Trek to Kailash Mansarovar in Tibet
Murli Menon 6.23.22
After completing three pre-scheduled treks in the Nepal Himalayas, we decided that we would proceed to Mount Kailash through the Kodari border between Nepal and Tibet.
Coconuts, Coffee and Close Calls on the Mekong Delta
David Calleja
Who needs an alarm clock when your travelling companion is an ex-soldier?
golden fingers break the diaphanous, misty morning veil that drapes
the landscape
a flash of electric blue of a little-blue kingfisher
Catalan Springs Eternal
Olivia Montiel
“El mue nom és Olivia. Sóc dels Estats Units,” the few words I remembered from my half semester of Catalan seems to have paid off.

James Paul McCartney Turns 80
James Campion
I feel obligated to acknowledge the eightieth birthday of James Paul McCartney – June 18, 2022.
Inflation Train = Political Pain
James Campion 6.7.22
No one should be paying over eleven dollars for a jar of marinara sauce. And it would seem for Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his party’s chances of staying in power, high prices and confusion on how it gets there means big trouble.

Freelance Writing? You Need to Find Your Niche(s)
Jaron Pak 6.01.22
if you’re a effective, creative writer with high output and quality writing, you can honestly earn a lot of money by freelancing your skills...

4 Ways to Be Mindful in a High-Paced Career
Indiana Lee 6.23.22
According to the American Institute of Stress, 83% of U.S. workers suffer from work-related stress.
One Alien Alienation in the Alien Nation - James Campion 6.10.22
David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars at 50
Helping Writers Find Solace in Sobriety - Indiana Lee 6.7.22
As a writer, you’ve probably heard the maxim commonly associated with Hemingway “Write drunk, edit sober”. In fact, this kind of thinking may have led you to think that drinking alcohol will, in some way, improve your creative practice.

Why the Carbon Footprint Threatens More Than Just the Future - Benjamin Frew
It is hot
air, so I am told, that has let loose the plug from the hourglass that
counts down towards our destruction