
I Think I Think
JT Brown
and the Chipmonks were at it this year from November 27th, with
their ode to Christmas cheer. American Armed Forces Radio (which
I listen to a lot of here in Japan) started interspersing seasonal
music into its playlist from that day. Myself, I always promise
to not put up the Christmas tree or otherwise engage in holiday-like
behavior until the calandar at least says that its December.
But now, it is December.
Mt Fuji in Winter
And being
that it is indeed the month in which we close out the year, in one of
the grand traditions of the year-end holidays, I shall now indulge in
some bloviation about both this year gone by, and the new year about
to commence. Here is a little potpourri of Things I Think I Think,
both on my usual beat, Japan, and on other things which I have even
less credibility blathering. And be forewarned, I conclude with a prediction
for next year that may make you drop your glass of eggnog.
Year 2003
.in Japan will probably be most remembered for
roll, please)
.absolutely NOTHING. To America, her allies,
and Iraq, the this will be the year that the former two went into
the latter and ousted Saddam Husseins regime. However that
story may play out, people will look to 2003 as the year that it
started. Former Soviet state Georgia just had its own Velvet
Revolution; countries from Liberia to Malaysia to Argentina
all had major changes at the top. But in Japan, Im telling
ya, nobody is going to remember this year for anything. I seriously
believe that the most talked about story this year in the Japanese
media was loss of Japans preeminent baseball star, Hideki
Matsui, to the New York Yankees. |
say that sometimes no news is good news. I suppose.
.was the year Madonna tried to convince us that she is now
an author -of books for children, no less. I just cant seem to
get out of my head A) her last attempt at authoring back in 1992 (a
nice little tome for your coffee table entitled "Sex"), and
B) American social commentator Stanley Crouchs remark about Madonna
being "celebrated for her willingness to swim through the cultural
sewer with her mouth wide open". (Boy, I wish I had said that.)
.saw weird weather everywhere. Here in Japan, the summer was
very cool and saw much more rainfall than normal. Conversely, searing
heat in Europe, especially France, flambéed Frenchmen by the
thousands. (Then the rain drowned the south of France early this December.)
And, of course, power was knocked out across much of North America for
a brief spell last August.
..also saw the Euro rise to its highest level ever versus the
U.S dollar. But no sooner did that happen, then the Germans and the
French (mostly, those insufferable French) undercut the integrity of
the Euro by declaring that they wouldnt honor commitments to keep
deficit spending under control, even while everybody else was. (I say
we could use a few more heatwaves in Gay Paree.)
.was when I coined a new term for myself. You may hereby refer
to me as a member of the digital ignorati. To tell the truth,
I think that I fall in somewhere towards the middle of the spectrum
spanning technological Cro-Magnons at the one end and nanosystem computation
engineers that are twelve year-old at the other. But it was in pleading
by email with Yahoo! Customer Care for an actual human response (they
had previously tried dispatching me and my question into a labyrinth
of automated responses and FAQ-filled URL links), that I used the above
self-deprecating language to describe myself in an attempt to coax some
body at Yahoo! Customer Care to actually care
about me -or at least take pity on me- and field my question. (I eventually
got replies that were signed off with the name Chris. But
I cannot vouch as to whether or not this Chris was an actual
being capable of fogging a glass. The content of the emails
never really changed and my problem was never really solved.)
However, I did end up sort of liking the ring to digital ignorati.
If the self-proclaimed literati, and now digerati, can have
their own monikers, why not people like me? To call me a technophobe
wouldnt be apt, because Im not exactly fearful of technology.
In fact, the fleeting techno-whiz in me once figured out a way to upload
Japanese text onto a Geocitiess American (English language only)-built
site, by way of this sophisticated (read cumbersome) six-step
process I invented. The techno-buffoon in me, however, still doesnt
know how to email photos without having them open in the other partys
email software at approximately the same size as a football pitch. So,
I am of the digital ignorati. Are you?

The Year 2004
Toyota on top
but Mazda sells the world's most desirable car in the RX8
briefly show a modicum of improvement for the Japanese economy.
Nothing homegrown, as consumer spending, which accounts for 60%
of the economy here, has not, and will not pick up. Wholesale prices
also recently registered their 38th consecutive month of decline,
and that will continue too. But the U.S. and China are sizzling
as of late. So as always, Japan will rev up its export engine and
milk that for what its worth. Already, Japanese high-end steel manufacturers
of flat-rolled steel cant keep up with the demand from Chinese
orders. (Please look for an upcoming piece by me on Japans
deepening relationship with China, as I continue next year my series
of essays humbly entitled JTs Unified Theory of Japans
Place in the Cosmos). This boost in exports is not a long
term fix to Japans woes, but 2004 will probably see two percent
GNP growth; enough to pull Japan back from the precipice for now.
quietly go down as the Year of the Toyota. One ongoing,
unmitigated success story from Japan continues to be that of Toyota
Motors. Say what you will about the Japanese, they do continue to make
excellent automobiles. The best, in fact. Forced to compete unprotected
out in the rest of the world, Toyota is now set pass Ford Motor sometime
late in 2004 as the worlds number two automaker leaving only General
Motors in its sites on its march to number one. This is when counting
total units sold worldwide. If we were to count either profits or market
capitalization, Toyota already would be king. In fact, at $108 billion,
Toyota has a greater market value than the $87 billion of General Motors,
Ford, and DaimlerChrysler COMBINED (ref. Yahoo! finance).
.shall see actor Tom Cruises latest, The Last Samurai,
faring better in Japan, of course, than it does anywhere else. Being
headlined by Cruise, it could do well enough in the States, too. But
I just dont see people still talking about this flick come next
years year-end review time. Western interest in stories about
Japan probably peaked around the same time the Karate Kid
movies were kicking up a storm. Sorry Tom. He made the effort in 2003
to come to Japan not once, but twice, to promote his movie. On both
occasions, Cruise gave his audience, the Japanese media and public,
what they wanted to hear. Platitudes about the honorable
Japanese warrior character. At one press conference he said, "When
I read (the script of) The Last Samurai and looked into
bushido (the code of the Japanese warrior), there are things
in bushido that I believe as a man about compassion, loyalty, and duty."
Blah, blah, blah. Anybody who knows anything about Japans samurai
history, knows that it is mostly a history of treachery, power plays,
constant side-switching and the selling out of allies and even family.
Decadence led to this warrior classes overthrow in the middle
of the nineteenth century. But I do look forward to seeing this movie
when it comes out on video, Tom.
.is going to have U.S. President George Bush defeating a Howard
Dean/Dick Gephardt ticket in a narrow victory come November. And then
... ( just as you had sprinkled some nutmeg atop your eggnog, my most
jaw-dropping prediction
) once freed from the burden of having
to worry about re-election politics, President Bush is going to show
the world the real reason he overthrew Saddam Hussein. In an about face
of over thirty years of American diplomacy that will leave their yarmulkas
spinning in Jerusalem, President Bush is going to lower the boom on
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Israel!
Using American leverage against Israel like no other president has dared
do so before, the President will make a no-holds-barred attempt to force
Israel to come to terms with the Palestinians once and for all, to create
a viable, independent Palestinian state. I dont know if he will
succeed, but this is what President Bush will be up to once he has been
re-elected, just about this time next year.
And if you want to to just how I got this wacky idea into my head -and
what Saddam Hussein had to do with it- please see my piece on just this
topic (Why Saddams Ticket Was Punched).
Happy Holidays!
© JT Brown - December 8th 2003
{All of JTs previous Hackwriters.com articles are indexed at
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