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The International Writers Magazine: Travel and Comment
now that Iraq has finally been "liberated" from that evil
tyrant, Saddam (according to the Bush administration spin machine
at any rate) one cannot help but wonder when the next cohort of
occupying forces will move in on Baghdad
You know, the ones
that tote Canons instead of semi-automatics; whose uniform typically
consists of sandals, shorts and Ray Bans, instead of combat gear,
flak jackets and desert boots? Yes, Im talking the tourists,
who seem to flock to a war zone with even greater zeal than a division
of Messrs Bush and Blairs Allied "freedom fighters".
It seems
theres nothing better that a good bit of tragedy, genocide or
wanton death and destruction to get that tourist dollar pouring in.
How long before adventure travelers the world over begin clamouring
for a glimpse of Saddams resplendent palaces, constructed with
the generous financial aid of hundreds of thousands of starving Iraqi
children, perhaps picking up a few comedy WMD key-rings as souvenirs
for the folks back home? How long before backpackers decide upon the
picturesque Tora Bora mountains as the next trekking hotspot, with the
added incentive of a full cash refund courtesy of the CIA should they
haplessly happen upon the elusive, bearded worlds most wanted
whilst tending to their ill-fitting-brand-spanking-new-hi-tech-walking-boots-induced
blisters? How long before honeymooners begin planning two-centre jaunts
to Liberias most war-torn scenic spots? I mean, take a look at
the de rigeur destinations currently currying favour
look at Auschwitz,
look at Cambodia
look at Vietnam
The latter has become a veritable backpackers darling in recent
years, second now only to Thailand on any "Indochina Highlights"
tour of South-East Asia. Its easy to see why: with endless stretches
of mountain-backdropped white sandy beaches; seafood to set those saliva
glands a-salivating (I mean take a look at a map youd be
hard-pressed not to find a decent bit of cod in this quasi-omni-coastal
country); world-class diving; a truly sublime climate; and most importantly,
an innumerable assortment of war-related tourist sites (Massacres? DMZs?
Battlegrounds? Theyre all here!) to have history buffs utterly
moist with anticipation, Nam does appear to epitomize Shangri
La for the contemporary adventure traveller. To the victor emerging
triumphant from the gauntlet of Vietnamese immigration procedure (perhaps
the only reminder in this increasingly market-driven society that one
has just touched down in a Communist country
the blissful absence
of a McDonalds notwithstanding) the spoils
In seeming testimony to this, the Ho Chi Minh trail has become well
worn of late, by a caravan of Berghaus boots, their owners itching to
catch a glimpse of the former Saigons eponymous communist heros
Play-Doh-esque corpse in the mausoleum at Hanoi; admire the breathtaking
(if you allow your gaze to drift upwards to the spectacular bejeweled
dragons and other Chinese characters adorning the roof eaves) World
Heritage-listed Imperial Citadel at Hue; enjoy a spot of diving or snorkeling
amongst coral reefs off the coast of Nha-Trang; pause for a moment of
nauseous reflection at the sobering War Remnants Museum (formerly the
Museum of American War Crimes, until the potential of tapping into the
US tourism/pilgrimage market was realized) in Ho Chi Minh City; or indulging
in an obligatory Apocalypse Now moment by taking a boat trip through
the labyrinthine canals of the Mekong Delta...
Anyone craving some respite from the hothouse tourbillon of congestion,
and honking horns (surely nothing can remind one more forcefully of
the transience of human existence than the near-miss of crossing a Vietnamese
city road and coming face to face with the grim reaper in the form of
a pollution-masked rider absent-mindedly bombing along on his/her Honda
(day)Dream) that tends to characterize South-East Asian cities, need
search no farther than the unhurried Bohemian rêverie of riverside
Hoi An. Easily accessible by minibus from Hue via the pictorial Ocean
Cloud Pass, Hoi An is admittedly becoming somewhat of a tourist trap,
its seductive charm like a siren, luring the urban-weary tourist to
come and partake of its laid-back vibe, its astonishing (for such a
small town) array of culinary and shopping opportunities and quaint
architectural delights, all eminently explorable on foot or by going
native and hiring a bicycle.
opportunities abound in Hoi An, though they are not of the conventional
- second-this-week" format. An important port town in the sixteenth
century attracting merchants from the worlds great trading
nations, present-day Hoi An continues to belie its glorious, mercantile
heyday with its rich fusion of Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and
European architectural influences. A combined ticket, allowing access
to a choice of four of Hoi Ans most visit-worthy sights can
conveniently be purchased from the towns tourist office. |
curio-filled Chinese merchants house Tan Ky House, a gorgeously-preserved
example of the towns many charming 200-year old, wooden-fronted
shop-houses, and the ostentatious Cantonese Assembly Hall are both
worth an awe-induced gawp, as is the unquestionably kawaii Japanese
Covered Bridge appropriated as the symbol of the town by
the Hoi Anians (Hoi Anese??) and thus an absolute must.
Hoi An is really becoming reputed for amongst backpacker circles, however
its shopping. Controversial perhaps, but I am willing to stake
my reputation as a fashion goddess on the claim that this tiny, sleepy,
Vietnamese town boasts greater "whip-out-the-plastic- and-treat-yourself!"
temptations than Paris, Milan and London put together
Why? Well
in Hoi An, the shoppers creative imagination has full reign
sartorial fantasies can be realized unbridled. Step into any one of
the towns innumerable haberdashers and you will be greeted
by the tantalizing vision of an Aladdins cave of cloth
upon reams of fabric in all colours, shades and patterns, supplemented
by enormous piles of Vogue, Elle and various other "style Bibles"
from which to select your clothly object of desire. Simply take your
pick, and a sexy little number will be rustled up quicker than you can
say "Im in heaven". Like winning the Golden ticket for
Willy Wonkas House of Style
if it couldnt get any better, prices are economic good sense-defyingly
reasonable - expect to pay around $25-$30 for a suit and
quality can be exquisite if you shop around. A worthwhile investment
for the ladies is the omni-flattering, traditional Vietnamese ao
dai; a two-piece of contour-gliding, Chinese-collared tunic over
a pair of floaty, silken trousers and officially the sexiest outfit
in the world according to my male traveling companions. I paid $16US
for mine, and managed to pick up a pair of matching, beaded shoes
hand-made to fit my own ugly feet (I found myself on the
receiving end of some quite brusque Vietnamese lets-not-beat-around-the-bushness
when, during a foot massage I was quite unceremoniously informed
that I am a "pretty girl" but that I have "ugly feet",
before being asked by my masseuse if I would like her to "scrape
off" said offending patches of dry, two-solid-months-in-me-flip-flops
skin. Delightful!) for a jaw-dropping $10 in the cobblers
next door. |
Hoi An - Vietnam
those whose shopping preferences do not tend towards the sartorial,
Hoi An is the perfect place to pick up a piece of original, local art
with its plethora of independent galleries. A day can easily be whiled
away browsing, chatting to the artists and watching them at work
And if all that just seems too much like hard work, why not wind down
in one of Hoi Ans excellent restaurants and cafes with a plate
of steamed fish in banana leaf or a bowl of the local speciality cao
lau (thick rice-flour noodles in a light broth topped with beansprouts
and pork-rind croutons), a chilled bottle of Tiger beer in hand. Mmmmm
with this vision in mind, the thought that one is chilling out in a
former war-zone is almost inconceivable
So, next stop Baghdad? Enough parallels have been drawn between "Gulf
War II" and the quagmire that was Vietnam, and if this country
so often synonymous with conflict, rampant counter-democracy ideology
and US military failure can rebuild and lodge itself firmly at the top
of the tourist agenda, well who knows
? I found the people of Vietnam
to be so warm and welcoming (the infamous two-tiered pricing system
aside: one price for Vietnamese; another astronomical [by comparison
in truth its still pretty damn cheap for even the most
impoverished Westerner] price for the rest of us), that one would be
forgiven for forgetting that its only a matter of 30-odd years
since they were the victims of another exercise in military masturbation
carried out in the name of "freedom". However, constant reminders
in the shape of napalm-scarred beggars lining each Ho Chi Minh street
corner, attempting to elicit a few dong from passing neo-imperials in
tourist garb (it is not untenable to imagine that the recent wave of
Western travelers to Vietnams shores may be viewed as such) reveal
that although the enchanting charms of Hoi An allow for a temporary
amnesia, pushing recent history to the backs of minds, it is certainly
not a case of Apocalypse Forgotten
© Racheal Walker Feb 2004
Life Changes at the Edge of the World - Racheal Walker in Cambodia
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