Comment: Middle Eastern Politics
Saddams Ticket Was Punched
As if
anyone still needed being told at this point, we can forget everything
that weve ever heard about the imminence of weapons
of mass destruction in Iraq. No doubt Saddam Hussein would
have like to have had them. And indeed he tried. But as suspected
all along, the presence of WMDs was a trumped up premise for
invading Iraq.
no one would ever have accused President George W. Bush holding a torch
for Saddam Hussein. And much of this presidency (GW Bush) started out
as a quest to reclaim lost family honor and take care of some unfinished
business left over from his fathers presidency (Bush Snr). Nevertheless,
when the younger Bush first took office, contrary to popular belief,
Iraq was not on his radar. His Middle-East policy was actually a study
in running away from taking ANY stands, lest his presidency get hopelessly
pulled into that regions morass the same as every other U.S. presidency
dating back to Harry Trumans over half a century ago. But then
came 9/11.
When it comes to Osama Bin Laden, I must say that I dont really
care what is going on inside his mangled mind. (There are some who even
say that, as with George W. Bush, Bin Laden too, is driven by an obsession
to restore the rightful honor to his family name in Saudi Arabia, after
his famous father was snubbed and shunted aside by the House of Saud.)
Though it would be nice if he died a death similar that Mel Gibson suffered
in Braveheart, to me, Bin Laden is simply the charismatic face (and
source of money) of Al Queda. But he and Al Queda can only exist because
there is a great rage out there. The foot soldiers that sustain Al Queda
-and there seems to be an endless supply of them these days- come from
all across the Islamic world.
If individual Moslims were asked to single out the biggest
reason for their outrage towards America, to a person they would answer,
"Are you kidding? Support for Israels oppression of the Palestinians."
Now, this can open up a whole other set of essays and debates, which
intellects greater than mine have been waging for years. Let me just
stipulate that A) Israels right to exist, securely, is SACROSANCT,
and B) the attacking and slaughtering of innocent civilians for political
purposes, when other options exist, is indefensible.
However, to Moslims sympathetic to, and enraged by, the plight of ordinary
Palestinian refugees (not to be confused with the radicalized Hamas,
Al Aqsa Brigades, everyones favorite bogeyman Yasser Arafat, etc.,)
Israel, behind the sheild and money of the United States, is seen as
an occupying force that brings roofs down on the heads of sleeping children,
and has no intention of ever letting up on the refugees until every
last Palestinian has been driven across the Jordan River. Certainly,
looking at maps of the region starting in 1948 and continuing on through
to today, its irrefutable that Israeli territory expands as the
carved up remains on which Palestinians hope to someday make a homeland,
continue to disappear.
For its part, Israel is paralyzed by fear. Just as the ruling whites
in South Africa were afraid of what awaited them if they ever lost power
to the black majority, many Israelis live in fear a Palestinian state
coming into being. Instructive, are these famous lines from the pen
of Alan Paton: "Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child
that is the inheritor of our fear
. For fear will rob him of all
But ultimately, it is just that: fear. And their fear is
robbing Israelis of the reconciliation and peace that South
African whites have belatedly discovered. That, and the religious zealotry
of ultra-rightists, preclude Israel from ever truly allowing a negotiated
deal with the Palestinians to take hold. Even after a most recent triumph
in Geneva, where non-official teams from both Israel and the Palistinian
territories just hammered out an agreement that took them two years
to achieve, the Sharon-led Israeli government is rejecting and denigrating
the effort. Left to themselves, Israelis and Palestinians are incapable
of working out peace and a two-state solution. Theyve proven this
again and again.
The difference now is, that, America can no longer unquestioningly support
Israel. Islamic terrorists are holding America responsible for the misery
of the Palestinians. And have brought war to Americas shores.
So America now has no choice but to hold Israels feet to the fire
and make them accept the reality of statehood for the Palestinians.
I repeat: Because its not going to happen any other way, a re-elected
President Bush is going to impose on Israel the acceptance of a viable
Palestinian state.
But timing in this is everything.
Bush is convinced that media coverage of his father in 1992 turned sour
coinciding with his administrations crackdown on Israel, when
Israel was caught using U.S. taxpayers money to expand Jewish
settlements in the West Bank. The younger Bush is convinced, and he
has said as much, that this cost his father re-election. He was determined
not to repeat the mistake of crossing Americas Christian right/Jewish
voter nexus. Until he is re-elected, that is.
But in the meantime, there have been other important groundwork
steps to be taken. The main one being that if Israel were to be forced
by America into making a deal with the Palestinians, America would have
to guarantee Israels security.
Now lets have a look at this. The Arab world has de facto accepted
and recognized Israel as a sovereign neighbor. Last year, behind Saudi
Arabias leadership, the Arab League adopted a peace proposal that
grants Israel full diplomatic recognition if Israel allows statehood
for Palestinians. Egypt and Jordan long ago made peace with Israel.
Lebanon is gingerly putting itself back together after decades of destructive
civil war and poses no serious threat to the integrity of Israel. Libyas
Muammar Khadaffi has said that it is time to make peace with Israel.
Syria vacillates between negotiating with Israel and not, but they are
not crazy. Theyre just angling for political leverage in the region.
The same can increasingly be said for Iran.
Frankly, the only real threat to stability in the Middle-East has always
been Saddam Hussein. He started two wars against his neighbors. He attempted
to drag all Arab nations into the Gulf War by bombing Israel with Scud
missiles in 1991. The man is a twisted miscreant who was the worst on
his own people. GOD FORBID if he ever had gotten his hands on THE BOMB.
All of humanity could have been pulled down into a war between civiliations
in that case. There is no way that Israel could have been dragged into
making deals that it felt compromised its security, with Saddam Hussein
still in power just a volley of lobbed missiles away. But now that excuse
has been removed.
It is at this point, that Id like to thrown in that there were
secondary and tertiary motivations too, for the ouster of Husseins
After America s support for Israel, the next biggest source of
outrage to Moslims had been the deaths of thousands of Iraqi children
each year due to the American-led embargo on Iraq. Not just America,
but the United Nations and its member nations too, backed the embargo.
Nobody wanted to see Hussein rebuild his arsenal for making war. The
problem was, he managed to play hide-n-seek with U.N. arms inspectors,
and kept on building new palaces for himself, even while Iraqi children
were dying. The embargo was a failed idea that was killing children,
impoverishing ordinary Iraqis, but not accomplishing much else. The
Arab world seethed at this. Though he would never admit so publicly,
Bush and even more so, Secretary of State Colin Powell - knew
the sanctions regime had to go. But damned if they were going to go
back to leaving Hussein to own devices. And then there was the presence
of the infidel American armed forces stationed on the sacred
Islamic lands of Saudi Arabia, home to Mecca and Medina. This presence
dated back to thirteen years ago, when Iraq had invaded Kuwait. The
U.S. stayed on in order to deter Hussein from trying to grab Iraqs
19th Province again, or worse yet, Saudi Arabia itself.
But this indignity always stuck in the craw of conservative Moslims.
Never forget that 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi citizens.
Though that this was the reason behind an abrupt policy change is one
more thing that the U.S. would never acknowledge, actions speak louder
than words. With Hussein removed from power, U.S. forces got out of
Saudia Arabia, in toto, this past August.
There is a lot which the U.S. cannot admit to, but that is behind its
actions. When you get down to it though, a stunned President George
Bush must have huddled with his advisors shortly after September 11,
2001 and asked, "How can the Muslim world hate us so much?"
And then, "What can we do to stop it?" After that, Saddam
Hussein never stood a chance.
© JT Brown December 8th 2003
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