blond woman was gently shaking Lenas shoulder.
"Morning?" Lena opened her eyes to the sunlight filtering
into her room through her east window.
"Lets get you up and out to breakfast," the blond cheerful
woman continued. "Do you want to dress or go in your nice cozy
robe and slippers?"
"Robe. That will give me time to pick out something special to
wear because, you know, Im waiting for my daughter to visit,"
Lena said as she stepped into her bedroom slippers and put her left
arm into her quilted robe."
"Go ahead and brush your teeth and comb your hair. Well see
you in the dining room," the blond said with a lilt in her voice
as she left humming some tune.
Breakfast was not extraordinary for Lena. Her cereal was cold and limp.
Someone had poured the milk on it long before she arrived. Even the
sugar had settled to the bottom. Lena tried a bite or two but found
it unappetizing. She settled for the toast with its thin film of jelly
and, of course, that warm cup of coffee.
As Lena walked back to her room to finish dressing, she thought to herself,
"Oh, Im so lucky to have something to look forward to. Its
good to have a daughter to wait for."
Lena picked out one of her favorite pair of slacks, a crème colored
blouse and a blue cardigan sweater to keep her warm. It was drafty sometimes.
She dressed and ran a brush through her graying hair thinking it might
be time for a hair cut. Then she walked to her comfortable chair and
began to watch for her daughters new silver car. It was very distinctive.
"Are you having lunch today?" the voice was abrupt.
Lena blinked several times. Had she fallen asleep? She wasnt sure.
"Im waiting for my daughter," she answered. Her voice
was strained with sleep and lack of use.
"Now, dear, you know your daughter died last year in that terrible
court house shoot out. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, it
was. We all felt just terrible about it. But you cant keep pretending.
You must not disappoint yourself," the woman in the purple hospital
workers uniform said.
Lena erupted in loud sobs. Her face was hidden in her hands as she leaned
"What happened? Is someone hurt?"an authoritative voice from
the door way asked.
"I just reminded her about her daughter and that she didnt
have to wait," the one in purple said apologetically.
"Dont you realize that telling her that now is like telling
her for the first time. She must relive that grief," the supervisor
explained. "This is more than cruel."
"I didnt mean to be cruel. I thought she just needed a reminder
so she wouldnt be disappointed," the one in purple tried
to excuse herself.
"Go find something else to do, Chris," the supervisor ordered.
"Dont come back to this room today."
The supervisor sat on Lenas bed and put an arm around Lenas
shoulder. She made comforting gestures and sounds while Lena sobbed.
"There, there," she said, "itll be better, just
you wait."
After a long period of time, Lenas sobs quieted. Lena took another
tissue from the supervisor and wiped at her eyes which were red and
The supervisor picked up the phone and ordered some hot tea for Lena.
It arrived quickly. "Here, Lena, Ive had some tea ordered
for you. It will taste really good and will help you relax. Just take
a sip."
The supervisor helped Lena steady her hands which were trembling. She
understood the wisdom of allowing her to do the actual lifting of the
cup and drinking.
"Its good, thank you. I was cold, you know," Lena said
very weakly.
"I thought you might be chilly," the supervisor said.
"I wish you would come to my room more," Lena gave a crooked
smile to the supervisor.
"Oh, I stop by ever so often," the supervisor explained.
"Have you met my daughter? I know she would like you," Lena
"Ive talked to her on the phone a year ago. She seemed very
nice, very intelligent."
"Oh, she is. Shes an attorney, you know," Lena said
with pride, her tears forgotten.
"Drink your tea now, Lena. I have to get on with my work today.
Ill visit you again."
Lena sat back in her chair and thought about her visit. It felt good
to have a visit, yes, even a tea party. She couldnt wait to tell
her daughter.
"I wonder how I can work that into my conversation with my daughter,"
Lena thought. "I shouldnt begin with that. I should start
with her work. She is always glad to talk about her research. Then maybe
I can work it in about the tea party."
"Housekeeping," a voice from the doorway interrupted Lenas
thoughts. "Would you mind if I just did a little dusting?"
"Just leave it alone, wont you? That dust isnt in the
way and besides, Im waiting for a visit from my daughter, the
© marcia dumler
June 2009
<mdumler_66073 at yahoo.com>
stories about life in Dreamscapes
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