
The Problem With Modern Parenting is... Nobody Does Any
Colin James
'Does that
sound like a lot of work? It is. Its still called parenting'.
have any kids. I dont have any pets either. Heck, I dont
even have any plants these days and, given the fates that befell
those few plants Ive had in the past, my never-born children
and never-bought kittens have been pretty damned lucky. I do have
to admit that Id kind of like to own a cat (as much as anyone
manages to own a cat), but I really dont want any kids; the
financial burden, the inviolable long-term commitment, the sleepless
nights when theyre infants screaming in the darkness and the
sleepless nights when theyre teenagers out somewhere in the
darkness. Mostly I dont want to be that responsible for another
living being. And it seems to me that an awful lot of parents today
feel the same way. |
I know, I know, its
easy to criticize from the sidelines and where do I get off telling people
how to raise their kids when I dont know anything about it? Ill
grant you that I am on the sidelines on this one, but I do know a thing
or two about raising a child. You see, I used to be a child. Sure my memories
of the first three or four years are a little fuzzy, but I was essentially
present the entire time I was being raised. And I think I turned out okay.
Ive never killed anyone, as much as Ive sometimes wanted to,
and I pay my taxes, as much as I dont want to. All in all I think
Ive turned into a pretty decent contributing member of society.
Im a nice guy for crying out loud.
Sure, fine, okay, I think my parents went a little overboard on that last
one. Im on record on that point, but letting me run wild in the
streets like a feral dog wasnt their only other option. A pity that
I see so many children today being allowed to do just that Im
sorry, I mean being allowed to express themselves freely. If Id
ever expressed myself that freely as a lad Id have had my rump warmed
in no short order. Im certainly not saying that children should
be beaten or abused but, as a friends father used to put it so well,
there are no vital organs in an ass. Nor am I saying that children should
be seen and not heard; I ran around the local park and yelled from the
top of the monkey bars and got plenty of grass stains on my knees as a
kid and I think thats fine. Whats not fine is when children
run around a restaurant that doesnt have its own ball pit, or climb
the shelves at the supermarket, or kick strangers in the shins and run
away giggling or yelling obscenities. And what is absolutely not fine
is when their parents just stand around while these things are happening,
ignoring it.
Two recent events set this rant off. The first occurred a few days ago
at my local outlet of a multi-national caffeinated beverage company. I
wont name them, but in the Austin Powers movies Dr. Evil owns them,
as I think he may in real life. I go there to either have a quiet conversation
with friends or to read whatever book Im reading at the moment (Unweaving
the Rainbow by Richard Dawkins, and its absolutely brilliant by
the way) in peace and quiet and someplace that isnt my apartment.
I dont go there to listen to a nine or ten year old stomp around
yelling, essentially, "Look at me," while that childs
father chats blithely on his cell phone. No "Behave," no "Stop
that this instant young man," no "Right, off home with you and
no video games for a week if thats how you think you should act
in public," just willfully blind ignorance. Although Im pretty
sure that would have changed had I given in to my baser instincts and
clipped the child one around the ear hole.

The second event that set this off is considerably more chilling, but
Im not really sure how far removed it is otherwise. I made the mistake
of reading the newspaper and came across a brief article on the sentencing
of Rie Fujii. Id made a similar mistake a couple of months earlier
and read a longer story about her conviction, and I was awe struck by
the sheer horror of what shed done. For those unfamiliar, Miss Fujii
left her two infant children, aged 3 months and 15 months, alone in her
apartment while she went out of town to party with her new boyfriend for
ten days. When she returned to discover that theyd starved to death
in her absence she tossed the younger childs body in the dumpster
and went back out of town to continue partying. Im literally shaking
with rage as I type this, folks. Im the guy who doesnt want
to take responsibility for a houseplant, but this woman had two children.
Think about that for a moment: her commitment to the responsibility of
being a parent was so non-existent that she actually had a second child
that she couldnt be bothered taking care of!
Am I out of line suggesting that these are two incidents of the same phenomena?
I dont think so. I think its only a difference of degree
a big difference perhaps but nothing more than that. And there are plenty
of examples to fit in between these two. As loathe as I am to suggest
this, watch a few daytime TV talk shows. Watch a mother claim that its
cruel to refuse to give her 100 lb. two year old french fries when he
cries. Watch another decry that her teen daughter dresses too sexily,
but be unable to answer the audiences question as to who buys the
daughter her the clothes. Watch yet another beg the host to "Boot
Camp" her out of control pre-teen, whom it seems shes done
nothing to control herself. Watch the news to see which video game company
or movie studio or rock band is being sued for some teenagers rampage
or suicide by parents who didnt think it necessary to monitor what
their child watched or listened to. Check out a news report about pedophiles
who convince young girls on internet chat rooms to pose naked in front
of their web cams in their bedrooms. Shoot the pedophiles, sure, but what
kind of lazy parenting does it take to put a computer with an internet
connection in your childs bedroom. Put it in the family room or
kitchen; put it in a corner, with the monitor facing out so you can see
it; dont give the kids your password so they cant go online
when youre not there; and make them wear headphones so they cant
tell when youre standing behind them, reading over their shoulders.
Does that sound like suffocating zealotry intended to crush a childs
spirit? It isnt. Its called parenting. Does that sound like
a lot of work? It is. Its still called parenting. And does that
sound like too much work? Then dont have kids.
I know some damn good parents, and some of them are single parents before
anybody tries to use that as a defense. Some of them dont have a
heck of a lot of money, almost all of the two parent families are two
working parent families, and none of them have degrees in psychology or
nannies or superhuman patience or natural parenting instincts. But they
are putting in the time and the effort and theyre raising their
kids right. And one of these days their kids are going to leave the nest
to become productive members of society, and Im afraid theyre
going to wind up the victims of some little sociopath whose parents thought
could raise himself because they just couldnt be bothered.
Prospective parents should have to pass a test to get a license to have
children. Bugger civil liberties and government interference: if society
is going to have to clean up the mess left by lazy, inept, careless parents
then it should be able to protect itself from them. You need a license
to own a firearm or to drive a car or to be a teacher because of the potential
for harming others, but when is the potential for harm greater than taking
responsibility for raising a child? Nobody would support a system that
said "Heres a handgun or a sports car or a class of young minds,
have fun and well check in on you in a few years." People wouldnt
stand for it, but well let anybody have a child with no concerns
about whether or not theyre going even to try to raise it properly
until its too late for us or the kid. And Im not talking about
a knowledge test either: you can learn how to raise a child. I mean something
that will determine if you are actually willing to raise a child; if you
will put in those sleepless nights; if you will hand out discipline and
praise and help and affection as required; if you will pay attention to
what your kids are doing and where theyre doing it and who theyre
doing it with; and if you will realize that parenting isnt quality
time or quantity time, its full time.
© Colin Haslett October 2002
email: chaslett@intergate.ca
Big Lie
James Haslett
'A guy
can die if he doesnt get any'
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